I am a licensed teacher in Austin, Texas. I had 20 hours toward a master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Kansas. The problem is, that was nearly 17 years ago. I certainly expect to have to repeat some coursework, but are there any accredited universities that will accept hours that old? :eek1:
Many schools will accept old credits in transfer, with the usual exceptions being in computer-related courses and business, since those fields change so rapidly. However, graduate school is a whole other ball of wax; there is almost always a limit as to how much outside credit you can transfer in, I think the usual limit is 6-9 credits at the Master's level, but I believe that some schools will take up to 15, and doctoral programs will accept 30 or more from a completed Master's program. What type of degree are you looking for, in Education, or will any graduate degree suit your purposes? The reason I ask is that many DL schools have graduate Liberal Arts/Liberal Studies programs that are interdisciplinary, so Education credits might fit in well. If you are looking strictly for an Education degree, my first stop would be the American College of Education, which has M.Ed. programs for under $8,000, and regionally accredited. I don't know about their credit transfer policy, but there's no harm in asking. Good luck!
Excelsior College will let you transfer up to 15 of those credits into their Master of Liberal Studies degree: Excelsior College | Masters Degrees | MA Liberal Studies | Master Liberal Studies | Online
It's certainly true that some schools have more liberal attitudes about transfer credits than other schools. Some caution is advised when making assumptions though because the origins of the credits, the specific courses involved, how nicely those courses match the required courses of the accepting school, the grades for those courses, etc. are certainly all considered in the process.
This is a good option but bear in mind that it has no concentration but the title of thesis is included in the transcript so this can be used to show an specialization. The master of integrative studies at Athabasca might also be a good option. Master of Arts - Integrated Studies (MA-IS) : Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies : Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences I like Excelsior but I find it a bit expensive for a school with no name.
One of my favorite DL degrees is the M.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies at Western New Mexico University. You can choose 2-3 area of concentration, and therefore break the 18-hour rule in two different disciplines. If you schedule your courses just right, it's very inexpensive. Another of mine is the Master of Liberal Arts from Texas Christian University, which has all sorts of offbeat, interesting courses like Parapsychology. Downside is that it's quite pricey.