That makes my point even better. A lot of my Trump-voting friends and acquaintances are not exactly struggling, financially. Some might, but by no means all.
WOW!! Governor DeSantis just announced that Florida will not cooperate with any attempt to extradite Trump! I wonder what a federal district court would think of that? Trump, in case you missed it, was just indicted by a New York Grand Jury. My fantasy seems to be materializing as solid fact.
Even more Wow...CNN says 30 counts of business fraud. No details yet. I wonder if Trump will try to hunker down in Florida and rely on DeSantis' announced intention to violate the constitution? (The constitution which, just by the way, he swore an oath "so help me G-d" to support.) I doubt it though. Hiding out means he can't travel to rallies in other states. Also I have a hard time believing some federal judge won't tell DeSantis to do his duty or go to jail.
You're assuming DeSantis actually means what he says. He's not going to put himself at risk for the benefit of his strongest rival. His seeming recalcitrance is just posturing for the populist base.
You're probably right but it is a risky move on DeSantis' part. All that has to happen now is for the New York DA to apply for a Governor's Warrant to put DeSantis into a very difficult position. He'd have done better to keep silent.
Yale Law School should put up a billboard showing portraits of DeSantis and Ted Cruz with the label, "Do you really want to get your J.D. from the same school that graduated THESE guys?"
Yale, btw, gives the M.Phil. to ABDs. I didn’t know that until I ran across reference to it this morning.
There's a ton of that going on right now. I think a lot of his rivals want to capture that base by seeming to defend him--fighting the "good fight"--while he goes to his bitter end. It shows just how much Trump still commands that party. They just can't find the courage to stand up to him.
I was going to offer the counter examples of Liz Cheney and Mike Pence on Jan. 6. However, I think they are examples of courage and political failure.
He resisted a lot of pressure to play games with the count. But, I think his most courageous moment was when he refused to get into the back of the car at the bottom of the capitol. Remember there was a mob running around chanting "hang Mike Pence". The rumor was that the MAGA wing of the Secret Service was going to whisk him away and then refuse to bring him back in the next 12 to 18 hours.
I think he worried they were going to make him disappear for awhile to thwart the count. But it wouldn't have mattered; someone else would have stood in his stead.
To me, the irony about Mike Pence is that he's very unlikely to win the GOP nomination but if he did, there's an even chance he'd be President. What kind of Party consistently ignores electability in favor of idiological purity?
The Virginia GOP was doing this long before the national party caught on, such as by nominating Mike Farris in 1993 for Lt. Governor, Ken Cuccinelli for Governor in 2013, and so forth.
Well, phooey. DJT appeared as ordered and was arraigned. No Governor's Warrant and (happily) no serious public disturbance. Too bad; I SO wanted to see DeSantis squirm.