Your Presidential Initiatives

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Ian Anderson, Sep 22, 2007.

  1. Susanna

    Susanna New Member

    Abortion is indeed a bad choice. However, ending abortion on paper is not going to end the practice. There has to be a campaign to change hearts and minds towards respecting and preserving all life; that is a task no one is up for these days because "life" has become a "relative" term. Relativism has replaced absolute truths in many areas and that cannot merely be legislated away.

  2. Susanna

    Susanna New Member

    I agree Steve! Oh please...not more power to government employees!

  3. Casey

    Casey New Member

    I don't know what else people could see them as. Unique DNA, heartbeats, brainwaves, fingers and toes, etc. are all signs of life.

    If you are not sure when life begins, why not err on the side of caution? What we do know for sure is that a fertilized egg will eventually grow into an adult human being (if we allow him or her to).

    There would still need to be due process and a court order. All I am saying is that we should stop giving abusive parents multiple chances. The goal of reunifying kids with their abusers makes no sense to me.

    No doubt
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2007
  4. raristud2

    raristud2 New Member

    Did you say choice? ;)
  5. Shawn Ambrose

    Shawn Ambrose New Member

    4. I would retain a modest social safety-net, but I would try to place greater emphasis on the needs of the middle class, with less emphasis on the desires of the extremely rich and on subsidizing disfunctional behavior among the poor. I would favor placing behavioral conditions on program eligibility.


    I look around where I work (on an Native American reservation) and I see the failed great society programs and the aftermath all the time. In Wisconsin, a unwed mother is not required by law to list the father on the birth certificate. So, dad is not held accountable (or he pays $) on the side until he's tired of the novelty...

    So once again, we have single parent moms living off of the dole, and the kids don't know any better and the cycle continues.

    The other thing that is distressing (sorry I am on a bit of a rant here) is that about 40-50% of our students leave every semester. They literally walk away from a free education. Once they receive their financial aid checks, they're gone until another semester. Many of them play this game for several semesters. What a waste of money and talent.

    I want to be clear - I have many very bright and motivated students, but sometimes I want to scream! Case in point...

    Do you want a $500 scholarship per semester? At my college, if you are Native American, and a STEM Major (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math), you're eligible. We can't find enough applicants. :-( This is not a knock on Native American students - it is a knock on the total lack of interest our Nation has in producing math and science majors. We need to find a way to rekindle interest in these fields in this country.

    I'm glad my oldest daughter loves math... (and is homeschooled too) :)

    OK - my rant is over

  6. Casey

    Casey New Member

    Whose choice?

    I'm pretty sure that the aborted babies aren’t the ones doing the choosing :eek:

    If a woman can choose to terminate the life of her unborn baby, why can't she make the exact same choice once her spawn exits the womb? What’s the difference?
  7. Shawn Ambrose

    Shawn Ambrose New Member


    I am pro-life, but I'm in the change the hearts and minds camp. Do we want to go back to the back alley coat hanger abortion days?

  8. raristud2

    raristud2 New Member

    The following are questions that I would like wanna be presidents to answer:

    1. Would you support a mothers choice to end her life to save her unborn child? Knowing that giving birth would mean death.

    2. Would you support a mothers choice to give birth to a child who will live a short tragic life of disease, deformity, and mental incapacity?
  9. Shawn Ambrose

    Shawn Ambrose New Member

    To both answers, I would say yes.
  10. raristud2

    raristud2 New Member

    At what point do you define life? You're going to have a lot of opinions and endless discussions on that one. In my small and insignificant opinion, this women should go to prison or the chair if she terminates her born baby. However, if she decides to terminate her child one week after conception, do I shout prison? What I believe is that late term abortion is murder. However, when we get into the topic of the health of the mother, that is an area of great debate I'm sure. To answer the two questions I posted, I would say yes to both.

    No one has to answer this. As president, would you support a mothers choice to end the life of her unborn child, knowing that this child will die of an unnatural early death due to a genetic disease? I would say yes as well and no.
  11. raristud2

    raristud2 New Member

    You could ask a pro-choice president if he would allow his mother to kill him at any time she sees fit. I could imagine the facial expression.
  12. Susanna

    Susanna New Member

    Currently it is the mother's choice so indeed it is a bad choice, is it not?

