The best MBA degree

Discussion in 'Business and MBA degrees' started by Zaya, Jan 19, 2008.

  1. Vinipink

    Vinipink Accounting Monster

    15% it is relatively small percentage, I don't see the benefit of paying that extra premium for this program to save a year in your studies from the financial stand point of view. And that is a significant percentage to consider to be able to finish.
  2. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    From the Great State of Colorado

    Yorktown University offers an MBA in Entrepreneurship. At $375/hr., this 36-hr. program has a total tuition cost of $13,500. They are accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council.
  3. 4Q

    4Q New Member

    The TUI MBA has to rank right up there, too.
  4. pugbelly

    pugbelly New Member

    Frostburg State University offers an AACSB accredited, online, 36-hour MBA. The school does not do a great job of promoting the online option, but I emailed the director of the program yesterday and confirmed that it can be completed 100% online (2 courses that are taken at the end of the program are not yet offered, but will be, and can be transferred in if needed). Maryland in-state tuition is $11,412 and out-of-state tuition is $13,104. Frostburg State University is part of the University System of Maryland.

    tuition page
    MBA page

  5. TCord1964

    TCord1964 New Member

    That first link is for Florida State University. Frostburg university's site is located at
  6. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Indeed. And, interestingly enough, from the Great State of Florida, Florida State University does offer the MBA General, MBA Hospitality Administration, and MBA Real Estate Finance & Analysis online. At $445.55/hr. for in-staters and $1076.95/hr. for out-of-staters, this 42-hr. program costs a total tuition of $18,713.10 for in-staters and $45,221.90 for out-of-staters. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
  7. pugbelly

    pugbelly New Member

    Crap! Good catch. I've earned the dunce cap for the week. ;)
  8. lukedean27

    lukedean27 New Member

    Others may have hit to look up for cheap and reasonable online school to get some MBA degree. But the part of looking for an online school, one that has the credibility and capacity to deliver the best of services they can give. As for me, somehow at the expense of getting the degree isn't the issue, but the accreditation of the school and the quality it has to offered.
  9. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    From the Great State of Florida

    The University of Central Florida offers the MNPM (Non-Profit Management) online. At $292.56/hr. for in-staters and $390/hr. for out-of-staters, this 33-hr. program costs in-staters $9,654.48 and out-of-staters $12,870. They are accredited by the Southern Association.

    Everest University, formerly known as Florida Metropolitan University, offers the MBA General, MBA Human Resource Management, and the MBA International Business online. According to my personal file known as DISTMBA1.rtf, tuition at Everest University (Last Updated: 12/09/07) was $410/hour; hence, total tuition for the 56-hour program is $22,960. They are accredited by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools.

    Everglades University offers an online MBA. At $430/hr., this 36-hr. program costs $15,480 in total. They are accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology.

    The University of Florida offers the two-year MBA, the one-year MBA, and the MSin Entrepreneurship online. With a stated program tuition of $41,000, the 48-hour two-year MBA has an implicit hourly tuition of $854.27/hour. With a stated program tuition of $36,000, the 32-hour one-year MBA has an implicit hourly tuition of $1,125/hour. With a stated program tuition of $25,000, the 30-hour MS in Entrepreneurship has an implicit hourly tuition of $833.33/hour. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

    Florida Atlantic University www.fau,edu offers the MAcc Forensic Accounting, MAcc General, MBA Accounting, and Executive MTax. At $270.40/hour in-state and $915.87/hour out-of-state, the 30-hour MAcc and MTax programs cost in-staters $8,112 and out-of-staters $27,476.10 while the 40-hour MBA accounting costs in-staters $10,816 and out-of-staters $36,634.80.

    Florida Gulf Coast University offers the MBA Finance, MBA General Management, MBA Information Systems, MBA Interdisciplinary, MBA Marketing, and the MS Accounting & Taxation. The MBA programs are 30-54 hours, depending on whether one needs the pre-reqs while the MS Accounting & Taxation is 30 hours. At $256.81 in-state and $948.11 out-of-state, tuition for the MS Accounting & Taxation and the MBA (if no pre-reqs are needed) is $7,704.30 for in-staters and $28,443.80 for out-of-staters while MBA tuition (if pre-reqs are needed) is $13,867.74 for in-staters and $51,197.94. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

    Florida International University offers the MS in Construction Management and the MS in Hospitality Management online. Tuition for the MS in Construction Management is $227.10/hour in-state, or $6,813 for the 30-hour program and $1599/course out-of-state, or $15,990 for the 10-course program. Tuition for the MS in Hospitality Management is $30,000, which yields $666.67/hour as an implicit hourly rate. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the American Council for Construction Education.

