The Definitive Ranking

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Kizmet, Jun 9, 2018.

  1. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  2. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    My ranking would test the graduates to see if they know anything.
  3. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Harvard at no. 3? Hmm.
  4. heirophant

    heirophant Well-Known Member

  5. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    With the normal caveat that these are all bogus anyway, what's wrong with Harvard not being ranked number one in every single ranking ever in perpetuity?
  6. heirophant

    heirophant Well-Known Member

    Stanford's #2, miles above Harvard. Harvard's merely the Stanford of the East.

    It's not like Cambridge Mass took too hard a hit from QS. MIT's their #1. (Two of the world's top three isn't terrible.) Admittedly, MIT is extraordinarily good at the things it does best. (Many universities can say that.) It's perhaps the best engineering school in the United States, and probably the world. (Not only at the doctoral/research level, but at the undergraduate level too.) It's a world leader in many of the physical and biological sciences. But the humanities? Not so much. If we are going to be giving entire universities general institutional rankings, I'd prefer a less specialized school be #1.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2018
  7. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    This list has value in indicating that each institution on it is a great university, among the best in the world.
    The ranking of schools inside the list - pretty much meaningless.

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