Is there a Cheaper DBA than....

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by ShotoJuku, Oct 30, 2008.

  1. Bao

    Bao Member

    It is TUI university. I emailed you my email address if you have further questions.

  2. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    The figures are correct, but you need to compare the cost basis on an apples to apples comparison, not an apples to oranges comparison. The NCU PhD/DBA can be either a 51-hr. degree or an 81-hr. degree. The 81-hr. degree assumes that you enter with the bachelor's and need to pick up your master's in passing, while the 51-hr. degree assumes that you already have your MBA degree coming in. The CSU DBA, which is a 61-hr. degree, assumes that you enter with an MBA. Thus, if you need your MBA along the way, CSU's MBA is $260/hr. x 37 hrs. = $9,620 and then their DBA is $295/hr. x 61 hrs. = $17,995 and the total is $27,615 while NCU's 81-hr. PhD/DBA, at $525/hr., is $42,525. On the other hand, if you come in with your MBA, CSU's DBA is $295/hr. x 61 hrs. = $17,995 while NCU's PhD/DBA is $525/hr. x 51 hrs. = $26,775. Difference for DBA only: $26,775 - $17,995 = $8,780. Difference for MBA/DBA: $42,525 - $27,615 = $14,910.
  3. le_vietlong@yahoo.

    le_vietlong@yahoo. New Member

    Dear All,
    Aspen Univesity ( offers very much-reduced tuition fees for PhD candidates who pay 4 coures a time. It's very attractive for me.
    But, unfortunately, Aspen doesn't have Doctorates in Tourism or Business (only in Education).
    Could you pls suggest me other universities which have similar policy?

    ".........Course by Course Enrollment
    Tuition is $300 per semester credit ($900 per 3-credit course). Books and materials must be purchased separately.*

    Multiple Course Pre-payment
    Degree seeking students are afforded significant tuition savings by electing this pre-payment plan.

    Masters-level & Doctorate (Ed.D.):programs:
    Pay for 4 courses at the course-by-course tuition and subsequent additional courses required to complete your degree program are charged at only $100 per credit ($300 per 3-credit course) tuition plus books, materials and fees.*

    Multiple Course Pre-payment plan is not available for the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program.
    Additional tuition costs apply for practicum courses in the MSN program. Students will be charged an additional $250 per course for the following courses:

    N527 Nursing Administration Practicum I
    N532 Nursing Administration Practicum II .................."
  4. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Not a DBA, but for those interested in human capital management and human resources development, the University of Leicester, Centre for Labour Market Studies (CLMS) offers a doctorate for well less than $24,000 (at current exchange rates), inclusive. That means all books, fees, materials, etc.
  5. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Regardless of how long it takes?
  6. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Yes. There is one course fee. Students are given up to 6 years to do their degrees, but there are no additional fees for doing so.
  7. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    That's a really good deal.

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