Eneb question again,

Discussion in 'Business and MBA degrees' started by rdl1051, Nov 19, 2023.

  1. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member

    If you know German, it is offered for free (!): https://www.hsfa-hamburg.de/fitnesstrainer-c-lizenz. VERY good course; maybe the best I ever had.
  2. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member

    OK, it is still offered for free if you don't know German, but you know what I want to say...
    Rachel83az and Dustin like this.
  3. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    For ENEB, it is not just the cost but also the convenience issue. Exams are open book with no time limit and multiple choice. Courses are more practice oriented with little math or theory. You can finish a Master in less than a year part time in your free time. The German master's degree is probably not the same.
  4. INTJ

    INTJ Member

    This is not entirely true. The quizzes are optional and their purpose is to reinforce the reading assignments. But the very nature of an MBA is that it's practice-oriented. After all, it is a professional degree. However, there is theory and math involved as required by the nature of the courses, and especially in courses like International Accounting, Financial Management, Management of International Financial Services, and International Corporate Taxation.

    The degree is not a cakewalk. Many of us may make it look like it is, but it's not. Also, the degree is NOT designed for someone to finish in less than a year. Many of us do finish quickly because we're experienced learners (aka professional students) who are highly self-motivated and able to block out a lot of time to dedicate to working on the degree. You absolutely cannot earn this degree in less than a year just working whenever you have free time available.
    Johann likes this.
  5. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    I only completed a diploma in coaching so I cannot talk about the full masters, I can only compare it with my MBA experience at McGill and there is no point of comparison. At the end, I don't think the amount of hours spent in the program is a good indicator but what people do after the degree. Is the ENEB MBA making an impact in your career? Are you able to get interviews with top companies? Do you feel qualified for management jobs at top firms? Are people calling you for job offers based on the ENEB MBA published in your linkedin profile? I think these could be better indicators, my diploma in coaching made no impact for me but gave me a good understanding of the field for 100 bucks instead of the 8K that a local university was asking for a similar course.
  6. Dustin

    Dustin Well-Known Member

    I think that a motivated individual will achieve with or without the degree making achievement a poor discriminator of the quality of the degree itself.

    I think that it's reasonable to ask if the MBA is sufficiently rigorous before they spend their time on it.

    If the degree can be earned by people without working through any of the modules, I question whether those final projects they are completing are actually assessing learning or just ability to hit page count.
  7. INTJ

    INTJ Member

    Then why are you commenting on the content and rigor (or lack of) of the MBA program, and why are you comparing it with McGill's MBA when you have no frame of reference? I'm not saying its the same rigor as McGill, but what is taught is the same. It's up to each individual to make the best of their education. Name recognition and prestige can only get a person so far. Also, why do you assume that everyone else is as interested in attending a top program/school or working for a top company as you?
  8. INTJ

    INTJ Member

    This is absolutely not possible.
  9. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    There must be some metrics to evaluate the program. Why would you complete the MBA if it is not to work as a manager? It is not a philosophy degree, it is meant to train managers. In any case, i don't want to start a discussion about my degree is better than yours. If the MBA is good for you, it is all it matters.
  10. Dustin

    Dustin Well-Known Member

    It was you who said "I don't think it's fair to judge the validity of the degrees based on the majority of us "hacking" the degree, and finishing within months, by only focusing on the final projects"

    Seems to suggest that it is possible.
  11. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    I agree with you. But how do you evaluate the value of the degree? I usually look at the linkedin profile and see where the individual is working and what kind of work is doing. There was the case of the case of the person below with 11 masters from ENEB completed in 3 years. When you see a person completing 11 masters degrees while working full time, you don't think about rigorous degrees here.

    Dustin likes this.
  12. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    It seems that it is possible to transfer large amounts of credits from one masters to another and there are many similar masters so one could finish 11 masters degrees in 3 years or one every 3 months.
  13. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    I think what he means is that most of the answers of the multiple choice questions are available online in places like coursehero. You get two shots at the multiple choice so it is not that hard to complete them in a week if you get coursehero help. The final project you cannot copy directly from an internet source so you need to complete it so this means another week of work, so technically you can complete each module in a couple of weeks by hacking your way by using internet sources.
  14. INTJ

    INTJ Member

    I didn't mean to suggest that. But, anyway, the questions in the case studies of the final projects require going through the modules to find the info you need to answer the questions. Also, some of the questions require independent research in addition to the info in the modules.
  15. INTJ

    INTJ Member

    No, that is not what I meant. I can't say that some people didn't use sites like CourseHero, but I didn't and a lot of other people didn't, either. What I meant by "hacking" the degree is that we focused on completing the final projects and didn't bother with the optional quizzes at the end of each module because they didn't count towards our grades.

    I think you're getting the traditional degree program confused with the new exam-only option. The end of module quizzes in the traditional program are optional, are for content reinforcement, can be taken as many times as needed, and don't affect grades. This is different from the exam-only option, which didn't exist when I enrolled (and I wouldn't have gone that route even if it did).

    I can't speak for anyone else, but my train of thought was that the stuff that they really wanted us to master was what was covered in each course's final project. So, I started working on the projects and reading the relevant modules that covered how to do whatever thing or task the project's questions asked. Doing things this way, it took me nearly a year to finish.
  16. JoshD

    JoshD Well-Known Member

    So, in conclusion, if the “degree” works for you, fantastic. If not, at least you only lost a couple hundred bucks. :)
    Vicki, Dustin and INTJ like this.
  17. INTJ

    INTJ Member

    He was able to do it because all ENEB master's degrees are, in essence, business degrees and the business courses overlap. For example, I did the MBA and the Master in International Trade (it seemed interesting). The International Trade required 4 courses that the MBA didn't have. Whenever I completed an MBA course it also counted towards the International Trade degree. It takes 3-4 additional courses and a few extra dollars to get an additional degree, so most people go for it. And ENEB sends out promotional emails offering steep discounts for additional master's degrees.

    In my personal opinion,
    I think it's overkill to earn every single master's degree. I also think that the second degrees should be MBA concentrations. I don't think 3-4 extra courses warrants a degree all it's own. But, I didn't make the rules and it works for Spain, so who am I to argue?
  18. datby98

    datby98 Active Member

    This guy should feel shame for having no hundreds of Abide University's degrees. :D
    Johann likes this.
  19. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Or perhaps, private shame for not putting his time to more beneficial use. Stacking 11 interlocking business Master's degrees, like Lego -- that's massive overkill, regardless of quality, or pretty much so, anyway. Maybe he should dig out the watercolors, or the accordion. Or wood tools.

    Or get himself a camera, a shelf of Classical Roman literature, start a collection of old R&B recordings ... whatever he really wants to learn. He owes himself better than this degree-game. The way he plays it, these are never terminal degrees - they're interminable.

    It's HIS money, so if he absolutely MUST have further degrees - perhaps Archaeology or Art History might be a good way to go. :)
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2023
  20. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    What are those steps, exactly, for a SOBAT degree? Do you go to ALDI (German low-price chain) and buy an Apostille? Or does some outfit in California sell you their own degree-looking paper to back up your SOBAT one? Or maybe go to Bitcoin, to have it Block-chained? I'd love to know. :)
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2023

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