    Florida State University offers the MBA General, MBA Hospitality Administration, MBA Real Estate Finance & Analysis, MS Management Information Systems, and the MSM Risk Management & Insurance. At $445.55/hour in-state and $1,076.95/hour out-of-state, the 42-hour MBA programs cost in-staters $18,713.10 and out-of-staters $45,231.90 while the 33-hour MS Management Information Systems costs in-staters $14,703.15 and out-of-staters $35,539.35. At $327.55/hour in-state and $958.95/hour out-of-state, the 33-hour MSM Risk Management and Insurance costs in-staters $10,809.15 and out-of-staters $31,645.35. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

    Florida Institute of Technology offers the MBA Accounting & Finance, MBA Health Care Management, MBA Management, MBA Marketing, and MS Information Technology. At $645/hour, the 33-hour MS Information Technology costs $21,285 and at $790/hour, the 36-hour MBA degrees cost $28,440. They are accredited by the Southern Association.

    Full Sail University offers the MS in Entertainment Business and the MS in Internet Marketing. The 13-course MS Entertainment Business has a stated program tuition of $34,010, which equates to an implicit tuition rate of $2,616.15/course; hence, the 12-course MS Internet Marketing must cost $31,393.80. They are accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology.

    Hodges University offers the MBA Accounting, MBA Finance, MBA Health Care Administration, MBA Information Technology, MBA International Business, MBA Management, MBA Marketing, MBA Public Administration, MHA (Health Administration), MIS (Information Systems Management), MSM Contingency Planning, MSM Executive Management, and MSM Human Resource Management. At $600/hour, the 30-hour MSM programs cost $18,000, the 30-36 hour MIS costs $18,000-$21,600, the 33-45 hour MHA costs $19,800-$27,000, and the 48-hour MBA programs cost $28,800. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the International Association for Collegiate Business Education.

    IMPAC University offers the MBA Business Law & Negotiating Strategies, MBA Comp[etition & Strategy, MBA Entrepreneurship, MBA Operations Management, MBA Public Administration, MS Management Information Systems, and the MS Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Development. At $420/hour, these 48-hour programs cost $20,160. They are accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council.

    Lynn University offers the MBA Financial Valuation/Investment Management, MBA Hospitality Management, MBA International Business, and MBA Marketing online. At $580/hour, these 36-hour programs cost $20,880. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the International Association for Collegiate Business Education.

    Nova Southeastern University offers the MAcc, MBA Entrepreneurship, MBA Finance, MBA General, MIBA (International Business Administration), MS Human Resource Management, MS Leadership, MS Management Information Systems, and the MTax. At $675/hour, tuition for the 43-hour MBA Entrepreneurship, MBA Finance, MBA General, and MIBA is $29,025, while tuition for the 40-hour MAcc and MS Human Resource Management is $27,000, and tuition for the 36-hour MTax is $24,300. At $500/hour, tuition for the 40-hour MS Leadership is $20,000 and tuition for the 36-hour MS Management Information Systems is $18,000. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the International Association for Collegiate Business Education.

    Saint Leo University offers the MBA Accounting, MBA Criminal Justice, MBA General, MBA Health Care Administration, MBA Human Resource Administration, MBA Information Security Management, and the MBA Sports Business online. At $572/hour, these 36-hour programs cost $20,592. With the military discount, tuition is $435/hour, for a total of $15,660. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the International Association for Collegiate Business Education.

    Schiller International University offers the MBA General, MBA International Business, MBA International Hotel & Tourism Management, MBA Management of Information Technology, and the MIM (International Management). At $1,770/course ($590/hour), tuition for the 36-hour MBA General and MIM(International Management) is $21,240 while tuition for the 45-hour MBA International Business, MBA International Hotel & Tourism Management, and MBA Management of Information Technology is $26,550. They are accredited by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools.

