Average age of the distance learner?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Julie1014, May 16, 2012.

  1. GoodYellowDogs

    GoodYellowDogs New Member

    Okaaaaay...... I think I have you all beat! I am older than dirt :)
  2. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Prove it ...
  3. GoodYellowDogs

    GoodYellowDogs New Member

    Let's just say that we ended the Viet Nam war about the same time I graduated from high school ;)

  4. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Darn it all! That means you must be about five years older than me.
  5. My MOM was 12 then...o_O
  6. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    Then your mom could have babysat mine :saevilw:

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    And you already completed your JD? That is impressive.....
  8. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
  9. 2 Masters and around the corner from completing a Ph.D...at the age of 28...Now that's impressive.
  10. TEKMAN

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    Hahaha, completing Ph.D is Fake. I dropped out of Capella University's Ph.D in May 2011 because I want the program more into technical.

    I am accepted to Colorado Technical University for Doctorate in Computer Science, but I want to put it as backup school. I am currently applying for Nova Southeastern University and McMaster University for Ph.D in Computer Science.

    The Ph.D from Old Dominio's University is mocking (Ph.D = Pizza-home Delivery) Old Dominio's University sounds like Old Dominion University. :approve:
  11. BobbyJim

    BobbyJim New Member

    I happened to be in a Air Force tech training class when Kennedy was assassinated and Johnson sworn in. Things got a little hectic for service members for a few weeks. Then the feces hit the fan in Vietnam to the point of full fledged a fighting force.

    So, I’m older dirt. :haha:
  12. :haha::haha::haha: That would make for a pretty sneaky degree mill lol. Even still, I don't know to many former Marines who have 2 masters at the age of 28. I'm still impressed.
  13. DxD=D^2

    DxD=D^2 Member

    Thanks Surf!!! It's all God's glory, not mine!
  14. japhy4529

    japhy4529 House Bassist

    Dude! Drinking that much water in a day can lead to water intoxication and possible death. No joke. This is for real. A number of people have died from drinking this much water. Be careful.
  15. japhy4529

    japhy4529 House Bassist

    Hopefully, minus the massive quantities of water... See water intoxication post above...
  16. That is a crazy amount of water. I think it depends on the person, climate, etc...Personally, I drink about about a of gallon water every day. I don't exercise everyday though. Really sucks at night though when I wake up at like 2 am to use the bathroom lol.
  17. japhy4529

    japhy4529 House Bassist

    Taking my cue from Bobby Jim, here is my educational journey to date (I turn 40 later this year), with some forward looking statement thrown in for my yet-to-be-lived decades.

    Grades K-8: Survived (literally - I was teased a lot in elementary/middle school!)
    Grades 9-12: Attended/graduated high school (just barely)
    20s: General debauchery (many years of playing/listening to loud music), interspersed with one semester at the local community college (but I rocked those 9 music credits with a 3.8 GPA)
    30s: Woke up about 7 years ago (thanks in part to finding this forum) and began pursuing my degree(s) in earnest
    Associate of Science at 36
    Bachelor of Science at 37​
    40s: Hopefully a Masters and/or a PhD in some subject that doesn't make me want to drool on my keyboard.
    50s: Hopefully retirement, but that will likely have to wait until my 60s.
    60s: ???
    70s: If I'm not already drooling on my keyboard in my 40s, I should be well on my way by now...
    80s: If I'm still alive and can still remember that I actually have degrees, then I'll be happy. :D
  18. japhy4529

    japhy4529 House Bassist

    Whoah there! Can you say TMI? JK

    You're right that it depends on the person, but unless TEKMAN is hanging out in the sahara, he should not be consuming that much water on a daily basis!
  19. :slap: I should know better. :smile:
  20. GoodYellowDogs

    GoodYellowDogs New Member

    Okay, I think I have been beat!

    At least on on the right side of the dirt :)


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