Tesc(Thomas Edison) Lied To Me, My Degree Audit Was A Mistake!!!

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by LJinPA, Dec 22, 2004.

  1. LJinPA

    LJinPA New Member

    PLEASE HEAR ME OUT CAREFULLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *OMG I never yelled AT one person in here, only at my situation.

    *ALSO I never started this thread with the intention of gaining a pity party from anyone- I was hoping for some practical insight with someone who is familiar with ADD. I was angry when I wrote it oh well...

    *Not everytime I use caps am I yelling. Online when we write you cannot hear intonation of voice. It is easy to take things out of context. Therefore I put emphasis on certain words.

    *ALSO I NEVER had the intention of bringing ADD into the discussion, someone else brought it in from another thread. How someone else made this thread into me looking for a pity party and excusees I have no idea.

    *As far as me growing up, learning the system, and being diplomatic....I was nothing but polite and controlled with TESC over the phone. I NEVER called my advisor anything to her face... People obviously read MR Levicoff's post and then took ME out of context.

    *I was also not yelling at anyone on this forum or asking for pity just practical advice! NOW I AM GETTING UPSET after trying to innore the arrgance long enough!!!!!!!

    *TO all you Judge Judy wannamees who take pride in "I TELL IT LIKE IT IS" PLEASE hear people out and get the facts before you share your condescending "truth"...

    Merry Christmas:D
  2. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    You need to grow up.

    If I was going to be condescending to you, you would g**damn well know it and so would everybody else. You received a lot of well-intentioned advice to which you have responded in a churlish and stupid manner.

    Apparently anyone who does not instantly give you what you want and agree with everything you say is a bitch, etc.

    You brought up ADD and Asperger's. You got no pity, you got advice--but charging others with pitying you is a neat device that enables you to ignore righteously what they have to say.

    That's not astute. Clever, maybe, but not astute.

    If you looked at Dr Levicoff's material on the "Big 3" you could, if you chose to do so, learn a lot. If you looked at previous discussions on this forum about TESC, you could learn a lot. If you took to heart the advice you got on this thread, you could learn a lot.

    But you appear to have other plans.

    Too bad.
  3. LJinPA

    LJinPA New Member

    Grow up? I thought after my first post where I was upset I was very mature about it- but no matter what I say, It gets taken out of context.

    I'm not mad at my advisor for not giving me anything I want, I was mad because something happened that wasn't right. If a cashier in a store overcharges you and you complain to have it fixed is that immature????? No one is hearing me out.
  4. DaveHayden

    DaveHayden New Member


    Until this last post your posts have come acrossed very emotional (multiple exclamation points tend to cometransmit that). Perhaps that impression your posts gives is wrong or perhaps you are more upset than you realize. In any even, good luck and have a great holiday!

  5. qvatlanta

    qvatlanta New Member

    Re: Re: Hokum Schmokum

    I had a 2.75 undergraduate GPA, but got accepted into a strongly-ranked PHD program 10 years ago. However I don't disagree with your statement at all. Once I decided I wanted to go to grad school, in order to get around my GPA, I had to jump through hoops. I studied like crazy for the GRE, then shelled out a lot of money to learn a second language and take several non-degree graduate courses (you don't get financial aid as a non-degree student) and really figured out how to position myself as a candidate. Luckily, graduate admissions usually don't throw out an application based on one weakness as long as there are other particular strengths that they happen to be looking for to balance out their program. I would agree that a bit of extra work and delay is worth it to get an above-3.0 GPA.
  6. Steve Levicoff

    Steve Levicoff Well-Known Member

    Actually, you're right. There's an old expression, "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there's not a reason to be."

    I guess you've finally discovered the truth . . . we're all out to get you. Each and everyone of us. :D

    But seriously, LJ, you're obviously a bright guy who's letting his emotional reactions get in the way of mastering his situation, having rejected the constructive criticism of virtually everyone in this thread who has offered any solid advice. So as the preacher said to the sheriff in Blazing Saddles, "You're on your own, son."
  7. LJinPA

    LJinPA New Member

    OK I finally got one nice person on the phone today. He couldnt do much til after new years. I guess the computer threw the course out trying to improve my GPA. He said he will try to re-instate it, however there are no guarantees. The man was the registrar I THINK.

    He said to avoid the problem to give them advanced warning when I'm talking a CLEP. Only thing is I hate counting my chickens before they hatch, thats why I waited til after I passed.
  8. LJinPA

    LJinPA New Member

    OK I finally got one nice person on the phone today. He couldnt do much til after new years. I guess the computer threw the course out trying to improve my GPA. He said he will try to re-instate it, however there are no guarantees. The man was the registrar I THINK.