    The University of South Florida offers an online Graduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship. At $291.60/hour in-state and $869.13/hour out-of-state, the 12-hour program costs in-staters $3,499.20 and out-of-staters $10,429.56. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

    Stetson University offers an online MAcc. At $750/hour, the 30-hour program costs a total of $22,500. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

    The University of West Florida offers the MSA Acquistion & Contract Management, MSA Biomedical/Pharmaceutical, MSA Criminal Justice Administration, MSA Database Administration, MSA Health Care Administration, MSA Human Performance Technology, MSA Leadership, MSA Nursing Administration, MSA Public Administration, and MSA Software Engineering Administration. aT $266.86/hr. for in-staters, $308.86/hr. for Alabamans, and $926.51/hr. for out-of-staters, these 30-hr. programs cost in-staters $8,005.80, $9,265.80 for Alabamans, and out-of-staters $27,795.30. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
  10. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    From the Great State of Georgia

    American Intercontinental University offers the MBA Accounting & Finance, MBA Finance, MBA Health Care Management, MBA Human Resource Management, MBA International Business, MBA Management, MBA Marketing, MBA Operations Management, MBA Organizational Psychology & Development, MBA Project Management, MIT Information Security, and MIT Information Technology Project Management. At $645.33/hour, the 48-hour MBA programs cost $30,976 and at $642.08/hour, the 48-hour MIT programs cost $30,820. They are accredited by the Southern Association.

    Ashworth College MBA General, MBA Health Care Administration, MBA Human Resource Management, MBA International Business, MBA Marketing, MS Health Care Administration, MS Human Resource Management, MS Management, and MS Marketing. At $250/hour, these 36-hour programs cost $9,000 total program tuition. They are accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council.

    University of Atlanta offers the MBA, Executive MBA, MS in Business: Administration, MS in Business: Finance, MS in Business: International Business, MS in Business: Marketing, and the MS in Social Science: Human Resource Management. At $500/hour, the 42-hour Executive MBA costs $21,000 total program tuition. At $435/hour, the 42-hour MBA program costs $18,270. At $1100/course ($366.67/hour), the 12-course (36-hour) MS programs cost $13,200 total program tuition. They are accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council.

    Brenau University offers the MBA Accounting, MBA General, MBA Health Care Management, and the MBA Project Management. At $462/hour, the 36-hour MBA Accounting and MBA Project Management cost $16,632, the 33-hour MBA Health Care Management costs $15,246, and the 30-hour MBA General costs $13,860. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the International Association for Collegiate Business Education.

    Columbus State University offers the Georgia Web MBA. At $17,250 stated program tuition, this 30-hour program has an implicit tuition rate of $575/hour. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

    University of Georgia offers a partially online Executive MBA. Tuition is $69,000, payable over five terms. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

    Georgia College & State University offers the Georgia Web MBA. At a stated tuition of $18,000, this 30-hour program has an implicit tuition rate of $600/hour. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

    Georgia Southern University offers the Georgia Web MBA and the MS Applied Economics online. At $575/hour, the 30-hour Georgia Web MBA costs $17,250 and at $350/hour, the 30-hour MS Applied Economics costs $10,500. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

    Kennesaw State University offers the Georgia Web MBA. At $18,000 stated program tuition, this 30-hour program has an implicit tuition rate of $600/hour. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

    South University offers the MBA Accounting, MBA Entrepreneurship and Small Business, MBA Finance, MBA Health Care Administration, MBA Hospitality Management, MBA Human Resource Management, MBA International Business, MBA Management Information Systems, MBA Marketing, and the MBA Sustainability. At $465/hour, these 48-hour programs cost $22,320 total tuition. They are accredited by the Southern Association.

    Valdosta State University offers the Georgia Web MBA. At $17,250 stated program tuition, this 30-hour program has an implicit tuition rate of $575/hour. They are accredited vy the Southern Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

    University of West Georgia offers the Georgia Web MBA. At $18,000 in stated program tuition, this 30-hour program has an implicit tuition rate of $600/hour. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
  11. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    From the Great State of Hawaii

    Hawaii Pacific University offers the Professional Certificate in Organizational Change and Development, MA in Global Leadership & Sustainable Development, MA in Organizational Change, and the MS in Information Systems online. At $660/hour, tuition is $7,920 for the 12-hour Professional Certificate in Organizational Change & Development, $27,720 for the 42-hour MA in Global Leadership & Sustainable Development and MA in Organizational Change, and $29,700 for the 45-hour MS in Information Systems. They are accredited by the Western Association.
  12. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    From the Great State of Idaho

    Northwest Nazarene University offers a generalist MBA online. At $500/hour, this 42-hour program costs $21,000 in total program tuition. They are accredited by the Northwest Commission.
  13. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    From the Great State of Hawaii

    The University of Hawaii offers an MAcc online. At $622/hour in-state and $964/hour out-of-state, tution for this 30-45 hour program costs in-staters $18,660-$27,990 and out-of-staters $28,920-$43,380. They are accredited by the Western Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
  14. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    From the Great State of Illinois

    Argosy University offers the Customized MBA, MBA Finance, MBA Health Care Administration, MBA International Business, MBA Management, MBA Marketing, and MSM. At $595/hour, these 36-hour programs cost $21,420. They are accredited by the North Central Association.

