Teach online as adjunct and make 100K?

Discussion in 'Online & DL Teaching' started by RFValve, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    The students tyically post one or two comments per week. As I said earlier, I teach the same classes some many of my questions and comments are pre-prepared. Someone will always say they don't see a problem installing Windows on more than one computer. I have a long list of reasons why that is piracy and the URL to Microsofts website that explains what the license agreement is. That response takes about 10 seconds but it took 5 minutes to prepare.

    When I have a new class (one I have not taught), it takes about 12-15 hours per week the first semester with 20 students.

    The tasks required by the instructor is to respond to posts that address the questions asked and ensure the discussion continues with relavent topics. These are not the schools words, they are mine. Also check the teamwork assignments which is - create a word document, excel spreadsheet, and powerpoint presentations.

    The class is basic computer apps - not rocket science.
  2. se94583

    se94583 New Member

    OK, I teach online as well, but threads like this: "I can teach 100+ students a week and do so while phoning it in" only serve to demean the profession and add fuel to those who feel online education is "less" than that received in a brick and mortar institution.

    Canned comments are great, but the real joy is in personally interacting with each student as a unique person-- granted, I tend to overspend my time on them, but hopefully someone gets something out of it. I certainly do.
  3. Vincey37

    Vincey37 New Member

    That really depends on the course - anyone who has attended a state university as a freshman is familiar with the instructors who teach over a thousand students a week, a few hundred at a time, while "phoning it in" with the same old PowerPoint and tests they've been using for years.
  4. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    Just to clear - I interact with EVERY student on a personal level, but I know there are issues that will come up and why should I type the same response over and over. Student often have a problem with creating a chart in Excel. Rather than walk through every step and right it out I just send them this:
    If you are having problems try this-
    Open Excel
    Highlight the columns you want the graph to represent (highlight the cells you want the chart to represent, press and hold the "Ctrl" key to highlight multiple cells)
    Click Insert | Chart
    Click on "Pie" in the chart type section and click finish
    Right Click in the chart and select "Chart Options"
    Look at the different options on the three tabs.
    That is the basics with the chart
    Hope it helps

    By the way, I had taken B&M classes and at the end the class, the instructor still did not know who I was and I got an "A".
  5. 1virtualprof

    1virtualprof New Member

    Yeah but see, "canned" comments give you MORE time to do just that -- personally interact with each student every week. Using copy/pasted comments on papers and in discussions and answers to questions means that there is MORE free time to interact individually with every student every week.

    Students, by and large, produce a certain "sameness" in their work class after class after class, from the outstanding work to the average work to the below passing work. After teaching a class for many semesters, instructors end up writing the same comments over and over again on all levels of work.

    So we keep those comments and use them over and over again and then we have that much more time to engage in real and meaningful interaction with students who are at all levels of accomplishment. Outstanding students need affirmation; failing students need encouragement and assistance; and average students need a little bit of both.

    Some schools prohibit instructors from using copy/pasted comments (good job, keep up the good work, etc.) and they are right to do so. However other canned comments are quite valuable and beneficial to both the students and the instructors. And schools don't realize this because the admin types usually don't or haven't taught online at all, or at best, not recently.

    If I were writing original comments on everything in every class, I'd never have time for the personalized and "real" communication that I like to provide my students.

  6. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    I know that some schools are OK with canned comments for discussion grading but not for assignments or exams.

    The reality is that more people are getting into online teaching as a career so to make it more efficient the "canned" comments come handy. I use a software that has rubrics and generates feedback based on check boxes so in a way they are canned but they really help to speed the process.

    If you need to handle 8 or 9 classes at the time to make a living, the canned comments might not be an option but a need.

    I still think that the 100K a year might be too difficult with online courses. The trend is to pay less for online instructors given the increase of available PhDs. I remember that in 2000 the going rate for an online courses was $2500 per course at some of the DETC schools and now you have more like a $1500 per course at some RA schools. With more online PhDs you might have schools paying thousand or even less per course to the point that it would be just better to work at McDonalds.
  7. AV8R

    AV8R Active Member

    What is the name of this software?
  8. cookderosa

    cookderosa Resident Chef


    As a student at TESC, I have had only 1 mentor this year that I felt gave me more than a fleeting drip of his/her attention. As far as I can tell, my mentors either can't type or can't be bothered. NONE return emails in a day or two, ALL have provided the very least possible feedback, and NONE have participated in a meaningful way in our discussion groups.
    I'm not "expecting" the professor experience- I know exactly what I am buying- I know the difference between a mentor and a professor....but I am afraid that I see exactly how someone can have 10 classes going at once. It's easy- do a half ass job.

