Did Russians successfully manipulate or change American votes?

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by me again, Jan 5, 2017.


Did Russians successfully manipulate or change American votes?

Poll closed Feb 4, 2017.
  1. Russians hacked into American election-machines and illegally altered votes.

    0 vote(s)
  2. Russians hacked the DNC & exposed immorality or criminality, causing citizens to change their votes

  3. Russians DID psychologically make citizens change their votes with cyberwarfare & media manipulation

  4. Russians did NOT psychologically make citizens change their votes with cyberwarfare & manipulation

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    You guys asked for it.
    Besides, let's be honest: that were the British troops. Canadians will dispute this, but they are in general very good at taking credit while blaming anything bad on the Empire.

    Actually, they're right on the childcare, and I quite respect both late Jack Layton and Tom Mulcair. I voted for Olivia Chow for Mayor and is quite bitter about the outcome of that. Citizens of the diversity paradise picking seemingly the most privileged man (John Tory of "Tory & son LLP", lawyers for both Ted Rogers and the first Lord Thomson) they could possibly find as the "safe choice"). But usually I'm centre left.

    Listen, I lived in Canada for 8 years, and in US for 6. I have many friends across the border and come to visit quite often. Of course I have an interest in the elections. Not that anyone needs an excuse.

    PS: on my "reality TV villain" comment: Kevin O'Leary (of the Canadian Dragon's Den show) just announced bid for Conservative leadership. I predict he'll get it, on star power alone. He seems smart enough not to make the pussy grabbing comments on live mic; typical right winger in other respects. Oh goody. :popcorn:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2017
  2. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    QUOTE=heirophant;497859]My point was that there are many websites out there trying to recruit and organize rioters to disrupt Trump's inauguration. [/QUOTE]
    Then you missed the point of bringing up that fake website to begin with. However, fake grassroots on the Right are fairly well known: The Koch Brothers

    Where to begin...
    1) You need not to even go to deep cesspool of Trump supporters to see calls for "Second Amendment remedies"; both he and prominent surrogates are on record for this.
    2) A stream in the "militia movement" advocates for local sheriffs to murder federal LE agents if they impugn on said sheriffs alleged "sovereignty".
    3) Major part of the Birther movement called for military officers to disobey orders because Obama is "not a legitimate Commander in Chief". Taft Law alum Orly Taitz is one of the peddlers of this, and defended officers who actually refused to deploy on these grounds in court.
    4) Let's not forget the absurdity of the whole Birther Movement, and their most prominent guy, one Donald J. Trump.
    5) There's a whole Wikipedia page on Obama assassination plots. That includes a fair number of fringe "militia" members

    That is without combing the Internet for peeps "recruiting rioters" or even going to well-known cook outlets. You do realise that it is Trump camp that has a fair number of people who are into stockpiling weapons? I'm even being charitable here and not mentioning the fact that most white supremacists backed Trump (and, funny enough, one convicted black supremacist murderer in Florida). The most prominent right-wing terrorist is Timothy McWeigh who killed 169 people; the most famous left terror campaign is the Weather Underground bombings that killed no one. As for "making America ungovernable" - that was the task of the House Republicans, and the fine job they did.

    To ignore for a moment your implied contempt for the First Amendment: for the Trump side to accuse the opponents of the inflammatory rhetoric is not just pot calling kettle black; it's pot calling the rainbow black. Causes for the BLM and Occupy are not only or chiefly "high minded talk"; it's a feeling that Wall Street and the police is getting away with murder, both literally and figuratively. There's a strong argument for that. BTW the Canadian police forces and RCMP are getting away with quite a lot too.

    Getting informed is step one. Trying legit methods is step two. I believe Trump will fall in step two; if not, ironically, citizens may need the radical cooks' tactical experience.

    Nah. There's no leader, nor common goal. Also, your statement is quite ironic in light of the Pizzagate.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2017
  3. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

  4. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Stanislav, since this is an educational forum, and based on your specific request for more information about the original obsessive-compulsive question, here is a quick cursory exploration, just for fun (effective 1.18.17):

    Qualitative obsessive-compulsive metrics:
    - Stanislav is a foreigner who lives in Canada. However, he has expressed more outrage and disgust than any other poster in this thread because the American electoral college elected Donald Trump as president of the United States.
    - As a foreigner, Stanislav has presented the most sustained and vigorous effort to defame and criticize Donald Trump, more-so than any other poster in this thread.

