Looking to buy online education companies

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by jackrussell, Oct 21, 2023.

  1. jackrussell

    jackrussell Member

    I'm seeking established online education with an entrepreneur that is doing $1-$20M in revenue with $300K-$3M in EBITDA. Do let me know if there is any such companies for sale. Thank you
  2. AsianStew

    AsianStew Moderator Staff Member

    How much are you and your investors wanting to spend on this venture? I wrote about a few institutions on this and the sister board over the years as I check a few websites all the time... Have you thought of creating your own vs buying up an existing option? I've been on the lookout as well over the years...
    jackrussell likes this.
  3. jackrussell

    jackrussell Member

    It really depends on what is being offered. But I am definitely keen to start from scratch. Actually it will be more fun starting one
  4. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    I hope it doesn't turn out like buying a car-making company in oh-- 1928 or so. You know what happened to many companies soon after then. Seen a Graham-Paige lately? Pierce-Arrow? Erskine? Durant? It WAS a crowded field - until... it wasn't.

    I get the vibe that online education may be undergoing the same (over) development. Start-up frenzy and merger-mania, coupled with any economic "seizures," (not unlikely, as I see it) may well produce sudden market-shock and rapid attrition. Yes, there are a lot of online students - but it's a finite number and there are many, many suppliers - and DI has reported on closing of ...not a few, IIRC.

    An exceptional, original game-plan and a ton of cash - yeah, that could succeed in just about any market. Example: University of the People. Another: Quantic U. Got one of those? Right - a lot of fun to start. A screeching halt - not so much.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2023
    Dustin likes this.
  5. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

  6. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Couple of positive notes. Two new-ish schools recently DEAC-accredited - Nexford U. and Newlane U. Both with some good ideas.
    Good starts, both. I hope for their continued success.
    jackrussell likes this.
  7. Dustin

    Dustin Well-Known Member

    As a backdoor to starting a college, I've considered creating a set of university courses and getting them ACE recognized (similar to Study.com or Sophia) but ensuring they line up with an accredited college's curriculum. And then slowly adding elements necessary for DEAC until actually applying. No idea how much ACE recognition costs, but I know @Rich Douglas has consulted for a client who achieved ACE and might have some insight to add there. I know the application process for DEAC alone costs $50K+ when all is said and done, outside of the ACE process and the infrastructure required to create and deliver courses.
    jackrussell likes this.
  8. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

  9. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    There are brokerages for this, e.g.: https://schoolsforsale.com/
    Suss, JBjunior, Xspect and 2 others like this.

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