    (disclosure- I am starting my 16th year as a B & M teacher at our community college, I teach 3, 3 credit sections each semester. I know exactly what it takes to do a good job, and I know exactly what it looks like when your not)
  9. 1virtualprof

    1virtualprof New Member

    A friend just completed training to teach at Ashford university. One of the tools they receive is a toolbar to download for MSWord that is set up wiht macros for something like 150 writing and assignment comments. Their premise is that if you used canned comments for basic writing and APA and essay development stuff, then you have more time for personalized content comments.

    Which is basically what I've been doing for five years. It significantly decreases grading time while maximizing individual time on students' work. You CAN have it both ways :)
  10. le_vietlong@yahoo.

    le_vietlong@yahoo. New Member

    Le Viet Long (a half of MBA in Tourism Management)

    Hi everyone! Any of you have taught online/distance degree courses in Vietnam?
  11. mknehr

    mknehr New Member

    That's great!

    Is there any way others could get that MS Word ad-on?? or a similar version??

    anyone sell it?

  12. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    There is a free program called "PasteItIn" that I have used and it is the same idea.
  13. bmills072200

    bmills072200 New Member

    I am interested in adjunct teaching once I complete my MBA. I have a couple of questions...

    What are the general qualifications that these DL schools are looking for?

    Is my AACSB MBA going to be more valuable than another MBA?

    What other things do they look for to qualify you?

    Is teaching experience a pre-req?

    I assume that no one would hire an adjunct teacher with only a bachelor's degree?

    Just curious if you guys can give me any advise so that I am prepared when the time comes, that would be great.

  14. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    These are my opinions and experiences:
    A masters degree, 18 credits in the field you intend to teach and real world experience

    Yes, in the sense that you could teach at an AACSB school

    Real world experience is a big one.

    No but it certainly helps.

    I have seen other posts that indicate you could get hired with a bachelor's degree to teach certificate, AS, or AAS programs. It depends on the school but all I have seen require a master's and some a PhD.
  15. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    An AACSB MBA will qualify you to teach at an MBA program that is AACSB accredited.
  16. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    You'll need career experience in addition to teaching experience to land teaching jobs at most schools.

    Your AACSB MBA might be an advantage in getting hired to teach part time at an AACSB school, but probably won't be that useful otherwise. (The AACSB schools tend to require more quantitative methods, so that might be useful to those who understand that standard.)

    No, you won't get hired to teach anything at the college level outside of IT with only a bachelors degree.

    You really should get some teaching experience before you ponder a life of teaching. Teaching is wonderful, but there are many pitfalls. Low pay is one of them. Dummies in administrative roles is another one. Teaching people (and other instructors) who don't want to learn is similar to moving a graveyard: time consuming, frightening, messy, and often unnecessary. As a mentor once told me, "Wagner, trying to help stupid people is a waste of time, because they are still stupid when you get done with them." Get the picture? Hard headed people never remember to say thank you, because they don't realize what they didn't know. Hence, the final pitfall: you won't be thanked for suffering fools gladly. Still, I love teaching...

    To get some experience, try to teach adults at church, adult education classes, and apply at your local community college. What should you teach? What do you know? Teach that.

    By the way, the title of this thread is completely absurd, as there is no way for most online teachers to make 100K per year. Think 50K with a doctorate, and time for writing, volunteering, and personal life.

  17. bmills072200

    bmills072200 New Member

    I appreciate the feedback.

    I am 28...will be 29 when I graduate and I have worked in banking for 10 years.

    I am a music minister at a large church, so I teach music and Sunday school classes to adults. That is the extent of my teaching experience.

    I can't say that I have a true "passion" for teaching, but it does intruige me. I think it would be a nice way to make money on the side. I hope that does not sound too self-serving.

    I would actually like to teach locally at a community college and they are putting a lot of their classes online, so that may work out well.

    Thanks again for the feedback.

    Out of curiousity, what schools do you teach at?
  18. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    It does not sound self-serving. I started to teach as a sub (on campus classes) just to get over my fear of public speaking! How is that for self-serving? I then found out that I loved it. I teach for South University and almost taught for the University of Phoenix but failed the teacher training.
  19. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member


    Although I agree that 100K might be a bit too difficult, a realistic income could be 60K-80K a year. You have to be picky and teach only teach for schools that pay well and avoid the Kaplans and UoPs type of schools. Devry for example pay about 3K (with seniority) per course, if you teach about 5 courses per session and 5 sessions a year (assuming a month and half vacation) you can easily make in the 75K range. I teach about 6 to 7 courses per session and work about 50 to 60 hours a week but if someone wants to work only 40 hrs a teaching load of 5 per sounds reasonable.

    The 100K range might be possible if you teach only a couple of courses (In stable fields like Math or English) that are the same across multiple schools so you could optimize time. Some others hire assistants and are able to make even more than 100K (I know few of those).
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2008
  20. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator


    I don't agree. I make about 40-45K part time and failed teacher training with UoP. If I would have passed it would have been closer to 60-65K per year. Of course, I don't have any time for writing, volunteering, and personal life. I just work, work, study, and work. :eek:

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