John Bear's response to Neil Hayes

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by John Bear, Apr 26, 2005.

  1. Han

    Han New Member

    I think the list changes and is not very accurate. Back when that "other" site was active (before it was shut down), I was included as the gang. I went over and asked why (I know, stupid, which I found out after I posted)..... and was pounced upon. I found out later I was mistaken for someone else.... rats, I was at least part of the gang for a few shining moments...... :)
  2. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    I received threatening e-mails from people of the "other" site for a few months, and it took me awhile to even figure out what the purpose was. They weren't even good at simple intimidation. :rolleyes:
  3. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Hey, I was only off by a last name. Not bad for 5+ years ago! :D
  4. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the clarification, Neil is a great guy when it comes to the New Zealand Brown Teal duck.

    Good question, I will ponder the mostly amusing possibilities.
  5. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    I notice Neil has declared victory (without actually participating in the discussion).

    This is a guy who has purchased two doctorates from diploma mill, and is forced to defend his choices against all reason. (Well, the second one, anyway. He doesn't mention the first one anymore.) Can't really expect him to actually make sense.

    It will be interesting to see if (a) Neil backs down--unlikely--(b) John leaves it alone--likely, eventually--or (c) James Crabb bans John--unlikely.
  6. Anthony Pina

    Anthony Pina Active Member

    Degreeinfo is the only online forum in which I participate on a regular basis (other than fora run by professional associations). It not only is fun but is a very good source of current information on the distance learning front, thanks to the efforts of many who scour the trades, the Chronicle and the Internet and share the results of their labors with us. This exchange is what makes Degreeinfo a valuable resource for someone like me (distance learning is a significant part of my profession).

    I have visted many other fora, including all those discussed on Degreeinfo. So far, all of these have proven to be self-contained affairs dedicated primarily to negative discussions about Degreeinfo and many of the people who frequent Degreeinfo. Personal attacks against Drs. Bear and Douglas (and many others) provide nothing of use for me. Multiple threads dedicated to little more than whining about the presumed philosophy of Degreeinfo provide nothing of use to me. The difference in the quantity, quality and diversity of the participants and topic areas of Degreeinfo and the other fora indicate that I am not alone in this opinion.

    Until the other fora get over their collective obsession with Degreeinfo and its participants and start offering something of real value and interest to the world of distance learning, they will be destined to go the way of and other now-defunct groups.

    My 1 1/2 cents.

    Tony Piña
    Administrator, Northeastern Illinois University
    B.A. Brigham Young University
    M.Ed. Brigham Young University
    Post-Grad Arizona State University
    Ed.D. La Sierra University
  7. jerryclick

    jerryclick New Member

    So should my bulldog get a second doctorate so he can be up with Neil? He hasn't saved any ducks that I know of, but he did chase a cat out of the yard. :D

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