Teach online as adjunct and make 100K?

Discussion in 'Online & DL Teaching' started by RFValve, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. Anthony Pina

    Anthony Pina Active Member

    It is possible to earn 100K per year working full time as an online adjunct (people are doing it). Some of the strategies include:

    1. Work for several institutions simultaneously.
    2. Try to teach as many sections of the same course as possible.
    3. Work for institutions that use condensed schedules (5-11 weeks).
    4. Become proficient in the use of the most popular learning management systems (e.g. Blackboard, Blackboard CE/Vista, Angel, Desire2Learn, Moodle, eCollege).
    5. Develop several courses ahead of time and outside the learning management system, so they can be "plugged in" on short notice (sometimes, you are hired at the last minute and developing a course while you are teaching it takes a ton of time).
    6. Maintain question/feedback/FAQ "banks" with your most popular responses, so that you can cut & paste, rather thantype the same thing multiple times.
    7. Learn to set up your course to eliminate redunancies and duplicated efforts
    8. Make your instructions, your expectations, your assignments and grading policies cystal clear (lack of clarity in writing is one of the most common problem that we find in online instructors).
    9. Use rubrics to insure consistent grading.
    10. Plan to spend a FULL work week (go into each class daily or every other day to check assignments, participate in discussion forums, grade, answer questions, provide feedback,etc.)
    11. Do not skimp on the above activities. Those instructors who plan on short-changing their students by never checking their courses, providing no feedback, never participatingin discussions, etc., get bad reputations and will be replaced by faculty who will want to do a good job for students.
    12. Since school schedules tend to overlap, those who are full-time adjuncts tend not to take many vacations (or they take "working" vacations).
  2. RNDrew01

    RNDrew01 New Member

    Online Schools

    I currently teach online for one college and need to know what else is out there? And how to get them? I was looking at National University but unable to find their employment website. Thanks Drew
  3. RNDrew01

    RNDrew01 New Member


    Sorry about my post but I had not seen the other threads. You can delete it..:)
  4. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

  5. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    It's highly unlikely that most online instructors can maintain that earning level for the reasons I stated earlier.

  6. truckie270

    truckie270 New Member

    It happens more than you would think. I am a faculty mentor and I recently failed two candidates who had passed training and were in their first course. They did not meet the standards of the mentorship and the course facilitation agreement and were let go.
  7. Anthony Pina

    Anthony Pina Active Member

    True. Very few adjunct candidates are willing or able to do all of the things on my list. That is why the 100K earners are a small, select bunch.
  8. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I do everything except 4 and 5. It is not really that hard. My corporate job is a lot of travel and working from home so I have a flexibility that few people have. I can put in an hour in the middle of the day and 30 minutes later in the evening. I think that makes it easier. One more thing - I never take a day off. If i did, I would fall behind and it would kill me.
  9. jackbrown

    jackbrown New Member

    I cannot think that this is possible in this world its a shocking news.
    Praxis Study
  10. mattbrent

    mattbrent Well-Known Member

    If someone can't pass the Praxis I the first time, he or she probably shouldn't be a teacher. It's basically an 8th grade math and reading test. The Praxis II, however, is a bit different. That's a content area test, but considering the individual SHOULD have a degree in that area, he or she should pass that too.

  11. Farina

    Farina New Member

  12. nobycane

    nobycane New Member

    Interesting thread........
    I am actually considering this beginning Fall 2009. I will be at that point 80% finished with my doctorate, a class or two beyond that and writing my dissertation will be a priority to get finished up by end of 2010.

    However, I have applied to about 8-9 additional colleges across the nation for online positions for Fall 2009...and the pay per course, if I can snag up a total of 7 online schools and keep the three on-campus gigs here locally I can make just about the same or a tad bit more than I make per term teaching HS. Which is my FT job right now...but with the state and district going to cut our salaries by 2%, and eliminate our free/planning period (making us teach 7 periods straight & no off period).....it is not worth the hassle and frustration of teaching HS anymore...especially when I want to teach college FT.

    So, if it works out......I can still devote time to my doctorate and do all these online courses, and allow me with time to do all.....rather than be stuck to a 7-3 job M-F!
  13. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    The beauty of this is that you can also get to live anywhere you like. 60K might not be a lot in the US and Canada but it allows you to live with some luxuries in other countries. I have lived in Mexico, Argentina and Cost Rica in the past year and had a lot of fun. 60K in the Toronto area is just enough to pay a small apartment and barely pay your bills, the same amount can give you enough to have a nice apartment in Buenos Aires with a maid service. Argentina is the cheapest place in America with a nice life standard and beautiful women. It is not worth the hassle to make few thousand more and live in places with high costs of living like Toronto, NY, LA or Vancouver. Life is too short and online teaching allows you to live it.
  14. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I think many schools require you to live in the USA.
  15. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    Correct, but I use a mail forwarding service with a US address and a US virtual phone.
  16. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    Now you are slick! Have you ever been in politics? :eek:
  17. mbaonline

    mbaonline New Member


    Can you tell me what a US Virtual phone is and how it is set up? Curious minds want to know...
  18. twosidneys

    twosidneys New Member

    I have the US forwarding address but forwarding is expensive. I am using earthclassmail.com. Who are you using? I'd like to know about the US phone too. i have just started to explore that. If you don't want to say things online, my email address is [email protected]


  19. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    I use http://vbuzzer.com/, it can be forwarded anywhere in the planet or you can answer from your own computer.

    I have also used vonage but it is a bit more expensive.

    I don't use the mail forwarding service anymore as all the payments are done via electronic transfer and the few schools I work in the US use electronic books.
  20. vickydeepi

    vickydeepi New Member

    Yes you can! And yes it is possible!! Though I am not a teacher / adjunct. I am working as a Data Analytics professional for the past 1 year. And I am teaching R, SAS language for the past 4 months. Also I tried to teach them what I am learning. For example, I tried to blog vlog about courses that made me earn a lot.

    And yeah these alone made me earn a good amount. Further my aunt is earning 10 times my earning. And I have never seen her working! He teaches Maths and creates courses on same

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