The Lie of Immigration seems to be a persistent one, does it not? How many people are in the world? Billions, billions of those are extremely poor compared to us in the United States. Us taking the brightest and the best do nothing but hurt those in the countries left behind. Those that chose to immigrate are normally the best, most active and smartest portion of the populace. Lazy people do not Immigrate or have the resources to do so. Mexico may or may not apply because in reality, for them its merely walking across the boarder or wading through a foot of water. No real challenge there. But in the middle East and the rest of the world, this applies. These are the people that would be making change in their homelands. It makes them and us worse in the long run because it overburdens our systems (71% of Mexican and South Americans are on welfare), and leaves them lacking. Welfare Use by Immigrant and Native Households | Center for Immigration Studies What do you think?
I had an insult ready but thought better of it. First of all, CIS is massively biased. Second, the study really reveals high use of welfare by LATINO immigrants; comparison with native Latino population is not provided. Valuable discussion can be had about the position of Latinos in US; the discussion is in all likelihood ongoing, but I bet all the best sources are not right wing enough for you. This is also a lousy way to measure "burden" of immigrants, as it completely ignores economic contributions of more successful ones. Have you been to Silicon Valley? Other countries' institutional structure may not allow (and actually doesn't allow) many immigrants to reach their potential. While studies like yours reveal some problems, US is still among the very best on institutions, in the world. Your guy Trump is undermining this btw.
Yeah, they just stroll across unchallenged and catch a free bus to the welfare office. Oh wait, that's not true: You may want to not talk about lying if you're going to make ridiculous statements like this.
Hahahahaha have you ever been to the boarder? You can walk across and go to the US anytime you want. We have an open boarder and you can walk back and forth as I've done multiple times.
Fear, they falsely assume we don't have economic trade areas where they are welcome to come and go from.
OK, I'll just say it. Your voyage to this country was entirely through the birth canal; you have no standing or knowledge to declare immigration from anywhere "easy". And yeah, you clearly hate us all. Also, if a population that is motivated enough to get up and immigrate can't support itself, then there are some structural issues in receiving society. (Funny thing is, US and Canada are actually way better at making sure immigrants are productive than just about any other country. Not that there's no room for improvement).
From one immigrant to another: Stanislav, you're 100% right. Every word. And b4 - learn to spell. Your hero, Donald Trump, can. It's border, not boarder, as you wrote several times. - A boarder is someone who pays to live at your house. I wouldn't. J.
Always so lovely to have immigrants lecturing us on how we should be doing things. I wonder how an immigrant would see things? Perhaps an anti American pro-immigrant stance? Oh and so sorry about the spelling, my phone likes to auto correct things and I have no idea how to turn it off. But if that's all you took away then so be it. My fellow black Americans have suffered so much more than whites due to immigrants. So many blacks are being displaced and replaced by migrants to the US.
Well, you just go ahead and continue to hate us all then, as you clearly do. Say, is that what the Bible teaches you - hate? :question: :question: J.
So let me get this straight: you're African-American, and you're bashing another group for "relying on welfare"? Well, it reinforces MY stereotype about Trump supporters (that many either had faulty moral compass to begin with, damaged it on a bumpy ride following their leader, or developed serious doublethink skills - look it up. It's a bit disturbing, as I used to know and respect a number of committed Republicans). As for your plight - perhaps you should move to another country, become an immigrant, and have everything handed to you then, if you believe this is the case.
Is that all you have personal attacks? Psst that old trick, lame. The first thing anyone does is toss the, "but your a Christian." That only shows my how ignorant you are because you have no idea what Christianity is. I will start lecturing your home country on how they should act and what their policies should be. Oh, I bet they would run me out of town. Well Trump won and the lies the media tells are no longer believed. America first and the rest of you can go back home.
As if we had a choice to be brought here you racist pig. In the inter cites we compete for the same job as the migrants do. You mock us for welfare use? You have shown your true colors....
No dude, I'm mocking you for mocking other people's welfare use despite what you just said. No self-awareness, all the hate: typical Trump supporter.
I hope you carry your passportwhen you walk accross the border. I used to live near the Mexican border in So. California and you can walk into Mexico without restriction. But those US citizens who forgot to take their passport or other proof a=of US citizenship often have a tough time getting baqck into the USA. This same thing happened to me on a vist to Canada a few yeats ago - the US border control folks held me up for a couple of hours.
I lived in So. California for many years. Mexican and central American laborers were essential to agriculture picking grapes, lettuce, dates, tomatoes, and many other products. Some are US citizens, some have temporary labor papers, and no doubt other were here illegally. The problem is that no one else wants these backbreaking jobs. I used to know engineers at UC Davis working on developing automation to replace these workers but it is slow going.
You make a crack about us blacks needing to leave and then toss in welfare. You act as if we have less rights than an illegal immigrant to be here. I have plenty of self awareness but you don't. Most blacks in the US never had a choice to live here. But sense we have lived under poor conditions up to a few years ago we need to leave and as you joke become immigrants elsewhere. I get what you are saying. You don't think blacks have the same rights.
Oh don't flatter yourself. You just confirmed that you're aware that talking about "welfare dependence" is often a racist canard - so when you help promote the same canard about another minority, you know exactly what you're doing. You're intelligent enough to get how the report cleverly adds together dissimilar programs to get to the high above-the-cut number, and makes no real attempt to discuss statistical limitations of their approach (how do they know the data doesn't over-represent legal residents? They do not, nor care, because this is not real social science). And you're doing it in support of an openly white nationalist administration (orange? is Trump's hue a separate race?). Using the race card to defend your racism is just a cherry on top. I didn't say blacks have to leave anywhere - I said YOU should, to finally get some clue.