    Benedictine University offers the MBA Entrepreneurship & Managing Innovation, MBA Finance, MBA Health Care Administration, MBA International Business, MBA Marketing, and the MS Management & Organizational Behavior. At $490/hour, the 48-64 hour MBA programs cost $23,520-$31,360 and the 64-hour MSM program costs $31,360. They are accredited by the North Central Association.

    DePaul University offers an MS in E-Commerce Technology. At $535/hour, this 52-hour program costs $27,820. If you need the 24 hours of pre-reqs, those @ $369/hour, will cost you an additional $8,856, for a total of $36,676. They are accredited by the North Central Association.

    DeVry University offers the MAFM (Accounting & Financial Management), MBA Accounting, MBA/CPA, MBA E-Commerce Management, MBA Finance, MBA General Management, MBA Health Services, MBA Hospitality Management, MBA Human Resources, MBA Information Security, MBA Information Systems Management, MBA International Business, MBA Marketing, MBA Network/Communications Management, MBA Project Management, MBA Public Administration, MBA Security Management, MHRM (Human Resource Management), MISM (Information Systems Management), MNCM (Network/Communications Management), MPM (Project Management), and the MPA (Public Administration). At $2200/course ($733.33/hour), the 48-hour MBA degrees cost $35,200 and the remaining masters degrees @ 45 hours cost $33,000. They are accredited by the North Central Association.

    Ellis University offers the MBA E-Commerce, MBA Finance, MBA General, MBA Global Management, MBA Health Care Administration, MBA Human Resource Management, MBA Leadership, MBA Management Information Systems, MBA Marketing, MBA Professional Accounting, MBA Project Management, MBA Risk Management, MS Human Resource Management & Labor Relations, MSM Health Care Administration, MSM Leadership, MSM Marketing, MSM Non-Profit Management, MSM Project Management, and the MSM with a Self-Developed Concentration. At $685/hour, the 36-hour MBA and MSM degrees cost $24,660 and the 39-hour MS in Human Resource Management & Labor Relations costs $26,715. At $350/hour, one can complete a second MBA specialization (9 hours) for $3,150. Since the military gets a 20% discount, they can get the MS in Human Resource Management & Labor Relations for $21,372, the MBA or MSM for $19,728, and the second MBA for $2,520. Military as used here means Active, Chapter 35 and Chapter 31 Recipients, Department of Defense Employees, National Guard, Reserve, Retired, and Veterans. They are accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council.

    University of Illinois Chicago offers the MS Health Informatics. At 675/hour, this 45-hour program cots $30,375. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the Assembly to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

    University of Illinois Global, through the University of Illinois Chicago, offers the MS Management Information Systems/Date Mining. At $745/hour in-state and $850/hour out-of-state, this 32-hour program costs in-staters $24,480 and out-of-staters $27,200. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

    University of Illinois Springfield offers the MS Management Information Systems At $283.25/hour, this 44-hour program costs $12,463. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

    University of Illinois Urbana Champaign offers the EdM Human Resource Education. At $1928 per 4-credit course and $964 per 2-credit course ($482/hour) - and there are eight 4-credit courses and two 2-credit courses (36 credits) - tuition comes to $17,352. They are accredited by the North Central Association.

    National Louis University offers the MBA and the MSM. At $691/hour, the 33-hour MSM costs $20,803 and the 37-hour MBA costs $25,567. They are accredited by the North Central Association.

    Roosevelt University offers the MA in Training & Development. At $770/hour, this 36-hour program costs $27,720. They are accredited by the North Central Association.

    University of Saint Francis offers the MBA, MS Health Services Administration, MSM, and MS Training & Development. At $698/hour, the 36-hour MBA costs $25,128 and at $560/hour the 36-hour MS degrees cost $20,160. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs.

