Tesc(Thomas Edison) Lied To Me, My Degree Audit Was A Mistake!!!

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by LJinPA, Dec 22, 2004.

  1. Hille

    Hille Active Member


    Hello, Please feel free to e-mail me in reference to TESC. If you are getting a BA in Liberal Studies I may be able to make specific suggestions. Hille
  2. Fortunato

    Fortunato Member

    Don't you think you're being a tad melodramatic? Given the cost of pursuing a degree in terms of total dollars and time spent, $75.00 is chicken feed.

    You're a grown-up now. Suck it up, and either call the registrar's office, protest their decision and get it fixed, or live with their decision and just CLEP your remaining credits. Either way, just get your degree, and move on with your life. TESC isn't out to get you - you're making a mountain out of a molehill.

    There might be problems with TESC. According to the tales of woe related here, there probably are. But these issues are relatively minor when compared with the life-changing impact of being able to earn a college degree with the kind of flexibliltyyou find at the "Big 3". Remember what you're striving for here, and don't lose sight of your goal due to relatively minor setbacks.
  3. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Very Polite Actually

    See, now, there's a first time for everything.

    (But stay away from open windows.)

    Best wishes to you, despite your strange indignation over a D-grade course.

    Janko Preotul
  4. jpquinn

    jpquinn New Member

    Yes, and if you do this, come armed with every scape of paper/doc you can find.

    Man, that has got to really suck badly, and at this time of year. Hopefully, you can get it straight over the phone and get that number back up, if not, check the oil, fill her up with gas and check the tire pressure. A face to face can make a great big difference. Make sure who comprises the entire chain of command and start at the bottom and follow procedure and protocol, don't give them a reason to got give you what you want. That all goes with out saying. But when people get angry, they tend not to think rationally and start to make mistakes. Good Luck
  5. Kit

    Kit New Member

    The above comment is right on target, and I really do hope the original poster listens and takes action on the excellent advice above. (Despite Mr. Levicoff's 'in-yer-face' writing style, which others object to, he certainly does get his point across quite effectively!)

    On the subject of "hyper focusing", perhaps another success story will help further illustrate the point. My very dear friend has a son who tests as high-intelligence but is also diagnosed with ADHD. Despite high intelligence the child failed his last school year and was passed only by barely getting through summer school, and this was despite being on medication and under medical care. My friend and I began reading everything we could get our hands on concerning ADHD, and were able to get a lot of information about hyper focusing. We discovered that the child did indeed practice hyper focus while playing computer video games. We immediately began working with him to help him recognize his hyper focusing and redirect some of it to his school work. Well, it worked! This year he is a solid "B" student, quite an accomplishment for him considering his performance just last year. Additionally, he feels better about himself and has much more confidence so his behavior has greatly inproved as well. (Considering his high intelligence, he could be an "A" student, but that's purely a motivational problem, which is completely separate and distinct from ADHD. However, considering the improvement from last year the "B" student achievement is excellent in itself!) Oh by the way, he's also no longer on medication so these accomplishments are purely through his own efforts and ability to redirect hyper focus and use it to his advantage.

    So heed Mr. Levicoff's advice on this matter. It works, and if it worked for a kid for whom nothing else worked for then it can certainly work for an ADD adult.

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2004
  6. jpquinn

    jpquinn New Member

    Re: Would you like some cheese with your whine?

    BITCH!, shes black, 8lbs, 1/2 toy 1/2 mini poodle, 11 y/o, shes in heet right not, I love her dearly... I heard that, you perverts.

    Anyway, yeah, what he said, chill out, get your facts straight, follow the chain of command, and make sure Bitch is not writtten on your forehead.
  7. jpquinn

    jpquinn New Member

    Me 3 w/ ADD, wonder how many people on the board have ADD? And how takes rx meds for it?

