Lord help us! Can we have the election to bring in John Kerry as our next president tomorrow???
??? Did you actually read this page? If you did I have to believe that you recognize that none of these men expect anyone to live by "strict Biblical standards." If you honestly believe this garbage then you have also missed the entire meaning of Christianity, particularly the New Testament. Geesh. Pug
If Bush does end up losing the election, I have to admit that I'm looking forward to relinquishing virtually all power and authority as a sovereign nation to the UN. What a joke.
<<Peace and prosperity. Oh, wait, that was under Clinton. Never mind. >> Even the most left-minded individuals have to admit that the economy was taking major turns for the worst prior to Clinton leaving office. Not opinion, fact. I don't agree with everything that Bush is doing anymore than most democrats approved of everything Clinton did. However, between the two candidates, I just don't see Kerry as a viable option. Yikes! Pug
Carl, I am a truly independent voter (vote for the best candidate not the party). I have voted Democrat, Republican and a mixture at the local level. This kind of nonsense that you posted is enough to push me over to voting for the Republicans again. It brings up memories of the childish tactics by democrats after the last election (eg messing up the White house commo system and other destruction at the Whitehouse that cost tax payers thousands). I thought the Lewinsky thing was a ridiculous waste of tax payer money. I thought the Kerry attacks on whether GWB did all of his National Guard drills to be stupidity. Substantive issues please. I hope this childish and irrational web site is not sponsored by the democratic party but merely some juvenile idiot. If this stuff keeps up it will defintely be GWB. To think that people responsbile for that fluff web site could be in power would be a nightmare. North
Re: Re: Ye shall know them by their works... IIRC, they removed every "W" key from the computer keyboards. I also believe that they looted Air Force One. I thought it was pretty pointless until the famous quote "I did not have sex with that woman...Monica Lewinsky", under oath. I've seen many criminals get off who were completely guilty of the offenses they were charged with. Why? Because I always tell the truth under oath, and have never committed perjury. If I screw-up a search or custodial interrogation, I'm not going to lie about it and jeopardize my career. I also know the penalties involved if I do perjure myself. Many, many people have been sentenced to jail for lying under oath. It hardly seems fair that the President of the United States got a free pass for the same felony.
Re: Re: Re: Ye shall know them by their works... This is urban legend, BS. The W's were still on the keyboards and nothing happened to AF1. Repeating nonsensical rumors don't help either side.
Oh, wait. Remember World Trade Center I under Clinton, he chose to ignore. Oh, wait. Remember Osama's group taking over Afghanistan in the 90's under Clinton, he did nothing. Oh wait. Remember Somolia and our Rangers left to die under Clinton, he did nothing but let them die. Oh wait, Remember our military being stripped to pieces and for the first time in our history, soldiers being "laid off" under Clinton. Oh wait, Remember Bosnia, where our soldiers are still sitting today, under Clinton. Oh wait, all of our Nuke secrets lost or given to the Communist Chinese under Clinton. Peace and Prosperity under Clinton. Yepper. Could be why World Trade Center II became reality. Thanks Bill Clinton, you Pud!!