    He said to avoid the problem to give them advanced warning when I'm talking a CLEP. Only thing is I hate counting my chickens before they hatch, thats why I waited til after I passed.
  9. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    This is very well put and very true.
  10. LJinPA

    LJinPA New Member

    I think my last paragraph sums it well...

    "GO back and negotiate in a diplomatic manner"------------Sound advice, but how many times did I say that I was always polite to TESC over the phone?...

    The advice about learning how to navigate the beurocratic system, VERY good advice. But what you people don't realize is that I spent more time before I enrolled studying the beurocracy in catalogs then I did studying my courses!

    Mr Levicoff's advice(and other members), may have been sound advice and his "wit and wisdom" enrtrtaining. But he totally got the ball rolling that ruined the purpose of my thread and twisted around what I said.
    Other people read what he said and only glanced over what I said and then jumped on the bandwagon.

    I been on online forums quite a long time of many different subjects and this happens all the time. This is a way people make themselves feel important.

    *********Theres an expression [When people say, "I'm telling you this for your own good", IT RARELY IS] Condescention and riteous indignation is usually more for the good of the speakers ego and Importance. Even if what comes out of their mouth is "GOOD ADVICE"*********:( :( :(
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2004
  11. beachhoppr

    beachhoppr New Member

    I have to continually agree with LJinPA's TESC assessment. Their student services blow. Nothing more to report on that front :D
  12. LJinPA

    LJinPA New Member

    Oh and for those who think I wasnt 'doing my homework" anyone remember my threads before I enrolled comparing the big 3??? They were pretty thorough.
  13. DaveHayden

    DaveHayden New Member

    Then you knew that customer service issues were part of what you were accepting when you enrolled?
  14. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    A Charm School and Its Star Student

    A plague on both your houses.
  15. LJinPA

    LJinPA New Member

    Yes Dave it said right on their website that their customer service blows. Yet I foolishly applied.

    Really, are you deliberately trying to be antagonistic?

    Look at all the people who have problems with the customer service of their cell phone companies... Should they have just listened to Miss Cleo??? :rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    Customer Service is just a difficult industry for both ends(customer and the provider).:(
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2004
  16. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Methinks the lady doth project too much.
  17. DaveHayden

    DaveHayden New Member


    You enrolled in a school known for difficult customer service/administration and then are surprised and upset you run into it. In explaining your surprise, you mentioned you thoroughly studied the school BEFORE enrolling. There is a break in logic there. If my pointing that out seems antagonistic, I apologise. I guess I am suggesting there is a lesson in here for some one.
  18. LJinPA

    LJinPA New Member

    OMG how was I supposed to know it was known for bad customer service??? And I like the way you say "lesson learned". Your determined to belittle me. -and this time I'm not going to lose my cool and look like an idiot.
  19. cogent

    cogent New Member

    Advisor's "Concern" Not Relevant

    An advisor's "concern" is trivia, and nothing more. His or her job is to follow the rules to make sure the guy is graduating. An advisor does NOT set policy. If he had a signed "senior check" that one is legally binding. If not signed, then GET IT SIGNED. An advisor telling a student anything about grad school is all well and good but has NOTHING TO DO with this fellow getting his bachelor's degree.

    I've taught with a bunch of nincompoops who thought they ought to get in the business of lecturing during a senior check. I took my job at this point to be the advocate of the student. IF the student had the credit needed to graduate, I signed the document and took it forward. And if the student got grief on the next stop, I went back and fought for the student.

  20. LJinPA

    LJinPA New Member

    I GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    YOU KNOW WHAT Merry Christmas, I think I have witnessed enough forum arguments to know there are "bullies" on every forum that abuse their God-given wit and "way with words" to belittle and gang up on people and make sure they do not "SAVE FACE". I have seem on other forums wars/grudges go on for YEARS and I mean YEARS and I'm not going to ruin my Christmas trying to "save face" with a bunch of self-riteous-condescending people from God-knows where... Trying to show off their profound wit and wisdom AT MY EXPENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Your trying to make yourselves look like a wise grown up giving a pep talk to a "stupid" teenager. I know your game guys and I'm NOT GOING TO PLAY IT! I don't need to "SAVE FACE" I'm on this forum for practical into and facts that I need, not to win respect and approval of strangers.

    I only need the approval of GOD almighty and I'm not going to have a heart attack on his birthday over some arrogant people.

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