move to Oklahoma
I am retired. However, I should have become a high school teacher. AA - History - Rockland Community College AAS - Accounting - Rockland Community College AAS - Business Administration - Rockland Community BA - History - Dominican College of Blauvelt BS - Accounting - Dominican College of Blauvelt Graduate Business Certificate - University at Buffalo - The State University of New York Doctor of Ministerial Studies - The Kings Cross Victory Bible College
C'mon. Do we have to say it? Just $39.50. Or $31.50. Depends on on where you look on a very long page. Kinko's is less. Same outcome.
I like the gratuitous God Bless America at the end. Apparently, when degree mills come to America, they will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.
Fascinating. Not sure if there’s a connection, but a similar named outfit with a similar… business(?) model… ran into trouble.
If someone--oh, I don't know who--used such a credential to conduct business and that credential was involved in some material way, that person would find him/herself in a very actionable position.
Their website states that they "offer over 60 spiritual and honorary degrees!" Plenty of Linkedin profiles feature Kings Cross Victory Bible College graduates. I've never heard of a spiritual degree. Is that non-material?
Pulled up their legal paperwork last night, the primary officers/owners appear to be a married couple in Ohio, although there is/was a third wheel. They’ve moved around a bit and have had their paperwork lapse in the past. There appears to be some overlap with the legal entity I posted earlier, almost seems like they attempted to either franchise or allow others to ‘expand the reach’ of their business model. Lost interest after a bit of Googling.
Can you put a price on a price on an award from a self-proclaimed apostle? …I mean, besides $31.95? Can you put a price on gold colored stickers? …I mean, besides a $10 up charge? Is it non-material? …I mean, that can only be determined through self-reflection… do you believe in the powers contained within a Geocities era webpage? Note… as Rich stated, using these degrees or titles may become quite problematic in some circumstances…
I have a Bachelors degree in math with education courses so that I can teach. I am also licensed by the state to begin teaching. However, I don't have any teaching experience. Therefore, I can't get a teaching job. I welcome your constructive comments. Thank you.
Which state or city are you looking for teaching positions in? Many school districts at the K-12 level are desperate for math teachers, particularly those already licensed. Have you reached out locally/regionally? Have you reached out about joining the Substitute Teacher pool?
1. Check with your state regarding alternative credentialing. 2. Stop presenting false degrees. You can do those in reverse order as well.
There should be a feature on LinkedIn to flag those types of degrees. This might help get rid of a lot of degree mills because people would be scared to post their fake credentials. It is sad, dangerous, and embarrassing that I person goes through the trouble of getting a fake degree to showcase it in a professional setting.
I personally like that one of the central words on their website, is in bold and large font, "Humble"... because certainly the most humble thing one can do is purchase a mail order degree and declare one's self as an educated doctorate holder....
What you ask is difficult since the definitions of what are and are not legitimate schools are so vague. There simply is not an agreed-upon standard. This is why these operations continue to exist--that, and the fact that almost no one checks. But I did.