According to Trumper, this is how "leadership" looks like. But yeah, God bless the USA. And Canada, I guess.
My leaders? Are you talking about Obama bombing 14 different Muslim countries? Killing innocents with drones? Hillary's invasion of Syria and Lebanon? I didn't realize Trump shot someone in the Ukraine? The only thing Trump "leads" are some business's and pissed off racist white people, apparently. I'm not religious either...God can bless whomever he sees fit.
I was referring to Trump's weird man crush on Putin. But whatevs. Not every famous dude on TV should be the President of the United States. Trump decidedly shouldn't.
Putin? Got it. Unfortunately in America we vote into office lots of people that over half of us don't think should be President. We do OK, despite what the bleating whiners on both sides complain about.
The only praise I'm aware of Trump offering Putin was that Putin was a better leader than Obama. It's kind of a backhanded compliment because he then goes on to say that Obama isn't a leader. But even if he did heap praise on Putin I, personally, think it would be a decent step toward actual diplomacy. The US has this tendency to act "tough" when nations do don't what we want. Then we get all hot and bothered when those nations breed throngs of people who want to kill us. There is really no reason for us to get into pissing contests with Russia. There never really was. The first Red Scare was built around the premise that communist subversives would launch a revolution like the Bolsheviks did in Russia. It was a pretty stupid reason to be afraid. We had an incredibly different economic situation than pre-USSR Russia. From there we declared Russia, by virtue of their communist leanings, our enemies except for a very brief window when we could both get behind hating Germany. Now, even without communism, we hate Russia and we continue to make up silly reasons. They're suppressing free press? Yeah, so did the Shah. Putin suppresses democracy? Yeah, so did Mobutu. We only hate dictators when we didn't put them there. And we only want people to have freedom if they choose to exercise it in ways that jive with our interests. Putin a jerk? Yeah, sounds like a Russia problem. When Putin invaded Crimea we had two choices; bomb them into the stone age or ignore it and send the message that Putin owns everything from the Balkans East. So Trump, Hillary, Bernie, whoever, can take a crack at civil discourse with Putin, in my opinion. Because the hardliner stuff lost its power after Reagan told Gorbachev to take down the wall. But that hasn't stopped every President since from trying to do a cowboy strut through the Kremlin.
OK. And Obama and Hillary like Merkel. What does Trump and Putin admiring each other mean? Seriously are we supposed to be hackled up like a frightened porcupine eyeballing mother Russia like its 1985 and we're still in the Cold War? I'm not ready to go to war in another country. My friends death's are pretty hard to get over and considering the number of Marines I still know in combat units...I'm not sure I want them pulling a Spartan like hold out in the Fulda Gap...because Putin is supposed to be my enemy. I'm not supposed to be upset about DNC email links. But I am supposed to be upset that Trump and Putin find each other admirable? I don't know man, I just don't know anymore.
You all need to switch to decaf. Who said anything about the U.S. going to war with Russia? You can dislike Putin (and the Shah, the House of Saud, Mobutu, and other U.S.-supported autocrats) yet remain a non-interventionist.
Are you out of your mind? Have you been sticking your head in the sand for the last week? The DNC openly conspired against one of their candidates because it was decided ahead of time that Queen Hillary would be nominated, the voters be damned. There's absolutely, positively no possible way to excuse that or rationalize it. He most certainly did say that, and every former prosecutor and judge I've seen on TV have said that it would be a slam-dunk case. Putting that aside, did you catch how many times that Trey Gowdy had James Comey confirm that Hillary Clinton lied to the American public? She also lied under oath to Congress, but she could torture puppies to death on prime time television, and this administration wouldn't prosecute her, while her zombie followers wouldn't care. Trump made a tongue-in-cheek remark about the invented Russian "hacking scandal", and the media boobs are once again acting like the Apocalypse is here. 1. It cannot be denied by any sane person that the DNC rigged the election to favor Hillary Clinton, through "superdelegates" and outright conspiracy. 2. Hillary Clinton lied under oath to Congress. That comes from the FBI Director, and it's perjury for any mere mortal. 3. Hillary Clinton deleted over 30.000 emails once she knew that an investigation was coming. Tampering with evidence for any mere mortal. 4, Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about Benghazi, saying it was about a video, while she admitted to her daughter that it was a terrorist attack. I could go on and on and on and on, the woman is a pathological liar who will do or say ANYTHING to be elected. I honestly cannot believe that she's a nominee for the office of POTUS instead of wearing an orange jumpsuit at a Federal Penitentiary.
