Grupo Tarraco Formacion or oh no, not another Master Propio stuff

Discussion in 'Business and MBA degrees' started by Mac Juli, May 28, 2021.

  1. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member

    Nah. I am happy with the thing I got…
  2. TeacherBelgium

    TeacherBelgium Well-Known Member

    Received my master in human rights, gender equality, lgbti .
    My company now allows me to put LL.M in my signature .
    Really happy.
    Now putting all my energy into the doctoral degree in business administration. Then I'm done with studying for a while. Too expensive to keep doing this and I want to take out a loan for a house. So better no more studies after the doctoral degree. Except for free personal development ones. See here the cert with my name that DQ gave me. I waited 3 weeks for it though. Had to send 2 reminders.

    Attached Files:

    Dustin likes this.
  3. Dustin

    Dustin Well-Known Member

    Is that accurate, June 28 to July 19? I'm surprised they can say 1500 hours of study in 21 days, which is 71 hours a day. Glad it worked out for you though!
  4. TeacherBelgium

    TeacherBelgium Well-Known Member

    It's basically a lump sum of hours. In Europe they accept it in universities that you take up however many ECTS you want , as long as you get a passing grade on the project, they'll assign the hours.
    Thank you :)
    Dustin likes this.
  5. AsianStew

    AsianStew Moderator Staff Member

    Goodness! That's great! Another masters down... the PhD to go! How much writing was involved in this Masters? How would you compare it with the ENEB offerings? You're making me think of doing something along the lines of this <gasp>... not really at the PhD stage for me yet, but will get there sooner hopefully!
  6. TeacherBelgium

    TeacherBelgium Well-Known Member

    I tried to tone it down and sticked to 103 pages of writing, annexes excluded :D
    I thoroughly enjoyed this master. I compared human rights over various nations and the history of feminism and the biological roots for LGBT-identities with what we know today, and how well protected LGBT-people are, their legal and social protection etc.
    A master of human rights was always a dream :)

    I'm super excited about the PhD journey.
    I try to use up vacation days that I have in my balance from work for it.

    Staying up late at night in the weekends, a good amount of coffee and lots of reading shall do the job :p
  7. Speculator101

    Speculator101 New Member

    Please take notice that you are showing your full name in the PDF, as the comments are attached to PDF and they are like stamps, so they can be deleted to show the full name.
    Mac Juli and Dustin like this.
  8. TeacherBelgium

    TeacherBelgium Well-Known Member

    Well, I'm not a serial killer so I don't care that much :)
    Speculator101 likes this.
  9. Thorne

    Thorne Active Member

    Your company is letting this work as an LLM for internal purposes?
  10. TeacherBelgium

    TeacherBelgium Well-Known Member

    Yes, for email signature purposes and curriculum vitae purposes. My company has a lot of Spanish workers so they are familar with Spanish education and they don't care if a title is propio or oficial as long as it's certified by a university.
  11. TeacherBelgium

    TeacherBelgium Well-Known Member

  12. AsianStew

    AsianStew Moderator Staff Member

    That is great. They're not as biased as I would have thought, I assume they just need verification just like any other educational institution in Spain, it's acceptable because it's proprio and not used for academic or government positions/purposes. I need to get in contact with employers like that, I need a side job, consulting doesn't make enough...
  13. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    This year I was offered a free masters from a company called Masstercursos with the same degree from CLEA, Cuyo, etc. I completed it and then got an option to either pay 100 euros for the ECTS or 19 for just a pdf certificate. I decided to pay the 100 euros for the certificate with ECTS. The company (DQ) sent me a pdf but they made clear that this was not a degree nor a university certificate but some kind of a voucher to get these credits transfer to another program. However, they gave me an option to get a degree from CLEA University (Mexico) for another 100 euros. I was not happy but I paid another 100 euros and this time got another PDF from CLEA in Mexico but the certificate clearly stated that this degree was not official. I asked if I could get a print but they told me that I could print myself with a good quality printer.