    Should there be a choice is then the question, right? My personal opinion is that there should not be a choice. I am pro-life but I am also for letting people make their own decisions. God gave us all free will to either follow Him and His commandments or to follow the ways of the world. My point was this, apparently I didn't make it very well, you can't merely make abortions illegal and expect this ill to be solved. The reason we have record number abortions is because we've abandoned God's principles. It is very simple actually, live by them and be blessed; ignore them at your own peril.

    Finger-wagging and judging will not change the hearts and minds of young men and women. Get involved with your local community, be a mentor, share in God's love, live by example and you've done good.

  13. Susanna

    Susanna New Member

    I would direct you to Isaiah's Story.

  14. Shawn Ambrose

    Shawn Ambrose New Member


    I put myself firmly in your camp.

  15. Casey

    Casey New Member

    I understand your position, but as we spend valuable time trying to change hearts and minds, babies are dying.

    To be honest, I don’t care all that much about the hearts and minds of the selfish. Right now, I care more about saving innocent life. I figure we can work on changing hearts and minds after the killing ends.
  16. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    If you're pro-life you have to work to change hearts and minds because otherwise you don't actually significantly decrease the number of abortions regardless of what legislation and court cases you have.

  17. raristud2

    raristud2 New Member

    If you want to save innocent lives, you will have to work on changing the hearts and minds of those planning on abortions. If you don't care about the minds of the selfish ( If you mean those who are pro-choice ), you will not get anywhere. Being selfish and not caring can be related.
  18. raristud2

    raristud2 New Member

    We don't know what decisions we will make until we face them ourselves. This is why I say yes and no. I had to make a personal decision whether to end the life of an adult or allow this person to live a few more weeks of pain and suffering. I chose to end her life. It was the most difficult decision I ever had to make. I feel for little Isaiah. God has blessed me with another child. As a father, I have lost a child in an accident. My second bundle of
    joy was almost lost weeks ago if not for my intervention and the almighty of course. Yes. God was looking after us.

    "Finger-wagging and judging will not change the hearts and minds of young men and women. Get involved with your local community, be a mentor, share in God's love, live by example and you've done good."

    I agree. Finger wagging and judging will the not change the hearts and minds of mothers who believe that abortion is a good choice.
  19. Casey

    Casey New Member

    Sure, that's fine, but only after the killing is outlawed. It is harder to convince people that something it is wrong while it is still legal.

    There is no doubt in my mind that legislation would substantially decrease abortions, especially if abortion law violators were prosecuted like other criminals. Since 1973, 48 million babies have been legally killed. It certainly can’t get any worse.

    If all abortions were outlawed, many people would avoid the procedure simply to avoid earning a criminal record. Lives will be saved, and in the end, that is all that counts. Plus, even if this campaign to change hearts and minds turns out to be a failure (as it has so far), at least the offenders could be prosecuted. To me, that is better than sanctioning murder.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2007
  20. raristud2

    raristud2 New Member


    Why Jesus would not vote for Barack Obama?

    "In February 2004, U.S. Senate candidate Barack Obama's wife, Michelle, sent a fund-raising letter with the "alarming news" that "right-wing politicians" had passed a law stopping doctors from stabbing half-born babies in the neck with scissors, suctioning out their brains and crushing their skulls."

    " Michelle called partial-birth abortion "a legitimate medical procedure," and wouldn't supporters please pay $150 to attend a luncheon for her husband, who would fight against "cynical ploy" to stop it?"

    As an aside, if I was a republican presidential candidate, I would nail him for this.

    Here are web pages that discuss opposing view points on abortion. One that is critical of another.

    Pro-Life :
    Pro-Choice? :

    You decide. 2008. Decide well. Your children and future children depend on you. One day, you will depend on them. Choose wisely. Thank you all for the candid responses. I respect and acknowledge your opinions, criticisms, and beliefs regarding abortion. I can't say who is right and wrong. Only our lord can say so. Once and if we descend into a spiritual dimension, we may look back on our mistakes and accomplishments to make changes for our next life. This is my belief. Take care and hope to discuss distance education and other initiatives in the near future. Feel free to send me a PM is you so wish.

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