MS in Data Science: self-paced, 10 months, under $10k

Discussion in 'IT and Computer-Related Degrees' started by Seylan, Jun 5, 2020.

  1. Seylan

    Seylan New Member

  2. nomaduser

    nomaduser Active Member

  3. JoshD

    JoshD Well-Known Member

    Those rankings are insane. How could you be ranked in the 60s in the US but in the 30s in the world?
    MaceWindu and Mac Juli like this.
  4. nomaduser

    nomaduser Active Member

    I don't know. Maye they have different criterias for world ranking vs US ranking.
    Nonetheless, University of Texas at Austin is much more popular and recognized... if you were to pay the same $10k, I'd recommend going with UoTA.
  5. Seylan

    Seylan New Member

    There's also Georgia Tech's MS in Analytics for $10K and they also highly ranked. I believe both of those are not self-paced though and will take much longer to complete.
  6. nomaduser

    nomaduser Active Member

    Yes, ranking indeed matters ... high ranking indicates employers generally appreciate degrees from those schools.
    Ranking isn't everything but that's the way it is in the real world.
  7. Seylan

    Seylan New Member

    I guess that depends more on the company and where in the world you are situated. I know in my current company, managers don't really care about where you studied.
    And unfortunately, not everyone can get accepted into highly ranked schools.
    MaceWindu and nomaduser like this.
  8. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Because rankings are total BS.
    MaceWindu, heirophant and JoshD like this.
  9. AsianStew

    AsianStew Moderator Staff Member

    This MS in Data Science isn't bad at all, as I love self-paced courses.
    If you finish this in a year, it's 10K. Added to my "short-lists"...
    MaceWindu, Seylan and JoshD like this.
  10. bernieyeater

    bernieyeater Member

    What is the cheapest Masters of Computer Science? Would even look at DETC or overseas.
  11. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member

  12. missycosmi

    missycosmi New Member

    how does Eastern's MS in Data Science compare to Western Governor's MS in Data Analytics? Which of those is a better program? University name recognization and value-wise etc.
  13. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Liverpool John Moores - That's the same well-reputed University where Brian May, guitarist and songwriter of the legendary group Queen, was named Chancellor, after finishing his Ph.D. in Astrophysics at Imperial College, London , which he completed after a 30+ year hiatus. I noticed the price was in rupees. Works out to around $180 a month. Is this a special deal for Indians alone - or can any qualified person buy in?
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2020
    Mac Juli likes this.
  14. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    I just LOVE it when well-known musicians, screen stars, sports stars earn advanced degrees, unrelated to their current profession. Breaks stereotypes - and offers a completely new look at the persona. Shaquille O'Neal, Eva Longoria Bastón, Brian May ....
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2020
    MasterChief likes this.
  15. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member

    Didn't read anything about "Indians only", but well...
  16. AsianStew

    AsianStew Moderator Staff Member

    Neither of them have name recognition, they've just got value at 10K. If you want name recognition and also value, go for the MOOC partner degrees from Coursera, Edx, FutureLearn, Udacity, and Upgrad.

    The best reputation and a very affordable program in Comp Sci most likely is the Udacity & Georgia Tech OMSCS at $8K USD, there are others very near that price from Coursera/Edx, there are other degree providers from FutureLearn as well, but the cheapest goes Upgrad offerings.

    On the sister board, here's a previous post in regards to comparing the pricing of the Upgrad program offerings
    MaceWindu likes this.
  17. missycosmi

    missycosmi New Member

    Thanks, seem like Georgia Tech and UT Austin, and UIUC are very selective? WGU gave me a scholarship, the degree will end up around 6000 sth if I take two terms to finish. Is it worth it? I worry I can not get into the big-name programs with no background in computer science or Analytics. My undergrad was in Economics many many years ago with no financial or technical experience. My main goal for the degree is getting an entry-level job in analytics or IT related fields. Also, in this forum, I noticed many of you have many degrees! More than one master and more than one Bachelors etc. I wonder how that helps you guys career-wise!
  18. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member

    It doesn't. In my case, it's really just vanity. I got every job I ever got by personal connections or by being known in my niche market, and I never succeeded in getting any job that was posted officially. - However, you should not take me as an example.
  19. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Same! I'm not surprised, though, since you don't get to the top of any profession without being a real go-getter.
    Johann likes this.
  20. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    I believe that, but sometimes the go-getting is concentrated outside the academic world. Examples: Sir Mick Jagger dropped out of London School of Economics to form the Rolling Stones. Not a bad economic decision at all, as it turned out. :) His band-mate Keith Richards dropped out of Art College. So did Eric Clapton.

    Conversely, a poster featuring Eric Clapton was the tipping point that led me to go back to night school and take studies seriously for much of the next 20 years. Around 1985, I saw a poster that said "Eric Clapton thinks you should be in school." It was aimed at high school students who had dropped out, or were at risk of doing so.

    However, I interpreted it as "Eric Clapton thinks Johann should be back in school - because he's a CRAP guitar player." So - back I went. Worked out pretty well. Nowadays, even my guitar playing has improved somewhat over the years... Eric did me a real service with that poster - and I once enjoyed seeing him in concert, too.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2020
    MaceWindu and SteveFoerster like this.

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