Zimmerman trial - Prosecution finished

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by jam937, Jul 8, 2013.

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  1. Delta

    Delta Active Member

    Article worth reading.

    Not guilty versus innocent | The Columbian

    Cornell University of Law, Acquittal definition:
    At the end of a criminal trial, a finding by a judge or jury that a defendant is not guilty. An acquittal signifies that a prosecutor failed to prove his or her case beyond a reasonable doubt, not that a defendant is innocent. Thus, a person may be acquitted of a crime but found civilly liable in a civil case regarding that same crime, e.g. O.J. Simpson, because civil cases have a lower burden of proof than criminal cases.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2013
  2. 03310151

    03310151 Active Member

    I don't think there will be any civil actions.

    The FBI already spent 6 months investigating if GZ violated TM's civil rights and found no evidence of such. But the main reason we won't see any civil actions is because of this: Unlimited Discovery. The prosecution certainly does not want that. At. All.

    You might see a civil case from the wrongly dismissed Police Chief. I believe there is already a suit out there against NBC for the edited 911 tape.
  3. major56

    major56 Active Member

    Harry Reid … another political slug /power, headline seeking whore. Another example toward self-absorbed benefit utilizing a deceased 17 year-old as the expediency for...
  4. AUTiger00

    AUTiger00 New Member

    Yes, there is case pending against NBC. Also, likely to be a malicious prosecution case against the state of Florida. Zimmerman will be a rich man when this is all over.
  5. major56

    major56 Active Member


    You provide an excellent chronology leading into this case … along with naming some who helped create and fan-the-flames.
  6. major56

    major56 Active Member

    Although not nearly as rich after the lawyers are finished…
  7. AUTiger00

    AUTiger00 New Member

    Yes, after all costs and their 40% fee, George will end up with less than 50% of whatever settlement he receives.
  8. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I hope so, his life is pretty much over because of this.
  9. major56

    major56 Active Member

    BTW, whatever Zimmerman may or may not receive; the amount, assuming he receives any monetary settlement/s, will unlikely come close to what the Florida taxpayers have already shelled-out as regards this case.
  10. rebel100

    rebel100 New Member

  11. ebbwvale

    ebbwvale Member

    I don't know the merits of the case. I do know that the eyes of the world are looking at your justice system. The fact that the government cannot get a verdict they want at the expense of justice is a big selling point for the US to the rest of the world. Julian Assange is arguing that the justice system in the US is under the control of the government and he will be railroaded into a prison cell and you have the other fellow seeking asylum in Russia and South America. They are, in fact, arguing that the government "cherry picks" the justice it wants. In short, it masquerades as a democracy, but really it is not.

    The non acceptance or interference with the justice system by political machinations may be contrary to US interests more widely and cost the US dearly in human and monetary terms. The whole idea that a jury can make a decision on a case after hearing the evidence and that matter is finalized is not a concept adopted overwhelming by the world. Be aware that any petition may be marketed by your enemies as an example of a modernized electronic "lynch mob" and that your country is no different to theirs. Americans abroad may be treated in the same way when something happens e.g. facts of the Zimmerman case as they may relate to a US citizen, taking the part of Zimmerman, in Saudi Arabia
  12. ahlara

    ahlara New Member

    I work in the california prison system and can tell you emphatically that the great majority of our prisoners never benefitted from such agressive legal representation. The GZ trial just illustrates that there is a tiered justice system for lower and upper classes. GZ clearly belongs to the upper class as his father is a Federal District Judge. If justice were to play out in this manner for all alledged manslaughter/2nd degree murders / 1st degree murders, (not to mention drug charges) there would be a LOT fewer prisoners in our prisons and California would not be having the Federal government breathing down its neck to reduce the prison population in view of their 8th amendment rights. Let me say it another way; had GZ been a regular schmuck with no connection to power elites, he would have been arrested booked and convicted of 2nd deg murder.
  13. 03310151

    03310151 Active Member

    How much was spent by GZ's team? And, how much was spent by the taxpayers of Florida for the prosecution?
  14. mcjon77

    mcjon77 Member

    I don't know about the prosecution, but there was an article stating that Zimmerman had $315K in his legal defense fund in January of this year and as of the end of March he was down to less than $5K. At the time, his lawyers said that he would need AT LEAST another $120K to put on a good defense or $75K to have any fighting chance.
  15. mcjon77

    mcjon77 Member

    Absolutely true. Just look at all of the experts that Zimmerman had testify. Look at his legal team. I have heard that the legal defense team had a HUGE staff of employees and interns working the case. The same thing happened in the OJ trial. It is a perfect demonstration of what a VERY well funded defense can do.

    A criminal defense attorney once told me that the cost to put a good self defense case, with expert witnesses could top $250K in total expenses for the defendant. Do you think that the public defender's office spends anywhere near that much on ANY client?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2013
  16. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    This morning, I walked into a diner and chanced upon the following conversation:

    Woman: This should have NEVER gone to trial!
    Man: He shot and killed a kid!
    Woman: He didn't break any law!
    Man: That was for a jury decide- and now they have!
    Woman: This is all about politics!
    Man: This is all about justice!

    Life immitates thread.
  17. LGFlood

    LGFlood New Member

    I have been completely silent on this topic up until this point. Concerning Trayvon Martin, I will continue to be silent. However, I would refer you to the following article and ask you to read it:

    Mableton man killed in hit-and-run crash - Atlanta News, Weather, Traffic, and Sports | FOX 5

    Then I would ask you to read the following article on what really happened to Joshua:

    “Justice for Trayvon” — The revenge quest begins even before Zimmerman verdict comes down | The Last Refuge

    Now, can anyone here honestly say that the media does not play a part in instigating racial tension or play to a double standard?
  18. ebbwvale

    ebbwvale Member

    One of the articles is lying. One by omission and one deliberately. Either way it is an indictment on US media. Similar stuff goes on here, but they simply don't report it, not skew it so terribly.

    If this is typical, then the US is in some trouble, unless alternate media sources are developed. Unfortunately, once trust with the public is broken, it is damn near impossible to fix. Media here sees itself as a "kingmaker". They will decide who they want in power then market that party (usually person) shamelessly, or, alternatively, demonize the other candidate. The media here recently destroyed our first female PM by consistently getting negative opinion polls done and then endlessly feeding them into the news cycle. Now the media's candidate is Prime Minister.
  19. ryoder

    ryoder New Member

    jfitzg how can you say something so horrible about someone you do not know?
    Calling someone racist is unacceptable and violates the forum's rules of conduct.

  20. jfitzg

    jfitzg Member

    If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

    The FACT of the matter is that racist Rich Douglas has shown a SIGNIFICANT amount of attention to this case simply because the "victim" was black and the "perp" was white, all while ignoring the THOUSANDS of other cases similar to this where the "perp" wasnt white, Occams razor suggests that the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.
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