This is a political election. Where does the line between "conspiring" and "political strategizing" begin and end? Earlier you asked what would happen if a GOP candidate was "caught" plotting to out someone's religion. But the GOP made public sport of openly questioning one anothers' faith. Trump attacked Cruz's wife. Photos of Trump's wife were released. I also believe there were some shenanigans from the Cruz campaign in Iowa around campaign mailings that were made to look like official government documents. Do you honestly believe that if we were to pull the emails from everyone from the candidate down to the lowliest staffer that we wouldn't find a single thing that wouldn't match or exceed what we see from DWS? The DNC has 600 superdelegates to throw behind a candidate of their choice. Take them out of the equation completely and Hillary still took a larger chunk of the delegates. Without those 600, we might be looking at a brokered convention. But had Bernie taken more of the state primaries then he still could have won. The DNC couldn't stop people from voting for him. Did they help their choice candidate campaign against him? Yep, sure did. Such is politics. It could be a slam dunk case. But it would also necessitate prosecuting Dick Cheney and Karl Rove for doing the same thing. It's a precedent Washington, in general, doesn't want to set regardless of party affiliation. There are prosecutors around the world who feel that a case against Bush at the ICC would be a slam dunk as well. And yet, I don't think our presidents, regardless of their party, want to get into the business of prosecuting their predecessors as that would certainly bite any president in the butt down the line.
I'm actually more interested in what's contained in the 33,000 emails deleted by Hillary and her crew. You also missed my point; this is further proof that the mainstream media is 110% in the tank for the Democrats. Any leaked emails from the RNC that contained a hint of the discriminatory shit that was uncovered from the DNC, it would be the leading story almost every night for a week. After the initial headline, where's the outrage? What's most amusingly ironic to me is that the Democrats are suddenly concerned with email hacking and national security, while their anointed candidate is the biggest offender of both in the history of American politics.
It is not at all clear to me that a home server would be any more vulnerable to hacking, or bigger threat to national security. Computer security does not depend on sensitive labels; it depends on the length of keys used and skill of the admin. There's no indication Clinton's computer guy was incompetent; on the other hand, some DoS systems were indeed hacked. Similarly, there is no indication Hillz is any dirtier than any other politician; if anything, lack of concrete proof after decades of scrutiny is weak indication to the contrary. The Donald, on the other hand, is currently under investigation for fraud, settled with Trump SoHo investors on the condition they don't cooperate with LE investigation, bribed Florida Attorney General who subsequently closed Trump U investigation in her state, had dealings with organized crime, domestic and international. His campaign chair helped elect Viktor Janukovich, a Kremlin stooge who is responsible for a bloody massacre on the streets of my hometown, Kyiv, 18 Feb. 2014. Of course, the whole server thing is a colossal unforced error on Clinton's part. Not unlike the Monicagate. She could protect her privacy in a number of less objectionable ways. And BTW, there is no proof that "the mainstream media is 110% in the tank for the Democrats". If anything, it handed Trump his nomination by unstopping coverage. Wait, maybe this WAS a secret Democratic plan after all! :sly:
Yet you don't seem to be the least bit curious as to what was in any of the 22 million emails that Karl Rove deleted.
Right! That's why her system was labeled "a joke" by computer security experts. Not to mention, it was a blatant attempt so skirt the Freedom of Information Act, using a private server for official government business. Oh, and illegal also. What flavor of Democrat Kool-Aid is your favorite? Here's a recap. Try to not curl into the fetal position and start screaming "First Woman President!!!!!!" as you read it. Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton scandals, ranked from most important - Washington Times The zombies in the media STILL haven't figured out that their 24/7 coverage of Trump is only helping him. Whenever he says something the MSM labels "outrageous" and plaster it on the headlines, more and more people think "You know what? That's exactly how I feel, but dare not say it because of the Thought Police", and his popularity grows. I can only imagine the temper tantrums in newsrooms across the country when the state-run media thinks "AH-HA!!! We have him now!!!!" and it blows up in their faces.
Karl Rove was never in charge of our foreign affairs as Secretary of State. He's not now, and has never been, a candidate for office, especially for the Office of the POTUS. BTW, here's a little light reading about the DNC emails. If this was the RNC, the media would practically be marching on their HQ with torches and pitchforks. Democrats? Absolutely nothing to see here folks, move along and don't take pictures. Check Out The Incredibly Racist DNC Emails Uncovered In The WikiLeaks Document Dump | The Sean Hannity Show
This wasn't related to the election. A coworker of mine shared some research with us because ethics is an important part of our profession. Women are usually held to higher ethical standards than men. People expect women to be more ethical, so when women break the same ethical rules as men do, they receive harsher criticism because it goes against what society expects.
I see your Levinsky and raise you a Katrina. It's just as I said. Decades of scandals, no conclusive proof of serious wrongdoing. Except #1; hooking up with an intern is clearly unethical, harmful to many people, including both Hillary and Monica. Except GOP just nominated the last man to scold anyone for chasing tail; well, maybe other than Bill Cosby. Cattle futures, for one, pale in comparison with nearly any Trump business deal ever.