Vice President Harris is not a good debater, but Trump made her look good. He got so angry, he couldn't answer questions the entire time and hardly presented any of his policies. He just yelled. Also, he's being laughed at on social media for claiming that illegal immigrants are eating people's cats and dogs. One American woman ate someone's pet while high on drugs, and somehow MAGA turned it into Haitian migrants eating pets. Trump admitting that he has no healthcare plan after almost a decade was another jaw-dropping moment.
Neither of them looked good. Harris recalled her talking points well but they didn't necessarily make sense. As I recall at the beginning she blamed COVID and COVID related unemployment on Trump. She engaged in logical fallacies. Trump not being a good debater could not effectively point out the silly and overly emotional assertions. Social Media is pointing out the obvious help given by the moderators to Harris. I was shocked especially by the female moderator. It was like she was part of the debate. Trump annoys me. Harris annoys me too and her voice is like nails on a chalkboard. I felt the same way about Sarah Palin. Harris is just goofy and not ready to be president (it is an awful thought to reward such utter mediocrity). Trump is concerning (if he goes in can we get him out). In the end I don't think the debate changed people's minds much. People will just view it in whatever way they view it to support the person they were supporting.
Trump said immigrants were eating our pets, meanwhile Harris said she wants to protect our healthcare. Ya, clearly both sides were the same…
I saw Harris came prepared, she did better than any other debate or interview I've seen her do. There were opportunities missed on both sides. I think VP Harris, had her personal victory tonight. Trump was more predictable, He delivered what his supporters expected of him. I guess both candidates delivered what their supporters wanted to hear.
According to a CNN flash poll, 63% of debate watchers thought Harris won the debate. Harris avoided answering some questions, but Trump avoided providing straight answers the whole time. CNN's fact checkers caught one lie by Harris; Trump stated 33 lies. I'll look for more fact check articles later. When you're not senile like President Biden, it's not hard to win a debate against Trump. He has a bad temper, he's a pathological liar, and his vocabulary is limited.
Neither of them are very intelligent. She was not impressive but then neither was he. That fact checking is quite generous to Harris (probably purposefully as the moderating was). True believers on both sides are going to believe.
Trump spoke for 42 minutes and 52 seconds. Harris spoke for 37 minutes and 36 seconds. I noticed while watching that the moderators were more generous in giving Trump opportunities to provide a rebuttal. When Harris tried, they kept cutting her off. When you lie a lot, you get fact checked a lot. The moderators didn't even catch half of his lies.
In a focus group of swing state voters, 23 out of 25 participants said that Harris won the debate.
Fox News panel also says that Harris won the debate. "Asked who they thought won the debate, 12 voters on the panel raised their hand for Harris while just five indicated they believed former President Donald Trump won."
The pandemic was not Trump's fault. His lying was his fault, but the lockdowns, supply chain issues, and job losses were not his fault. That also means that inflation is not Biden's fault because the inflation is being caused by the supply chain issues and astronomical amount of money spent during the Trump administration. Presidents can't do much about inflation. The Federal Reserve had to continue to raise interest rates because people kept spending at high levels, and the unemployment rate was low. The world is dealing with inflation, not just the U.S. The housing shortage was a long time in the making. After the Great Recession, home construction did not return to pre-recession levels, and it definitely did not keep up with the large Millennial generation entering their 30s and 40s. The pandemic exacerbated the problem.
To be very clear: these are utterly baseless, "vibe"-based attacks on Kamala Harris' image and identity. Also, it's not like it's a big secret that the Right comes out with much, much worse, gender- and race-based vile stuff on her. So to all of these people (not you personally): let's make it a bit personal. know, an identity is a complex thing. I believe a lot of it comes from an environment one was raised in. Well, Kamala was raised as a daughter of immigrant academics. Educated people who believe in this country and know the value of hard work for success. In short - shi's just like my daughters - double-hyphenated kids in an academically focused family of first-generation double-hyphen-Americans. So when I see y'all doing this character assassination cr@p on Kamala Harris - I know that your circle will have NO problem doing exactly this thing to any of my daughters, should she ever become just successful or prominent enough to make y'all uncomfortable at the slightest. This is why, when I'll be able to vote, it will NEVER be for a MAGA-type candidate OR for anyone currently active in spineless, complicit criminal GOP. I never voted for a Conservative in Canada after Harper-Cons decided to run on immigrant phobia - not even 1% as bad as what comes out of the MAGAworld now. Even when I personally despised a local Liberal candidate (hi, current MP from Etobicoke Centre); I'd rather go 3rd party. MAGA-GOP is just the worst. And that doesn't even touching their terrible policies and Trump's professed willingness to sold out Ukraine the first chance he gets (and he managed to actually do just that while not even being in office). Or the blatant corruption - take a load of the whole Kushner-MBS cabal. I'm so glad Kamala schooled Agent Orange as bad as she did.
Thinking about it, though...Harris is a competent trial lawyer. Trump isn't. That matters very much when there's lots of ammunition. I will be interested to see whether the debate moves the polling needle, though. I doubt it will. For better or worse, I think this election is cast in amber already.
Based on CNN polling, even though most thought Harris won the debate, most still thought Trump would be better on the economy. I think most people are capable of acknowledging when their candidate did not debate well, but they'll still go with the person whose policies most align with their views. The abortion issue is where Harris seems to poll best.
The prevailing theory in conspiracy theory world is that Harris was discreetly wearing a pair of earbuds embedded in the earrings she wore on stage. Some figures in far right addressing the gullible people: "Her performance was 100 percent different from any appearance she has ever made. Not possible for a person so inept to change so much overnight. " It’s hard to know where these false allegations originally surfaced. Washington Post media reporter Will Sommer first brought them to attention by singling out a post made by the 500,000 follower strong @The_Trump_Train account, which achieved 1 million views. The claims, obviously, aren’t true and can be debunked in a variety of ways. It's not serious and weird as accusation that Haitian refugees are eating dogs and cats in Springfield, Ohio.
I've worked in healthcare since I was 16 years old. I just learned this week that post-delivery abortions exist. I did already know that the individual involved in the cat-eating incident in Ohio was a native of the state with an extensive history of mental health struggles and substance abuse problems.
The female moderator (Linsey Davis ?) during the presidential debate jumped in quickly at the end of Donald Trump's statement to make her own statement aiding Harris and implying Trump lied. Yet, an August 2024 National Review article stated, "Data from the Minnesota Department of Health indicate that since Governor Walz was inaugurated in 2019, eight babies survived abortion attempts in Minnesota. On five occasions, no measures were taken to preserve life. On three occasions, only comfort care was provided. Tragically, all of these babies died. Instead of strengthening protections for these children, SF 2995 repealed the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, which was intended to provide legal protection for infants who survived abortions."
Healthcare is not as black and white. Reporters often don't report the details. My first thought was that any of the babies suffered from Harlequin ichthyosis, neural tube defects, Trisomy 18, Anencephaly, Diaphragmatic hernia, Double outlet right ventricle, Encephalocele, Holoprosencephaly, and even severe cases of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Then, my next thought is, without universal health care, who will pay for their care, and if they become wards of the government, is that the end goal? Why didn't we help the cat-eating lady in Ohio or the immigrant baby that is born crossing the border