My point is that administration at University of the People surely does get paid. I doubt their IT people work for free. Therefore, what utility is there in working for free? It seems like the ultimate insult that a PhD would work 4-6 years to obtain a degree and then works for free? I also expect the students who obtain degrees expect to get paying jobs. Therefore why on earth would instructors be expected to work only for the "experience?"
You make it sound like PhDs are being kidnapped and forced to teach for free. Clearly they know what they're getting into when they sign up. It's not like they're being mislead or deceived in some way. I've always assumed that these instructors have a strong altruistic motive, much like someone who joins the PeaceCorps. After all, it's clear from the school's mission statement that they are targeting a student population, often in non-US countries, who would not be able to afford a university education otherwise. Possibly you can imagine someone doing something simply because it's a nice, generous thing to do. No? That's sad for you.
It's like kvetching about why anyone would want to be a SCORE mentor when the staff members are almost certainly on salary. Some people don't get out of bed for less than $10,000 a day, and if that's you, fair enough. But some people have the ability, time, and inclination to help others. It's just not that difficult to understand.
First, you are assuming that they are working for free. My guess is that they are getting paid. Why tuition free? Check the list of sponsors, there is a large list of companies that sponsor this school. Why do they sponsor? Companies like Microsoft and HP would benefit from a large pool of qualified people as this drives wages down. If this picks up, you would have thousands if not millions of people from developing nations taking these programs, this means that now companies like Microsoft and HP can easily go to another country and pay a fraction of their current cost as you have qualified people all over the world to chose from. Nobody works for free and surely Microsoft and HP are not investing money just to save the world.
Believe it or not, some people pay for a PhD and study 3 to 6 years to get one and then end working as an adjunct getting paid $1500 a course. This forum is full of people looking for PhDs that they can complete online so they can become online teachers. Why someone would do this? I cannot understand it but it is a free world and people can chose their own destiny. I did this for a couple of years for a living and almost lost my sanity, you need to teach 10 classes per term in order to make a living. You work around 100 hrs a week, have no vacation, no benefits and end with $70K a year that is enough to make a living but at the expense of your health and your sanity. My day was just about marking assignments and grading participation, not a fun job for someone with a doctorate. Job security is low and employers hardly raise salaries, if you don't like it go to the next school but salaries are similar everywhere for adjuncts. Again, you have a choice, you don't have to do a doctorate and work as an adjunct, you can just stay with your masters and work in a corporate job with benefits and 40 hrs weeks.
"I did this for a couple of years for a living and almost lost my sanity, you need to teach 10 classes per term in order to make a living. You work around 100 hrs a week, have no vacation, no benefits and end with $70K a year that is enough to make a living but at the expense of your health and your sanity. My day was just about marking assignments and grading participation, not a fun job for someone with a doctorate. Job security is low and employers hardly raise salaries, if you don't like it go to the next school but salaries are similar everywhere for adjuncts." Sheesh! I can see why you lost your sanity. No gracias! A regular job with benes is always good.
Just curious! I was surprise to see UOP has $2.7m in loans. Who is lending to UOP and at what interest rate?
I haven't reviewed their books, but I would expect that a major creditor is Shai Reshef, and that the interest rate is therefore concessionary.
You can teach with a master's though. I'd imagine most people who teach do. If I were looking to teach, I'd probably teach a class here and there and keep doing what I currently do for a living and maybe teach full-time when I decide to take a break or when I retire.