    Quantitative obsessive-compulsive metrics:
    - There are 12 posters in this thread. Stanislav represents 8% of that total.
    - There are 140 posts in this thread. Stanislav made 48 of them.

    Stanislav, your question has been asked and answered. Now, please answer the original question that was asked of you: since you are not a United States citizen, why are you obsessive-compulsive about Americans and their politics? Just curious.
  5. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    No argument here. Consider how many Americans have an opinion about Brexit, for example. (Speaking of, maybe now that the UK will be single they could join us in NAFTA....)

    Americans know him better as Mr. Wonderful from Shark Tank, but yes, if nothing else that would be highly entertaining. :smile:
  6. heirophant

    heirophant Well-Known Member

    He's certainly passionate about it, despite Trump's election not having any direct effect where he lives.

    I guess that part of it is a Canadian cultural thing. Canadians (especially those of the more leftish sort) absolutely love to criticize and condemn features of the United States that they don't like. Canadians hate to boast about their own country and getting a Canadian to express any pride in Canada is almost impossible. (Many of them believe that national pride is an atavism that leads to wars). But they are always comparing Canada with the United States, so if the US can be belittled, Canada seemingly grows by comparison. That tendency often makes leftish Canadians seem rather preachy and passive-aggressive to American ears.

    And with Stanislav, there's probably an ethnic Ukrainian thing happening too. That's probably why he's so passionate about pushing for a new Cold War between the US and Russia, which he no doubt perceives as Ukraine's enemy. He hates the fact that Trump seemingly considers improving relations with Russia as a more vital American interest.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2017
  7. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Listen, I'll be civil in the face of this blatant ad hominem out of respect; just note that a Theology student at a school named after St. Francis really should know better. I gave plenty of my reasons to be interested in this topic, from sentimental to pragmatic. As usual, you ignored them all. I feel great affinity with Americans, moreso than with my technical Canadian compatriots; surely this debating technique is not representative of them (or even you, most of the time).

    Now answer this:
    1) What gives you a ground to claim anything you pointed out has anything in common with OCD, a recognized mental affliction?
    2) Do you believe that using a mental affliction as a slur is in any way justified?
    3) Do you have training to diagnose OCD, or are you doing it without license or training?
    4) Provide a link to my post regarding Trump that qualify as "defamation". I have a sense you use "defame and criticize" (or for that matter "mainstream liberal media" or "scripted fake news") as a smear, like Stalinist propaganda clichés "Trotskyist, fashist", "Israeli militancy", "bourgeois nationalists". Bundle two and more concepts together, where one is a clear negative, to link them in the mind of readers. It's no secret that tricks like these seeped into the neocon arsenal from the radical left intellectuals of the 70ies. It's weirder that you try to demonize "criticism" of your guy; even USSR used just "defamation" ("defamation of Soviet reality" - actual Criminal Code term).
  8. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    That’s very interesting. A Canadian who was visiting the United States said the following to an American:

    "The American rebels began an unlawful rebellion in 1776 against the lawful British government. Those American rebels were traitorous scum of the worst sort. The Americans of today are their offspring. However, the loyal British subjects fled to Canada for safety; and the law abiding Canadians of today are their offspring."

    His analogy was remarkable, as well as condescending. His implication was that 21st Century Canadians are more righteous and, by default, 21st Century Americans are lawless criminals who cannot be trusted. You really had to be there to hear the conceit in his firm explanation of North American history. He believed it strongly. It's a concept that most Americans have never considered.
  9. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Oh, please. If the U.S. didn't habitually behave in ways that would get any other country branded as a rogue nation, then that might be fair. But since it does, just about everyone has standing to have an opinion about U.S. policy and those who make it.

    I mean, my grandmother grew up in Nova Scotia, so I may sometime poke fun at Canada, but only because it's a friendly rivalry between two societies that no one can deny are very closely related. For example, can you imagine people from any other country doing something like this? https://www.tellamericaitsgreat.com
  10. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Hello, NAFTA? I mean come on.

