How is President Trump doing in his first 100 days?

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by me again, Jan 24, 2017.


How is President Donald Trump doing in his first 100 days?

  1. Very Good

  2. Good

  3. Fair

    0 vote(s)
  4. Poor

  5. Very Poor

  1. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Stanislav, please explain why b4cz28 should remove "The Bible" from his signature line.

    Stanislav, those are excellent questions. Here are answers to your questions:

    Stanislav's QUESTION:

    "Did you already sort out the matter of Christ's origin?"


    The Lord Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man. As such, he has no beginning and no ending because he is the one who created time. He is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.

    Stanislav's QUESTION:

    "Did you already sort out the matter of Christ's family travel history?"


    Stanislav, here is the Lord's itinerary:
    1. BETHLEHEM: The Lord was born in Bethlehem.
    2. EGYPT: His family fled to Egypt when Herod ordered mass infanticide.
    3. NAZARETH: His family returned to Nazareth where he was raised.
    4. JERUSALEM: He traveled to Jerusalem where he was crucified, died, was buried, rose from the dead on the third day, and ascended into heaven.
    5. MOUNT OF OLIVES: He will return to the Earth to judge the living and the dead.

    Scriptures are available upon request. Stanislav, out of curiosity, what are your thoughts about the declared unbelief of Doubting Thomas, as was recorded in the Bible?
  2. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    YES. And also, he was truly born in Bethlehem, making him a man of Middle Eastern origin; specifically, a Jew (rightful King and Messiah of Jews, actually). Trying to deny this as b4 did in another forum reveals that he struggles with concept of Incarnation, similar to Marcion. The other group that rejects Incarnation is Islam adherents, ironically enough.

    Yes; in other words, he was Middle Eastern refugee. QED.

    It's a complex theological question. One way to look at it is Thomas being eager to witness Resurrection by himself, a wish granted by Jesus Christ. Still, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe".

    St. Thomas, of course, exhibited great faith and devotion throughout his life; he is credited with bringing Gospel all the way to India (he is "Mar Thoma" of "Mar Thoma Christians" community). Great role model.
  3. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Discussion of politics AND religion! LOL

    Yes, God is a Jew e.g. Jesus is a Jew. And we are now grafted in and are become sons of God through Jesus, although it does not yet appear what we shall be... as all creation groans, awaiting the adoption... and on that day we will receive glorified, resurrected, imperishable bodies... and so shall we ever be with the Lord for all eternity...

    Yes, God is a Jew.
  4. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    b4 stated that "Jesus was not a Middle Easterner", that there's nothing proving this in the Bible. In fact, He was a Middle Eastern refugee in a foreign land at some point of His life on Earth.
  5. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    We are all on a journey here on this Earth and everyone has varying levels and degrees of knowledge and understanding. In the end, it's all about how we treated our fellow man, regardless of our knowledge level. As the Apostle Paul said, even if he has all knowledge, it is all for nought, if he does not exercise love towards his fellow man. Which is more important on judgment day: the knowledge we had while we were here on earth or the way we treated our fellow man? Integrating knowledge (of politics, economics, the workplace, the family, psychology, etc.) with compassion towards our neighbors (and exactly who is my neighbor?) is a constant balancing act, as long as we are in these mortal bodies. Sometimes we have to crucify our flesh (or deny ourselves what we instinctively want) in order to achieve this. It is not always easy, as you know.
  6. me again

    me again Well-Known Member


    Immigration raid sweeps up illegal aliens in southern California: click here

    Immigration officer battered by illegal alien: click here

    Non-citizen convicted of voting illegally in Texas: click here

    Illegal alien arrested for voting illegally in Illinois: click here
  7. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    I don't know if that's true. Perhaps with the dawn of the talking head era. Putting earnest faces to the words may have made them seem trustworthy.
  8. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    1950s - TV is considered space age.

    1960s - A new degree of journalistic decor and formalities are developed and presented to the public. The public buys-into it.

    1970s - The somber and sobering journalistic tradition is carried on.

    1980s - IBID for the most part, although leftists begin exploring how to dominate mainstream media to pursue ideological plans. Leftists begin buying-out mainstream media.

    1990s - Something starts to smell. Journalistic ideologies begin to emerge in mainstream media.

