How is President Trump doing in his first 100 days?

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by me again, Jan 24, 2017.


How is President Donald Trump doing in his first 100 days?

  1. Very Good

  2. Good

  3. Fair

    0 vote(s)
  4. Poor

  5. Very Poor

  1. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Socialist-liberalism is a mental disorder that embraces an ideological, political, economic and utopian fantasy that is detached from reality. The socialist-liberal ideology is a mental disorder that is sponsored by the likes of George Soros and his billionaire ilks. Paid leftist rioters wearing masks who destroy private property and batter innocent people shows their complete intolerance of the First Amendment (or their intolerance of differing views).
  2. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Nice ad hominem, Bruce.
    Show me where I advocated for "unfettered access" for anyone. There's no such thing; it's a complete straw man. There is no "unfettered access" in any non-immigrant and immigrant category; I for one had 4 different types of visa, and even with my rather spotless history of compliance - scrutiny is always there. You have been conned.

    BTW, Trump's "ban" does nothing to deter anyone related to the folks you mentioned. 9/11 terrorists came from Saudi Arabia; Miami shooter is U.S. citizen; Boston bombers were Green Card holders who were radicalized in U. S. In fact, their aunt lives in Toronto and expressed rather full throated outrage at their actions (unlike their rather dim witted mother who seems to blame the FBI). They are Chechen, and their country of origin is Russia FFS; I would not be surprized if Russian is spoken in their circle and part or radicalizing material originate with your friend Vlad the Alpha Stork.
  3. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Why would Soros pay for action that only benefited Breibart and their prize troll? Think about it. Oh, and thanks for acknowledging that these guys had no discernible connection to UC Berkley.
  4. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I know. Allowing a Sikh to wear a turban with his RCMP uniform was a landmark event in Canada in 1990.

    It is not odd at all. Just normal journalistic oversight; half of the time they don't know what they're talking about in specialized domains. Ben Goldacre's blog Bad Science is full of examples of this about science and medicine.
  5. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    There is actually a Trump achievement for which he was not properly recognized. From Fox News:

    PREVIEW: Trump Tells O'Reilly He 'Respects' Putin in Super Bowl Interview | Fox News Insider

    I'd need to step back a bit to explain the magnitude of this. You have to understand how modern Russian propaganda is fundamentally different from any other. Usually, a propagandist would focus on puffing up and whitewashing his own side. So North Korean news might report, for example, that their side just won the World Cup of soccer, a total lie. Russians would report, correctly, that Germany won it, but will say that the ref was corrupt, they all use doping, and four of their top players regularly attend sex orgies with underage trans prostitutes in the main Catholic cathedral in Munich. So the line "What do you think? Our country's so innocent?" is not playing into Russian propaganda: it literally IS Russian propaganda statement, the exact message they hammer on for the last decade. Their Western unwitting agents, until recently, were various fringe folks on the loony right and the loony left; Kremlin supports many of them financially in Europe.
    When Trump, the sitting president, uttered this line, he got media coverage that makes him one of the top Russian propagandists. Top Russian "journos" like Dmitriy Kiselyov receive state awards for that. So now, Putin owes Trump the Order of Merits for the Fatherland for "objective coverage of events and promoting interests of the Russian Federation", in addition to the Order of Friendship. I'm sincerely expecting this award from him; it's unfair otherwise.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2017
  6. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Non sequitur. I do not know whether the ban will be reinstated; neither do you, we don't have enough background in Constitutional law for this. What I'm telling, among other things, that the ban is bad policy with worse implementation; they could at least check if it affects the Pentagon before slapping it together.

    More importantly, this is what I was responding to:
    This is a lie. Alternative fact. Fake news. You, (yes you), who by all indications is not regularly a liar, is willingly spreading it and try to hide it when caught. What's worse, it seems like the Bannon/Trump Administration crafted this lie and compelled their supporters to spread it. In fact, the only rational basis for picking these 7 countries is that it fits this lie; they govern for propaganda effect. This is both familiar and freaking scary.
  7. jhp

    jhp Member

    @me again, figured you might want some Government reference to the selected countries, and a liberal publisher's point of view how President Obama selected the countries.

    How the Trump administration chose the 7 countries in the immigration executive order -
    (My emphasis)
  8. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    The article says that Trump's ban is "much broader". No, it is actually completely unrelated. VWP Improvement Act required citizens of a list of countries (Western Europe, Australia, South Korea and Brunei) to get a visa to travel to US if they visited the 7 countries. Specifically included were dual citizens of the 4 countries. Trump's ban applies to the citizens of 7 countries, does not allow them to apply for a visa, and dual citizens are explicitly allowed (unless they travel on their scarier passport; why would they? I do not use my Ukrainian passport for entry, even though it still has a valid visa in it; that'd just make me waste an extra hour at the border). So to sum up, not a single person who was affected by the Act and Obama's implementation of it is now affected by Trump's ban, and vice versa. It is NOT, at all, "an Obama ban" or "Obama planned a ban", like me again said.
  9. me again

    me again Well-Known Member


    White House weighs terrorist-designation for Muslim Brotherhood: click here

    UC Berkley staffer investigated for participating in rioting: click here

    Convicted felons (illegal aliens) not deported (yet): click here
  10. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    So we learn this from your link:

  11. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    I am sick of the willful lie of the left on this. They did it and they were wrong. They hurt people for the way they voted and you cant say it was wrong. You blame it on Milo?

