Louisiana Board of Regents actions

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Kristin Evenson Hirst, Oct 2, 2002.

  1. I just couldn't wait for the minutes to be posted, so I emailed the commissioner and secretary, and received this reply from Larry Tremblay, Associate Commissioner:

    The Board of Regents voted not to renew the licenses of the following institutions:
    Bienville University
    Columbus University
    Glenford University
    Lacrosse University

    The Board voted to extend the licenses of St. John's University and Southwest University until June 30, 2003.

    Orion College closed in June, 2002.
  2. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Excellent on all counts, IMHO.
  3. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Good moves. As mentioned before, things like this probably cause U-Haul rentals to Wyoming to skyrocket.

  4. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Unaccredited degree mills have lost another safe haven! Yippee! I'm going to chow down on a homemade chocolate brownie to celebrate!
  5. Broderick

    Broderick New Member

    It's about time

    It's about time, especially knowing that the majority of those "schools" had ads in the Marine Corps Times, suckering young Marines. They probably will now go to Wyoming and room next to slippery K-Y, I mean K-W U.


  6. I love the name "Glenford." On their website they write it as two words: "Glen Ford" -- so it sounds like the actor's name.
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    It seems ironic that the BOR would not renew Lacrosse and Bienville, but let St. John's continue to operate for nine more months. Do you know what can happen in nine months? St. Johnny's University, the offspring of SJU, could be birthed.

    Seriously, I wonder why SJU was allowed to continue operation?

    And BTW, thanks Kristin for the information. It is good news.
  8. Gus Sainz

    Gus Sainz New Member

    Re: Re: Louisiana Board of Regents actions

    Maybe the Board of Regents was intimidated by, and did not want to upset, the "Bad Dog." :D
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Re: Re: Louisiana Board of Regents actions

    Perhaps, but they could have called in the "Canine Unit," snipers could have taken the beast out, a S.W.A.T. team could have scaled the chain link fence, broken down the screen door, and initiated a home invasion of St. John's University.
  10. BillDayson

    BillDayson New Member

    That's probably not necessary, Bruce.

    As K-W has shown, all these schools need to do is to hire an agent in Wyoming to represent them. Then they can deal with the WY K-12 people through that agent.

    Wyoming already has a Southern California, a Vancouver BC and a London England school licensed there through agents. So why not some Lousiana schools too?
  11. Re: Re: Louisiana Board of Regents actions

    Because they have applied for recognized (DETC) accreditation, as required by Louisiana law?
  12. The September 28, 2000, Louisiana Board of Regents minutes note that operating licenses -- with several stipulations -- were approved for Bienville, Columbus, Glenford, LaCrosse, LaSalle, St. John's, and Southwest (see http://www.regents.state.la.us/board/minutes/2000/mi092800.htm for details). Two years later, four are denied licensure, one has closed, and two get a year's extension.

    Wonder if there will be notes on discussion in the minutes when they are posted.

    Possibly the Regents are being super cautious and want to demonstrate that they are considering each case individually.

    SJU certainly has improved its website vastly. They still sell hypnotherapy audiotapes, but they don't hype them on the front page. They list a hundred or so faculty -- but many have no more than a master's degree and some have only a bachelor's, and many of the degrees are from SJU.
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Does each faculty person [all 100 of them] have a key to the dog lot?
  14. George Brown

    George Brown Active Member

    Good to see....

    Good to see you yanks are finally growing some balls in this area and shutting these pricks down. I'm getting sick of the pitiful ads in USA Today.


  15. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    Re: Good to see....

    Aren't you being a little wishy-washy? Now what's your real opinion.
  16. George Brown

    George Brown Active Member

    Re: Re: Good to see....

    He, he!!! As you can see, we Aussies cut to the chase. My presentation on degree/ diploma mills in Hobart today (the largest annual education conference in Australia) went fantastically! I have now been asked to present to key conferences around Australia. My, so called, shoddy research is certainly paying dividends!!! Worship the fire - Killing Joke!!!


  17. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Good to see....


    BTW, I miss you wonderful website. Are there any plans?
  18. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    When I was really bored one day, I actually went through the SJU faculty list and counted the number of homegrown faculty. I forget the exact number, but it was something like 120 or so faculty with 90+ homegrown members.

    For some reason, I don't see the DETC being too impressed with those sort of numbers. Is the application a stalling technique?

  19. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Thank you, thank you, Kristin.

    The happy news is that the Louisiana actions come just in time (I am 99% confident) for the fact of those four fine institutions losing their license to get into the next (15th) edition of Bears' Guide, which is in production as we speak.

    So we offer up little prayers to St. Dimas (patron saint of thieves and liars) that any really big news in this field come to light in the next few weeks, and not, please, just after the books are printed.

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