    Southern Illinois University Edwardsville offers an MS in Health Care & Nursing Administration. At $243.25/hour in-state (including Missouri) and $608.15/hour out-of-state, this 34-hour program costs in-staters $8,270 and out-of-staters $20,667.10. They are accredited by the North Central Association.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2009
  15. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    From the Great State of Indiana

    Ball State University offers the MBA Entrepreneurship, MBA Finance, MBA General, and MBA Operations online. At $343/hour in-state and $655/hour out-of-state, these 36-54 hour programs cost in-staters $12,348-$18,522 and out-of-staters $23,580-$35,270. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

    Indiana State University offers the MS Human Resource Development online. At $309/hour in-state, this 33-36 hour program costs $29,997-$32,724. Out-of-staters may qualify for in-state tuition if they: (a) are admitted to an ISU degree or program; (b) declare themselves distance students (by checking the distance box on thie admissions application); and (c) enroll only in distance courses. They are accredited by the North Central Association.

    India Institute of Technology offers the MBA Health Care Management and MBA Management online. At $445/hour, these 42-hour programs cost $18,690. They are accredited by the North Central Association.

    Indiana University offers the MBA, MS Finance, MS Global Supply Chain Management, and MS Strayegic Management online through Kelley Direct At $945/hour, the 51-hour MBA costs $48,195 and the 30-hour MS programs cost $28,350. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

    Indiana Wesleyan University offers the following online degrees: MBA Accounting, MBA Applied Management, MBA Health Care Management, MBA Human Resource Management, MSM Health Care, MSM Human Resources, MSM Strategic Management. The MBA degrees are 42 hours and the MSM degrees are 36 hours. In the continental United States, tuition (including books) for the MBA Accounting is $23,052.41, tuition (including books) for the MBA Applied Management is $22,730.83, tuition (including books) for the MBA Health Care Management is $22,670.55, and tuition (including books) for the MSM is $18,220.78. They are accredited by the North Central Association.

    ITT Technical Institute offers a general MBA online. ITT Tech is one of those schools that seems to deliberately make its tuition difficult to find, but according to my personal fille DISTMBA1.doc (Last Updated: 12./22/06), ITT Tech's tuition was $441/hour; thus, the 56-hour program would be $24,696. They are accredited by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools.
  16. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    From the Great State of Iowa

    Ashford University offers the MA Health Care Administration, MAOM Global Management, MAOM Health Care Administration, MAOM Human Resource Management, MAOM Organizational Leadership, MAOM Public Administration, MAOM Supply Chain Management, MBA Entrepreneurship, MBA Finance, MBA Global Management, MBA Health Care Management, MBA Information Systems, MBA Marketing, MBA Organizational Leadership, MBA Project Management, MBA Public Administration, and MBA Supply Chain Management online. At $515/hour, the 36-hour MA in Health Care Administration costs $18,540 while the 33-hour MAOM and MBA programs cost $16,995. They are accredited by the North Central Association.

    Kaplan University offers the MBA Entrepreneurship, MBA Finance, MBA General, MBA Health Care Management, MBA Human Resource Management, MBA International Business, MBA Marketing, MBA Project Management, MBA Supply Chain Management/Logistics, MSM Change Leadership, MSM Health Care Management, MSM Project Management, and MSM Supply Chain Management/Logistics online. At $420/hour, the 56-hour MSM programs cost $23,520, the 60-hour general MBA costs $25,200, and the 76-hour MBA degrees with concentrations cost $31,920. They are accredited by the North Central Association.

    Upper Iowa University offers the MBA Accounting, MBA Corporate Financial Management, MBA Global Business, MBA Human Resource Management, MBA Organizational Development, and MBA Quality Management online. At $386/hour, these 39-hour programs cost $34,954. They are accredited by the North Central Association. Note: Upper Iowa University's MBA concentrations consist of 18 hours.
  17. redwingsguy

    redwingsguy New Member

    Money is no object MBA

    I vote for the University of Cambridge's MBA...One year and $ 60,000 AND IT'S ALL YOURS!
  18. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Imagine Ted Heiks making THAT gaffe! He intended to write Indiana Institute of Technology! :eek:
  19. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    Hi Ted - On one of our other boards Jen is looking for an MBA with a concentration in restaurant/hotel/hospitality stuff. Have you got one of those up your sleeve?
  20. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    If by Jen you mean Cook DeRosa, I've posted a few to that thread.

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