    Yes they did do they were tweeting and posting on Facebook all night. Two staff members are being investigated. Also multiple student groups took credit that night for the action. You really don't believe this non-sense do you? Do you have YT? There are hundreds of vids up of known students trashing property without masks on.

    Here is an article from before the "protest" asking people to show up to fight.

    Berkeley students should organize protest against Milo Yiannopoulos | The Daily Californian

    These same student forced white students to walk through a creek or get beat up. I guess Milo did this as well.

    Berkeley Protesters Demanding Segregation Force White Students to Cross Creek in Woods to Go to Class
  12. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Multiple student groups took credit for dispatching masked black-clad anarchists to smash some Berkkley windows? Shame on you.

    The fact is, the recognized student group invited the sleazebag to speak, and the university, its administration, and campus police acted to accommodate his visit. If some students or employees got suckered into violence, or turned out to be low level stupid thugs themselves, does not change basic facts.
    It is plain that having something like this happen was the whole goal of his "tour". He got what he want.
    It is amazing how the movement that includes most of the country's gun enthusiasts, the militia movement, and actual white supremacists, (and ironically, at least one black supremacist as well - "blacks for Trump" guy in Florida) tries to convince us that it is intimidated. But this is the con they're running. Why don't YOU discuss an apparent Trump follower who shot 6 people at a mosque in Quebec City last week - the latest deadly terrorist act that actually happened?

    What, you're against PROTEST now? Let me remind you that protesting the guy's vile message, and even his visit, is also free speech. The guy who signed that letter (who also doesn't represent Berkley in any material way), while not sounding overly intelligent, is well within his rights.
  13. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    NB: I know little about the fringe groups we're discussing. However, in other countries, "skinheads" and "anti-fascists" are sometimes two violence-loving youth subcultures you could distinguish only by the colors of soccer clubs they're supporting. That way, they have "ideological" reason for soccer hooligans' street brawls. Many of them are in on the whole charade. I read an article about Ukrainian soccer fans of ostensibly opposite "camps" fighting Russian aggression together in the same volunteer battalion.
  14. me again

    me again Well-Known Member


    Why "Fake News" is now ensnaring liberals:
    click here

    Texas Governor Abbott withholds funds from sanctuary cities:
    click here

    The following classes of illegal immigrants are legally eligible to be deported:
    — Those who "have committed a chargeable criminal offense."
    — Those who have committed fraud "before a governmental agency."
    — Those who have "abused receipt of public benefits," such as welfare or federal food assistance.
    click here

    Jeff Sessions is confirmed as Trump's attorney general:
    click here
  15. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    As you can see for yourself, two thirds of that article is about numerous instances of conservative and Trumpian fake news.

    Let's see whether he can do that. One aspect is typical and dishonest: Abbott, and the article, works their darndest to imply that "sanctuary city policies" break the law. In fact, they do not: there's nothing legal that says cities must enforce federal statute; that's what FBI and ICE is for. That's not to argue whether or not local police SHOULD go out of it's way to cooperate with the feds on this; many in the LE community argue that it'd make the cops' lifes much harder, as whole communities would stop cooperating with them.

    Yup. In total, over 75% of them. What it means in practice is authorities down to an individual agent will have the broadest discretion on which immigrants they target for enforcement. There's a Russian word to describe this quality in a regulation: "vzyatkojomkost'", translating to "bribe capacity". It's helpful when trying to recruit more officers; nice built-in side income opportunity.

    You seem to post what appears to you to be good news. I got to ask: what is it about Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III that you find exciting? I know a silver lining in his appointment (at least this one worked as an actual state attorney), but it's an extremely low bar to be a good news. What is it you specifically expect from this guy? Because I just don't see it.
  16. me again

    me again Well-Known Member


    Illegal alien deported: Protesters arrested:
    click here

    Many government jobs can be replaced by robots (to reduce size of government):
    click here

    Americans trust Trump more than media:
    click here
  17. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    Any and every one should be in fear of deportation. Deport them all at once.
  18. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Journalism today: The leftist mainstream media

    That was journalism then:
    Many years ago in the United States, the mainstream media was largely trusted and enshrined by the public for providing unbiased news.

    This is the leftist mainstream media today:
    Today in the United States, the mainstream media is largely distrusted by the public for presenting:
    - fake news
    - biased news
    - news with sociological agendas
    - lies for the sake of pursuing ideological agendas
    - and attempting to manipulate public opinion.

    Freedom loving Constitutionalist Americans are not stupid. Make America Great Again!
  19. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    It's hilarious how you redefine "the public" as those agreeing with you. You guys can't even win the popular vote, even with a gimmick-driven populist campaign. Sad! #neverthelessShePersevered #Warren2020
  20. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    You really should remove "The Bible" from your sig when posting things like this. Did you already sort out the matter of Christ's origin and family travel history?

    As for the news, meh. Mexicans get deported all the time; I disagree with prioritizing this particular one, but unfortunately the mess of US immigration laws (that Agent Orange will likely make worse) means this happens. Probably ICE deported women just like her earlier in Obama terms; even as is, under newer enforcement priorities, she was under monitoring.

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