    2000s - The smell is getting worse. Journalistic ideologies begin to dominate mainstream media.

    2010s - The smell becomes horrific when mainstream media is totally bought-out by leftists. Journalistic integrity is replaced with ideological "public manipulation" reports.

    Today - Fake news is unleashed in all its ideological fury on the American public. The mainstream news loses credibility with many Americans and alternative news-sources are developed (primarily internet based), which cut-into formerly reliable revenue streams of mainstream media. Mainstream media begins laying off workers, especially in the print division.

    Future - The separation of light from darkness becomes apparent - and will continue to do so.
  9. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Journalism is dead in America, it no longer exists. It's been dead for so long, it doesn't even smell anymore, the decomposition is complete, and now it's mummified.

    We are truly living in the world of Big Brother as far as the mainstream media goes; if the news doesn't fit their narrative, they just invent "facts" to support their pre-conceived conclusions, then try to peddle it as gospel. I place no more faith in CNN, MSNBC, or CNBC than I do in the National Enquirer.
  10. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Mainstream media's Orwellian "propaganda reports"

    You are old enough to remember when journalistic integrity existed and was aspired to by young journalists. Today's Orwellian "propaganda reports" are masqueraded as legitimate news, but it is just propagandized fake news that stems from a leftist ideology. The mainstream media is on par with the former Soviet Union's Ministry of Propaganda (or the politiebureau). The talking heads of MSNBC, CNN and other leftist voices are calling from the depths of hell and they cannot sink any lower, unless they publicly unite with ISIS and other demonic ilk.
  11. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

  12. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    That timeline makes it sound like Fox News isn't mainstream. But it is, and just as useless as the others.
  13. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    ...and that's why the plurality of election-related coverage across network was on the topic of "Clinton emails" rather than, say, Trump University or how, after cratering his creditworthiness, Trump relied on Russian mafia to finance his businesses.
    It's incredible. You guys are trashing the same media that gifted your preferred side two presidential elections. Media is bad, but it's bad in nonpartisan way, by preferring the easy story and ratings to anything substantial.
    And, oh me again, there was no agency called "Soviet Union's Ministry of Propaganda". Also, "politburo", or Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist vParty of SSSR, was not a propaganda effort, but rather a group of highest-ranking Commies, a de-facto government. Just so you know.
  14. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Stanislav, is it your speculation that President Trump relied on the Russian mafia to finance his businesses - or is it evidentiary fact?
  15. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Fox at least attempts to be balanced; for every Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, they have a Juan Williams or Bob Beckel. That's not to say that Fox's conservative tilt doesn't show through, because it does. They're just not naked, unabashed cheerleaders and fake news peddlers like CNN, MSNBC, etc.
  16. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Nothing is evidentiary fact at least until we see these tax return, donchit'? But the link is far clearer than anything connecting the Clintons to anything they're accused of. Here's the summary:
    Donald Trump Was Bailed Out of Bankruptcy by Russia Crime Bosses | Alternet

    And here's the best-sourced part of the story:
    Donald Trump And The Felon: Inside His Business Dealings With A Mob-Connected Hustler

    "The media" didn't even have do dig deeper; it would be a very different landscape if they made "Bayrock" as famous as "Benghazi" in this cycle. I don't even demand someone ask a question: why would a successful businessman even bother with an obvious hustle like Trump University? It's, to borrow a phrase, unpresidented. But the media is lazy, so "newsmakers" like congressional Republicans and the Trump campaign played it like a fiddle. Interesting how supposedly seasoned liar like Hillary is way less skilled at bullshit than her "plain-spoken" opponents.
  17. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Yeah, because Cory Lewandovsky totally doesn't exist. Seriously, Bruce? Trump surrogates practically lived in CNN studio; partly because of commitment to "balance" and partly because this provided nice WWE-like storyline that made for a "better TV". Media has bias, but it's towards splashy BS, not "liberal view".
  18. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

  19. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

  20. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    President Trump will be eight full years in office!

    President Trump is doing an outstanding job - and he hasn't even been in office for a full month! National and international troubles may come, along with unique challenges that must be addressed, but President Trump is the right man for the right job at exactly the right time.

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