Yes it is perfectly MAGA. Engineers have said that there's no room or good stone to use to put Trump's face on Mt. Rushmore. I bet they could find a spot for a few inch high face though? But the next MAGA thought would be to replace Lincoln's face with Trump's face or something. I think we should just let the MAGA folks leave their Trump bitcoins, shoes, guitars, etc. at Mt Rushmore! There could even be a big trash bin dedicated to Trump there for his rip-off stuff to be dumped.
My unpopular opinion is that Mt.Rushmore is an eyesore, a pointless destruction of the rock formation's natural beauty, and a deeply inappropriate affront to the native peoples who inhabited the land first. Therefore, yes, Trump's face belongs on it.
No. Not cool enough. Change the face of the moon so it looks like Trump, then gold-plate it. Minimum. Why settled for less? THINK BIG!
In a 2024 ranking by its members, the American Political Science Association ranked our historic list of presidents. For the guys depicted on Mt Rushmore, Lincoln was 1st, Washington 3rd, Teddy 4th, and Jefferson 5th. FDR was ranked 2nd. This reminds me of a time when Republicans were clamoring for The Gipper to be put up there. He ranked 16th. And in case you're wondering if a modern Republican could be highly ranked in such a poll, Ike was 8th. Biden was 14th, Obama 7th, and Clinton was 12th. Trump? Last. Dead last. I don't care what your politics are, that man does not belong up there with those greats.
I definitely agree that Trump was and is a horrible President. The historian ranking for all our Presidents is very interesting. We've had only a small handful of absolutely horrible Presidents like Trump and Andrew Johnson. One thing I find very interesting about the list is that the historians seem to have a very consistent ranking for the bad Presidents. I think the poor President's rankings are more obvious to the historians. My personal opinion is that he's done nothing so far that might improve his very poor ranking.
I cannot agree that Trump is the worst President of my lifetime. That would be Carter followed by a genuine war criminal, George W Bush. Trump did not start any unnecessary wars by telling lies. But then, there's still time.
Carter has always gotten a bad rap, but he had to clean up after Nixon. (Ford really wasn't in office long enough to have a real impact.) The economy Carter inherited was in shambles. No one wanted anything to do with the military. There was no trust in government. But he brought integrity and good intentions to the office, something it sorely lacked because of Nixon. I think he set the table for Reagan's "revolution." In the APSA survey, Reagan ranked 16 and Carter was 22nd. I'd agree with that.
Reagan, aka the Cardboard Messiah, had one thing going for him that I don't think any of his successors enjoyed. He was monumentally popular. I've never really understood why except that he had a level of charisma that was palpable. I saw him twice, both times at a distance, and even I could feel it.
Interesting that Reagan defeated Carter by what can only be described as a landslide. However Americans viewed Carter by 1980, they knew pretty clearly that they didn't want THAT. I didn't want it either but I am a loyal Democrat and I had an idea of what Reagan really was so yes, I pulled the lever for tbe incumbent.
As for the Reagan Dime, I'm less opposed to the idea than I was at the time. He really was beloved of the people in the way that FDR was and so very few are. I might even go for a Trump Dime if it's gold plated and pictures a jail cell on the converse.
I give Reagan a lot of credit for restoring confidence in the American people, and for putting the pressure on the USSR to break up. (Not because of our military might, but because of our strong economy and their failing one.) The list of awful things Reagan did is well known.
Credit also to Reagan and Bush Sr. that many things that might well have gone wrong in the realignments, reorganizations, and power vacuums at the end of the Cold War didn't go wrong. e.g., think of all those ex-Soviet nuclear weapons. The list of things that did go wrong at the end of the Cold War is well known, though many took longer to metastasize e.g., Al-Qaeda, Putin.