    I know ADD is recognized by the ADA, and I have found a place in the Dallas area that only charges ~$350 for the special testing they do so you can have papers proving you have it, as they won't take the word of a shrink. So what does it buy someone to have these papers and give to your university? I asked this of UOP right before I started my 1st class and got the impression of, well, not much as in nothing really. As ADA seems to be geared more for people that have physical disabilities, like wheelchair bound and timeliness / tardiness to class, they would be lenient, that sort of thing. Can someone please enlighten me?

    My biggest draw back with ADD (like I only have 1 :)) is having to re-read the same paragraph several times so it takes me many times longer to get through a piece. But once I get through it, I know it VERY well. What’s Ya’lls? What do you do to reduce distractions?
  8. jpquinn

    jpquinn New Member

    I'm sure this has been brought up in the past, but add a new fourm that allows people that are attending or have attended a D/L rate them on some scale? Then also be given a small space to say positive and or negative thins to expalin why the rating?
  9. LJinPA

    LJinPA New Member

    Actually I have both ADD and Asperger Syndrome (high functioning autism) AND I WAS NEVER USING EITHER AS AN EXCUSE!!! I just started Strattera but its too early to tell if it helps. Ive been on everything in the past- Adderall works but I was only on it briefly. I went on most of my life w/o meds. Some people think to succeed onmeds is cheating- but in that case if someone wears glasses, is blind as a bat w/o them, and wouldn't have gotten through school w/o them, is that cheating.......

    ANYWAY this thread got way off what I intended the topic to be. I do think ADD deserves it's OWN thread though...

    *****As far as people thinking I'm being whiny- half are missing my point......THe main reason Im upset is that I'm confused, lets make an ANALOGY and say if you had JUST enough credits to graduate according to your degree audit and you were happily submitting your last necessary CLEP/DANTES... when you find out that the computer shifted your courses around again and now you need another full semester. This bring AFTER your degree audit and advisor told you YOU WERE GRADUATING.
    TELL ME Would you just be a grown up, keep your mouth shut and say "ehh whats an X-tra semester".......??????????????
  10. Buckwheat

    Buckwheat New Member

    If they made a legit promise, make them stick to it! However, they will argue ( as it goes up the chain of command) the advisor made an miscalculation, and you are once again back at beginning of your problem, but now coupled w/fifth column activities from the staff.
    Money may be tight, but if you are going to let any classes fall by the wayside, then let those "D's" go, they are hideous GPA grenades and may eventually do more harm than good should you sometime latter attempt the "Master's" thingy, it may be a blessing in disguise!
    When it comes time to make up those few classes, climb back on this board and ask around about the instructors for your particular class; now that's where the rubber meets the road on your degree, as you probably already know, some instructors you take and some you avoid like the plague because they are quota folks who hand out in each class so many "A's, B's, C's etc.
    Perhaphs the best thing would be as follows:

    1.) Ljin Graduates with a BA or BS on such and such date

    2.) Day after graduation Ljin picks up the phone calls TESC, when the first person answers Ljin says: "Let me talk to somebody down there who has some damn sense!"

    Now thats how to ruffle feathers
    Take care Ljin!
  11. LJinPA

    LJinPA New Member

    I HAVE NO INTENTION OF GOING TO GRAD SCHOOL! I just want my Bachelors!!!!!!!! You need a 2.0 to graduate, I have a 2.6 ITS MY DEGREE if I want to settle for a 2.6 its my business. The rest of my journey consists exams that wont hurt my GPA anyway.

    I was content with my original degree audit and what TESC accepted(and already documented on paper). I NEVER KNEW they can still take credits away THAT THEY ALREADY ACCEPTED at any time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. lena00

    lena00 New Member

    I think the person who made the comment go have some SEX was just kidding around. Don't get your panties all in a bunch.
    I guess some people have no sense of humor :) LAUGH PEOPLE :) :) :) It is just a joke.