    Basically, you are getting the equivalent of a continuing education certificate from CLEA University in Mexico. The school is legit in Mexico but the degree you are getting is not official and it cannot be evaluated by WES or any other evaluation service as it clearly says that is a MAster but not a Masters. You might be able to transfer to CLEA the credits but this school offers very few recognized degree. Cuyo in Argentina is supposed to honor these credits but this school is mainly residential and it is unlikely that many of the credits that you get match any other programs.

    It is basically a continuing education Master certificate like many of the certificates offer in the US but for cheap. I did not check ISEA in Panama but they also seem to be mainly residential. The only degree that I was offered was from CLEA in Mexico but this degree is not official in Mexico so it has little value other than just adding in your CV as cont ed.
    TTS likes this.
  14. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    The certificate that you posted is not a University certificate. This is an ECTS certificate that can be used for degree programs offered by the 3 participant Universities. The problem is that you would need to find a program that is similar to the program that you are planning to take and you would need to complete the rest of the program with one of the universities that are in the diploma (CLEA, ISAE or Cuyo). The only one that offers you a diploma with no extra course work is CLEA but as I stated before, the diploma clearly states that it was delivered by a company and it is not officially recognized in Mexico. CLEA seems to be the only online University from the 3 partner schools but they have very few degrees and are not in business so most likely you would not be able to transfer these credits to an official degree.

    There is a catch in this very cheap deals. You think you are getting a recognized degree for 200 Euros but at the end it is just a certificate with the name Masters.
    I am not so sure if a place like WES would evaluate these diplomas as graduate certificates but you don't get any transcripts. This is very similar to continuing education certificates granted by Coursera that use the Logo of a University but in reality they are not granted by the university in Question but just endorsed. CLEA is only authorized in Mexico to offer few degrees so it is not very likely that WES or similar would accept them for evaluation.
  15. Thorne

    Thorne Active Member

    Probably about as useful as a University of Sedona degree for personal branding if you're an entrepreneur though
  16. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member


    Well, I guess you are right, but I wanted to make clear that I did not think that.

    Best regards,
    Mac Juli
  17. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    You get a degree from an accredited Mexican school (CLEA), it is similar to the Azteca degree as they are not recognized as official but the school is legit. I think it is safe to put it in the continuing education section of your CV as a conted Masters certificate. In Any case, I purchased it because it is better to put "Masters Certificate from CLEA University" than "Masters certificate from".
  18. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    I think the UoS degree is mainly for people looking to use a legal PhD. If you check psychology today, many therapists get a PhD from UoS so they can give the idea that they are Psychologists. UoS offers few PhDs in Psychology related fields such as Metaphysical Psychology. You can become a certified career counsellor and top it up with a PhD from UoS degree.
  19. Maxwell_Smart

    Maxwell_Smart Active Member

    Americans are slowly getting hip to these Spanish programs and gatekeepers (employers and evaluators both private and state-level) will ultimately decide their reach over time.

    This is one of those cases where something can be legitimate and still possibly be looked at suspiciously by some organizations. So I say, make it as easy on yourself as you can and target programs with the least amount of institutional layers to them. Or, at least let others be the guinea pigs and wait to see how it shakes out for them before jumping in.
  20. TeacherBelgium

    TeacherBelgium Well-Known Member

    Every degree is eventually up to the discretion of the employer. Most employers don't require credential evaluations because they are fit enough to assess earned credentials themselves.
    Here is what the CLEA university degree looks like, to avoid unnecessary speculating:
    please see attached.
    It's a similar arrangement to ENEB and UI1.
    Shouldn't give any problems to have it evaluated by an evaluator and will likely come back as at least an accredited graduate certificate with 30 US credits / 60 ECTS credits / 120 CATS credits.
    CLEA is an official university in Mexico recognized for the RVOE / SEP .

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