    True enough. However, I personally think much of these humblebrags to be bullshit, and US the better country than Canada in aggregate. Well, I do believe that the single-payer healthcare and smoother immigration system are clear advantages. Deeper claims of Canadian superiority are usually plainly wrong.

    "Perceives"? PERCEIVES??? Well, I guess direct casualties pushing (conservatively) 10,000 and a million people displaced counts as a "perception". If you tend to discount Eastern European barbarians' deaths, please recall that vast majority of 298 passengers of MH17 were Dutch, with 1 American. More importantly, guys, when a mass murderer with enormous arsenal of nukes and considerable "soft power" (including virtually unlimited funds for bribes) openly declares that "the West" is his enemy, it is prudent to believe him. The new Cold War is already being waged, on Khuilo's part at least, in the form of both proxy conflicts and information warfare; it is vital to recognize it.
    (for the record: I'm at least 25% ethnic Russian and grew up speaking Russian at home. Only switched recently for the sake of the kids.)
  11. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a very Canadian thing to say. Also, total malarkey. American Revolution changed the world and is in some respects a shining light to this day; Canadian descendants of the British "loyalists" are plainly jealous. Having said that, you guys surely muddied the waters many times, not the least by letting the British Empire to abolish slavery before you did. Or by electing Trump.
  12. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Now, can we take a respite from our lovely witch hunt and discuss the topic. Namely, how do you FEEL about the fact that Russians saw it useful to screw with your elections on Trump's behalf.
  13. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

  14. TomE

    TomE New Member

    I don't recall this, at least not such a point being made directly to me. Not surprised. Can you point it out to me?

    While we're speaking of more refined(?) wordings of "I told you so", would you be interested in revisiting this thread in ~ two years time to make the same comments about Kevin O'Leary? I'll call it now that he'll make some waves both in party politics as well as in national politics.
  15. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    In four years time, this thread will be forgotten, unless someone drags it up. LOL

    The next campaign slogan for the next presidential election is going to be "Keep America Great!" (both with and without the exclamation point have been copyrighted)

    The United States will be handsomely blessed by the Lord for the next eight years under the presidential watchful eye of Donald Trump. And Pence will carry on the awesomeness for four years after that.
  16. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    I said that Demand Protest doesn't look legit and is quite possibly Russian front. It is now reported that it is a hoax, at least. So I'm kind of right.
    Canadian politics is unpredictable, but yeah, O'Leary could very well be a major challenge to Justin. Unfortunately. For one, I believe that O'Leary is practically a shoo-in for Conservative Leader, which means he'll be the Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition. The guy obviously has skills to turn the Question Period into compelling television and get tons of media coverage for that. He has Trump's blunt delivery without many of Trump's negatives, and people who say there's no support base for that in Canada are delusional. Rt. Hon. Mr. "Sunny Ways" MP PC better shape up (and I'm saying it as a supporter who has every hope he'll deliver). I mean, if it plays like the right now: PM gets caught secretly taking HH the Aga Khan's private helicopter to the Aga Khan's private island, and his best line in response is "well, the man is an old family friend". O'Leary would bulldoze Justin in the Parliament for something like that. Still hope he'll lose the General, but it's far, far from certain.
  17. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

  18. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member


    Trump will crash and burn in four.

    Democratic nominee win in 2020, at which point they'll move to address climate change, implement true universal healthcare coverage, free tuition in public colleges and universities (at least 2 years) and subsidized daycare (and pay for it by cancelling The Wall). Also, regulate Wall Street, raise minimum wage, and undo damage Betsy Devoos would inflict on the nation's K-12 education.
  19. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

  20. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Socialism's seizure and redistribution of all wealth is a disastrous failure

    Americans have voted to get away from communism's-socialism's ideology of "seizing and redistributing all wealth." Every communist-socialist country has either failed or puts people into poverty (eventually). It is impossible for government to create wealth and it is impossible for a communist/socialist government to fairly seize all assets and wealth, and then equally distribute it to the people. Communism stifles human ingenuity and smothers the human spirit.

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