CSU— NA to RA???

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by Gbssurvivor1, Feb 28, 2018.

  1. Gbssurvivor1

    Gbssurvivor1 Member

    Columbia Southern University is in the process of pursuing regional accreditation with SACS. My question to you is this; if one were to pursue and obtain a graduate degree from CSU before they obtained the RA through SACS, but while they were in the accreditation process, would that RA transfer over to all degrees from CSU or only those moving forward following the date of actual accreditation by SACS? I would assume only those following the actual date of accreditation but I thought I would ask the experts. Asking for a friend....
  2. Chip

    Chip Administrator

    The technical answer is that SACS accreditation only applies to degrees awarded after SACS approves accreditation.

    However, in practice, many people don't check very carefully, and so it isn't uncommon for a formerly unaccredited degree, and the credits underlying it, to be transferrable if the school accepting the transfer either has loose policies or is sloppy in checking and making the credit granting decisions.
    LearningAddict likes this.
  3. heirophant

    heirophant Well-Known Member

    Technically, a university is only accredited subsequent to the date it was granted accreditation.

    If I was your friend, I would wait at least until Columbia Southern is granted formal candidacy (if that happens). Credits and even degrees from a school in candidacy are often treated as if they were credits and degrees from an accredited school, provided that accreditation is successfully achieved.

    I agree with Chip, that employers often don't check dates so if somebody presents a degree from XYZ University and the employer looks it up and finds XYZ University on the accreditor's list, the degree might sometimes be accepted as an accredited degree even if it was awarded before the accreditation date. It's a gamble though.
  4. Gbssurvivor1

    Gbssurvivor1 Member

    Thanks all,
    That is what I thought but I wanted some verification. I am not sure if he truly cares about NA vs. RA as much as some of us but I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t giving him poor information.
    Thank you much!!!
  5. heirophant

    heirophant Well-Known Member

    I only see one candidate on SACS' listing, and it's in the United Arab Emirates!


    (That surprises me, since WASC has a whole bunch of current candidates, including a couple that I've long liked and am watching.)

    That being said, Columbia Southern is already accredited by DEAC, which might serve some students' purposes. But I don't foresee accreditation by SACS happening in the near term.
  6. Gbssurvivor1

    Gbssurvivor1 Member

  7. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Being an applicant means nothing. It just means the school appears to meet the minimum criteria for consideration. It's a good sign, but it has no bearing on the degrees and the degree holders.

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    Yeah, the Ivy League of DEAC, Columbia S̶o̶u̶t̶h̶e̶r̶n̶ University!:D
  9. felderga

    felderga Active Member

  10. felderga

    felderga Active Member

    I will add that 2 years ago when I was possibly considering their DBA and spoke to the Dean of the business school he said it was a goal to move to SACS and changes in the curriculum were being made in some of the programs. Given Waldorf is RA and CSU's sister school I think eventually they will be dual DEAC and SACS sometime in the next couple of years. When that happens...who knows.
  11. Vonnegut

    Vonnegut Well-Known Member

    FWIW there have been lots of reports of their marketers carefully and subtly implying their pursuit of RA/SACS status for years…
  12. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    I'm pursuing a Nobel Prize*. We'll see who gets there first.

    * In what field, you may ask? None of your beeswax!
  13. Dustin

    Dustin Well-Known Member

    Professor Farnsworth: It's a little experiment that might win me the Nobel Prize.
    Leela: In which field?
    Professor Farnsworth: I don't care - they all pay the same.

  14. Vonnegut

    Vonnegut Well-Known Member

    Well… looks like they’re earnestly going for SACSCOC.
  15. chrisjm18

    chrisjm18 Well-Known Member

    felderga and Dustin like this.
  16. TEKMAN

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    "Saint Leo University, Saint Leo, FL Denied acceptance of the prospectus for the merger/consolidation of Marymount California University (a non-SACSCOC institution) by Saint Leo University (a SACSCOC institution) because the institution did not provide an acceptable plan and supporting documentation to ensure that it has the capacity to comply with the following standard of the Principles of Accreditation "
  17. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    But it is regionally accredited (WASC).
  18. Courcelles

    Courcelles Active Member

    The quote left out the actual standard SACS had an issue with. “Standard 13.3 (Financial responsibility).”.

    So, not an academics issue, but an issue of having enough money?
  19. Vonnegut

    Vonnegut Well-Known Member

    The two are inseparably linked. Although it’s not about balance sheet per se, but the ability and financial plan to sustain academic quality and student support.
  20. chrisjm18

    chrisjm18 Well-Known Member

    felderga likes this.

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