Trump’s Four-Pinocchio ratings all in one place

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Abner, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    You're insulted by what I posted? Are you serious, or was that a joke? Good God, man, grow some thicker skin.

    Did Bill Clinton lie under oath?


    Is perjury a felony in every jurisdiction in the United States?

    You bet.

    A partisan witch hunt? That's so laughable, it's actually not even funny. The only thing partisan was the Senate's decision to completely ignore the evidence, and vote to acquit.

    "But it's okay to lie about sex!!!"

    Oh, ummmm.....hmmmm...

    Other Federal Workers Pay High Price for Perjury - Page 2 - latimes
  2. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    In other words, Nixon had the honor to do the right thing and resign, while Republicans placed the good of the country before the good of their party. The Democrats should have half of that integrity.

    That HAS to be a joke?

    The families of the people killed by the Fast & Furious debacle, and at Benghazi might, just *might* disagree with you on that one.

    Fast & Furious Gun Used in Texas Terror Attack | National Review Online
  3. major56

    major56 Active Member

    What would warrant a question Rich? All one has to do is read your apologist inclined replies ... there is no question as to your agenda, blind commitment or thought (re Clinton as Andrew Johnson is too ancient). It is unmistakable that your Democratic Party biases reason you to dismiss and/or overlook Clinton’s actions (e.g., in that the Senate did not majority vote to convict … therefore, all’s okay in your view; thus making Bill okay too I suppose). BTW, the impeachment vote was along Party lines How the senators voted on impeachment -- February 12, 1999. In that the democrats had the senate majority … Clinton was not convicted and subsequently removed from office for the charges of both perjury (55 "not guilty" votes and 45 "guilty") and obstruction of justice (evenly split, 50-50)—and that’s the only reason (e.g., a democrat senate majority shield). He was/is guilty as charged no matter how you try to spin it…

    Again, don’t take it personal Rich … better yet … just grow up.
  4. major56

    major56 Active Member

    Or how about just a pair …? :cool2:
  5. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    None have amounted to anything. No resignations in shame, no firings, no prosecutions.

    The Bush Administration was pretty clean in this regard, too. Alberto Gonzalez was about the only huge one, and he survived. Incompetence was their problem. For real scandal you have to go back to the Reagan and Bush presidencies.
  6. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    It's pretty hard to mount a prosecution when the legal arm of the government is completely in the pocket of the administration, and when the opposition party tries to get documents for Congressional hearings, the President asserts executive privilege to stonewall them. It was so bad, the Attorney General of the United States was held in Contempt of Congress.

    Over 15,000 'Fast and Furious' records withheld under Obama executive privilege - Washington Times

    What are they desperate to keep secret?

    Also, it's very nice that you consider the deaths of at LEAST 5 Americans due to this administration's incompetence & corruption to be "nothing".

    Christopher Stevens
    Sean Smith
    Glen Doherty
    Tyrone Woods

    Fast & Furious
    Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry

    In addition, the guns that were used in the failed attack on the Muhammad cartoon drawing convention in Texas were Fast & Furious weapons. Only because a school police officer was in the right spot at the right time, there wasn't even more slaughter, thanks to Fast & Furious.
  7. major56

    major56 Active Member

    Let’s further consider these examples as plausible (even blatant) RD inaccuracies (Bruce has already hit on the Holder /Fast and Furious scandal nonetheless):

    1. Former AG Eric Holder held in contempt of Congress (re his failure to turn over documents related to the Fast and Furious). The first time Congress has taken such an intense move against a U.S. sitting Cabinet official (first time in history a U.S. attorney general has been held in contempt). E.g., “House members approved the criminal contempt measure in a 255-67 vote. Almost every House Republican backed the measure, along with 17 Democrats. Shortly thereafter, the civil measure passed in a sharply polarized 258-95 vote” House holds Holder in contempt -
    2. Full contempt report:
    3. Neither Eric Holder or Bill and/or Hillary Clinton possesses shame … it’s not within their DNA. Resignations … never given a thought whatsoever by any of these individuals…
    4. HRC’s email server and likely Clinton Foundation investigation—an in progress FBI investigative matter. And shamefully, HRC is the DP's front running presidential nominee candidate…
    5. Once again … Rich demonstrates his dismissive agenda as a given apologist for democrat administrations.
  8. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Once again, major56 wants to talk about me instead of the subject. Pass.
  9. major56

    major56 Active Member

    So my replies countering your blatant biases and misinformation as regards essentially any discussion having to do with the democrat party [you] consider as individually talking about you … surely you must be joking? As both Bruce and I have already suggested … try growing up Rich ... you're conducting yourself like a juvenile. Accordingly, you can consider that a personal observation…

    P.S. It would seem that your announcement to [pass] is actually based on being confronted (by both Bruce and me) with regard to your flawed responses … nothing more. You were merely challenged concerning your flippant conclusion/s. Nothing personal about that Rich—just responding to your assumption inaccuracies...

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