New York University of Business and Technology

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by George1, Jan 28, 2019.

  1. George1

    George1 New Member

    Hello everyone,

    I'm new member and I would like to start with a question about an online institution. I'm looking for a tuition free (or really cheap) degree and except SMC University and University of the people I found this

    (link removed by Moderator)

    Does anyone has more info about it? I don't care about accreditation, I only want to know that is not a scam or mill.

  2. tadj

    tadj Well-Known Member

    I would consider a couple of things; 1) where is the license for this institution? I don't currently see any reference to having a state license to operate and grant degrees in New York. Can anyone find it? 2) The Master's degree costs 900 USD in exam processing fees. Not exactly free. 3) In the FAQ section, it states that they "will be persuing accreditation in 2018 from DEAC." You can see all the institutions that have submitted initial applications for accreditation in 2018 under this link; As you can pobably notice , the entity isn't on the list.
  3. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    The listed address is an apartment building in NYC. Someone is running this "school" from their kitchen table.

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    Wow! I think I need to start a new university focusing on information technology. The name will be, "Harvard University of Technology" :)
  5. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Harvard's good name has been used quite a bit by umm... other outfits. Closest one, I think, was "Harvard Technologies" - a company that marketed a French Fry vending machine. IIRC a former Prime Minister of Canada did some PR for them, after he lost office. What a comedown! This "Harvard" was unsuccessful - ending in bankruptcy in 1994.
  6. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    The Oregon standard for acceptance continues to make the most sense to me: if a school is based in the US, it must have recognition from the state in which it is located or, in a very few exceptions, from the Federal government (military academies, etc.) or an Indian nation.
  7. dlbb

    dlbb Active Member

    Indian you run into many places that exploit that for less that noble purposes?
  8. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  9. Phdtobe

    Phdtobe Well-Known Member

    I dont understand how smc and uop are not acceptable but the NY....BS is okay which has zero accreditation.
  10. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Quite an impressive "campus"......for an apartment building.

  11. dlbb

    dlbb Active Member

    I mean more in the sense that since they have sovereignty, they could in theory approve any college for any reason. I am sure the vast majority, if not all, on your list are legitimate.
    That certainly has got to make office hours interesting for students--inside the professor's home! Maybe even the university President's home if the owner/operator takes on dual roles! People might start to get the wrong idea. :eek:
  12. heirophant

    heirophant Well-Known Member

    I was thinking the same thing. New York state runs a pretty tight ship in the higher education regulation department. Not only must a school have a license in order to award degrees, use of the name 'university' is tightly controlled.

    Not sure if this is the complete list of NY licensed schools, but I didn't see NYUBT here:

    Besides, isn't there already another school in NY called New York University (NYU)?
  13. TEKMAN

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    Indian Nation, I guess I can start a school name as Elizabeth Warren College for Politics and Casino of Powhatan University. :)
  14. Neuhaus

    Neuhaus Well-Known Member

    It isn't just a matter of a license. A school in NYS cannot even incorporate using the traditional route. Say I want to start a new school in Virginia. I can incorporate it normally and apply for a religious exemption pretty easily. Within a very short period of time Neuhaus Bible Institute, Inc. can be a legal entity and be allowed to legally offer degrees.

    In New York, to establish Neuhaus Bible Institute, assuming I want to do it legally, I cannot just file incorporation papers even if I intend it to be a non-profit school. I am required instead to file for a provisional charter from the NYS Department of Education. That charter serves dual purpose of the Dept of Ed saying my entity can legally exist and actually creating it. Meaning that when I establish a bank account, I would show the bank the charter rather than a standard certificate of incorporation.

    This process is entirely separate, however, from the authority to award degrees which is vested in the Board of Regents. I have to go through that first step even if the Neuhaus Bible Institute intends to offer no academic degrees whatsoever. If I hope to offer anything the state considers a "degree" then I need to go through a separate process for being granted authority to award degrees.

    You cannot legally incorporate a legal entity through the Department of State that uses the words "School" or "University" or "College" (among many others) without showing some sort of approval from the Dept of Ed. State will kick back the application entirely. And Ed could very easily tell you that the more appropriate path is a charter rather than incorporation. It's part of the reason why DeVry can't use the word "University" in NYS. While there can be a for-profit college or school (as is often the case with Barber Colleges or Schools of Beauty), you cannot have a for-profit university under the current system. It's also one of the reasons why NYS took issue with Trump University, though he was likely smart enough to least incorporate it out of state.
  15. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    You learn something new every day . . .

    "Trump University was incorporated in 2004 by Donald Trump and two partners in New York as an LLC. In 2010 it was renamed The Trump Entrepreneur Initiative, as the use of the term university violated the New York Education Law. . . ."
    Neuhaus likes this.
  16. George1

    George1 New Member

    Thanks everyone for your answers. I'm not looking for something that is pretending to be a big university just by using a famous US city in the name.
    I'm just looking for something really cheap because I'm not interested for accreditation. Does anybody knows any other on line university that is cheap? Has anybody experience with uopeople or SMC or any other similar?

    I'm interested for a Bachelors in BA or an MBA if they can accept students without bachelor but with 20+ years of experience
  17. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Heriot-Watt University (Scotland) has a distance MBA that doesn’t require an undergrad degree, and is completed solely by passing a series of exams.

    And, they are legitimately accredited, which will almost certainly matter at some point, unless you’re just looking for a piece of paper to hang on your wall, and don’t intend to utilize the degree.
  18. marvin

    marvin New Member

    Why not try University of South Wales online MBA. I would imagine a degree from USW will be much better.
  19. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member


    If it interests anybody: they call themselves now "University New York of Business and Technology". They do not deserve more interest than this as nothing else changed.

    Best regards,
    Mac Juli
  20. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Second "school" in a week that I've seen express a future intention to apply for DEAC accreditation. One NY one FL. I wonder - is DEAC aware of these threats? :)

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