IPE Management School Paris

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by Father Brown Riley, Aug 23, 2017.

  1. Mohamad Qutait

    Mohamad Qutait New Member

    So far I have not found clear information
  2. Camille Tan

    Camille Tan New Member

    Did you try to contact ipe Or check with ministry of education in France? Thanks
  3. Mohamad Qutait

    Mohamad Qutait New Member

    I have contacted the Dean of school and told me the following:
    All degrees issued from Bachelors to Doctorate by IPE Management School and PPA are therefore recognised by the French Ministry of Education. The degree that we issue will bear the PPA designation.
  4. Camille Tan

    Camille Tan New Member

    Hi! Did they provide any black and white evidence regarding this PPA? Thanks
    Mohamad Qutait likes this.
  5. Mohamad Qutait

    Mohamad Qutait New Member

    I'm still looking and I try and if you get to the right information please tell me
  6. Camille Tan

    Camille Tan New Member

    I will... Thanks for all your replies
    Mohamad Qutait likes this.
  7. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Camille and Mohamad, you can easily check out the PPA site. https://www.ppa.fr/en/ecole-commerce-alternance.html . They don't seem to award anything higher than a master's.

    Interesting. They also advertise experiential credit towards a degree. Here they call it SOM. It was called VAE years ago - validation des acquis de l'expérience¸ It still is: the page still has VAE in the name and a specific section for VAE. They advertise it in English, so I wonder if the VAE examination (proving skills) can be done in English. https://www.ppa.fr/en/vae.html I'm sure you'd have to go to Paris for that, though. If a "school" in France offers you VAE by distance --- I'd say you should run!

    Government's official site about VAE is here, if you're interested: http://www.vae.gouv.fr/
    Last edited: May 13, 2019
    Mohamad Qutait likes this.
  8. Mohamad Qutait

    Mohamad Qutait New Member

    This shows that they are lying and have no credibility
  9. Camille Tan

    Camille Tan New Member

    Rule of thumb is any degree must be recognised by the French authorities but guess what........the Dean just confirmed that it's true....... not recognised. I have No idea why the course is even offered in the first place. Thanks gentlemen for all your replies.
    Mohamad Qutait likes this.
  10. Pappas

    Pappas Member

    Any updates on this? The topic seems indeed interesting....
    Mohamad Qutait likes this.
  11. Mohamad Qutait

    Mohamad Qutait New Member

    The issue is still vague and we need answers
    Pappas likes this.
  12. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  13. Pappas

    Pappas Member

    The truth!? Here we go...
    the French Ministry recognizes only PhD degrees ;) ...at that level, anything else is out of the question!
    Mohamad Qutait likes this.
  14. Mohamad Qutait

    Mohamad Qutait New Member

    Who said this
    Can you explain
    If we study DBA, does this mean that no one recognizes us?
  15. Pappas

    Pappas Member

    If you contact the French official representative in your country I guess you'll receive the same reply.
    As far as to what it will happen if you study the DBA and who will recognize the degree..... unfortunately, I cannot be of any help :(
    Mohamad Qutait likes this.
  16. Mohamad Qutait

    Mohamad Qutait New Member

    I have questioned the degree of DBA from more than one point, which is an accredited degree
    Even the French Ministry of Education recognizes the degree but remains below the PhD degree and some say it needs an amendment
    Pappas likes this.
  17. Pappas

    Pappas Member

    So we are saying the same thing with other words... simply its not at PhD level..
    so the FM of Edu doesn't recognize a Doctorate? and if its not a Doctorate why its called "pitched" as one? Too much grey in the whole picture ;)
    Mohamad Qutait likes this.
  18. Ahmad Sabri Saad

    Ahmad Sabri Saad New Member

    There are some developments at IPE
  19. Camille Tan

    Camille Tan New Member

    What are They? Please share...
  20. Ahmad Sabri Saad

    Ahmad Sabri Saad New Member

    I could not post the link because this forum would not allowed posting of web link. Just go to IPE's website.

    It says PPA is allowed by French authorities to award up to DBA. IPE is the international arm of PPA to conduct PPA programs overseas.

    It has also posted up a copy of CNCP's letter and a copy of IPE President's letter to the effect.

    Sorry i could not give you the link, google IPE's website url and you will see these developments.


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