    Yeah that is strange, I would see no reason for them to say these credits apply to your degree, then take them away. I don't know about other people in this forum, but I would want my D grades, if it transfers to their school. Most of the classes with D's I am not trying even think about re-taking. I am trying to figure out how can they go about removing grades without consulting you on it or at least letting you know what they are about to do. I would come up with some documentation on your part to support your degree plan and dispute this with TESC.

    What the counselor said about a GPA 2.6 being not good, that is a load of crap. That is passing in my opinion as long as you have above a GPA of 2.0 who cares. (Maybe some people care about their GPA but heck I am like you, I want my sheet of paper.)
  13. DaveHayden

    DaveHayden New Member

    If I was your advisor my concern would be that many people have no plans to go to grad school and then later do. Many grad programs require a 3.0 in your Bachelors program for admittance. If the credits truely were already accepted I don't think you'll have a problem getting them included, but if it were me I would serious consider that your future plans may change. In any event, rally your advisor to your side. Do what ever is necessary to keep from alienating them. Good luck.
  14. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Can you hear me now? Good.

    No one here wishes you anything but the best, LJinPA. You have received lots of good advice, some of it phrased humorously, some of it not, all of it solid and well-intentioned. You have found people who are knowledgeable and empathetic about your ADD. Please quit yelling at us. We are not the source of your difficulties at TESC and hope that you will overcome them and get your degree. I would quietly suggest to you that the value to you in later years of a slightly higher GPA may well be very much worth the little extra work of another class or test-out. Let us know how you fare. But turn down the bloody volume. Thank you. Janko Preotul
  15. Dr. Gina

    Dr. Gina New Member

    Could someone possibly direct me to some literature in regards to this "hyper-focusing" concept?

  16. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    I've always enjoyed Steve's humor and have been pleased that I've generally avoided being among his subjects. If you can suck up a little of that and get to the advice he's given you then you might get through this problem you're in currently. My own slant on this is that obtaining a Bachelors degree requires not only the ability to read the texts, regurgitate the information, do a bit of analysis and perhaps try out the occasional original thought, it also requires you to navigate the system. This may be, for some people, the most difficult aspect of their higher education. It doesn't matter that you never intend to go to grad school. This will NOT be the last time you are forced to deal with a bureaucratic system that is somewhat dysfunctional, somewhat arbitrary,and somewhat uncaring. Navigating this system is a major part of your education. Do it well (and Steve has given you some good advice reagarding this) and you'll get through it in good shape. Do it poorly and you may not get through at all. You're screaming that you've been cheated out of a few credits. Go back in and negotiate in a diplomatic manner. Who knows, if you get good enough at that then you'll find yourself thinking about law school.
    Basically, life is hard. Good luck.
  17. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Also called "hyper concentration," I believe Thom Hartman addresses this in his works.

    I may be wrong but I seem to think he does. I haven't read him in a number of years because I don't work with children anymore and never had an adult client who was labeled ADD.
  18. cogent

    cogent New Member

    Hokum Schmokum

    An advisor's concern about GPA is not relevant. All this hokum about how it will help this guy get into grad school later on is hokum. I wanted O U T as an undergrad and had a 2.39 average. In a short time, I was in grad school. Yes, I was admitted "conditionally" but that lasted one semester. After I got all "A's" the first term of grad school, I never looked back. I now have three graduate degrees.

    If he has a signed approved "senior check" the school cannot take hours away. I would go to court if they try any funny business.

  19. DTechBA

    DTechBA New Member

    Two things:

    Janko, my glasses are lost in the mail so please post in big (at least normal) print.

    Second, as far as sex and maturity goes; if you get mature enough and can still have sex over the holidays you feel blessed already....

    Happy holidays everybody....
  20. DaveHayden

    DaveHayden New Member

    Re: Hokum Schmokum

    An advisor's concern is not relevant? Isn't that what an advisor's role is? Also I think most grad programs would be very difficult to get in to with a less than 3.0. I am sure there are exceptions especially if a candidate is especially gifted or experienced, I guess we'll just have agree to disagree. Have a great Holiday.

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