Suggestions for New Associate Justice ...

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Tom H., Sep 6, 2005.

  1. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    No, that was Douglas Ginsburg. Bork simply got screwed by a smear/whisper campaign.
  2. Dude..... we need to spend a lonnnng weekend together sometime......
  3. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    No meth, cocaine, crack, crank, angel dust, uppers, downers, mushrooms or toads, either. I just wasn't interested in it.

    Didn't have much interesting...ah...relationship experience either. Sooo, no warts, STDs, AIDS, or illegitimate children...or support payments!

    Actually, the BIGGEST barrier to my being a Bright Young Thing was that I HATE loud music! I therefore retain excellent hearing (virtually NO high end roll off even at 51) Don't lie to yourself, rock concerts do permanent damage...

    I also lose interest FAST in endless repetition. So popular music in any form doesn't appeal to me.

    Trouble is, that's where the girls were...(sigh)
  4. WERE?

    That's where they STILL are! LOL!

    Have a great weekend my friend! Carl
  5. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Nominating Bork would indeed right a wrong. This brilliant man was ruined by a smear run out of Sen Metzenbaum's office. Imagine a judicial conservative who's an atheist: no Falwell-Robertson crud on his shoes!

    And if Bush wants to play the ethnic card, why not an Asian-American?
  6. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    When I first became a police officer in 1988, crack cocaine was all the rage, and I thought, at the time, there couldn't possibly be a more destructive drug. Until I saw what crystal meth does to people.

    This area (New England) was mercifully spared from crystal meth for years, but it's now starting to show-up here in meaningful numbers. The effect it has on people is absolutely tragic, and unlike crack or heroin, it can be made as easily as a batch of chocolate-chip cookies, by almost anyone, using ingredients that are commonly available. The fact that a meth lab is about the most toxic thing imaginable furthers the danger to everyone. I think it was the A&E Channel that did a special on how crystal meth has almost destroyed a community in Missouri, I believe it was Franklin County.

    PCP is perhaps the biggest threat to law enforcement, as far as officer safety, but its use is not widespread at all. In almost 18 years, I can count on one hand the number of people I've come across that were under the influence of PCP. However, those incidents were terrifying, as I saw incidents of truly inhuman strength, such as breaking handcuffs, and someone who was 170lbs, soaking-wet, toss me around like a rag-doll (I'm 6'3" 250lbs).

    I couldn't possibly care less if marijuana were legalized tomorrow, since I'd MUCH rather deal with someone who just smoked a bowl, versus someone who just drank a 40 or two of malt liquor. I wouldn't use pot myself, since I hate all forms of smoke, but it wouldn't bother me at all if it was packaged, taxed, and sold over the counter to those of legal age.
  7. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Any suggestions for the first Asian-American Supreme Court justice?
  8. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    Lance Ito. :)

    As the late NYC Mayor Lindsay might say, Asians have not gravitated to that field. Or it doesn't seem so.
  9. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    You mean the dude that did the OJ trial? If so, hell no.
  10. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Even if the girls ARE still there, what interest are they likely to show in a fat, grey, surly, (and probably smelly, too) 51 year old lawyer? Oh, yeah, and I'm married, too!

    Besides, I STILL hate popular music. So there you are! :)

    Meth is hideous. It completely takes over the addict's life (cure rate near zero) destroys his body, then kills him. If the Devil exists, he looks a LOT like a meth dealer.
  11. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    OK, then Viet Dinh, not to be confused with Viet Minh.
  12. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    So far, you've mentioned the heartless bastard that ran the OJ trial and a total ingrate refugee that drew up the Patriot Act. Can't you come up with anything better?
  13. Tom H.

    Tom H. New Member

    Instead of "heartless bastard", perhaps words such as "inept" and "buffoon" are more appropriate in describing Judge Lance Ito? I had almost forgotten how badly he had presided over that ... spectacle; it is certainly something that will forever taint his public image and preclude him from seeking a higher office.
  14. RobbCD

    RobbCD New Member

    If there is a qualified, muslim jurist out there, that's who the nominee should. If that jurist is a woman, all the better.
  15. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    I can see the subsequent meeting between Bush and his Christian supporters.

    "Well, you all said you wanted someone from the religious right on the bench...."

  16. BillDayson

    BillDayson New Member

    Bork's an atheist? I didn't know that. I've seen some of his remarks being quoted on religious right websites, so I automatically assumed that he must be an evangelical of some sort.

    There's not enough of them to be an effective political voting bloc. (Bush's strategy seems to be to court the huge numbers of socially conservative Hispanics, so a Hispanic nominee is a real possibility.)

    But many Asian Americans are very successful (dynamite work ethic, strong families (Chinese families resemble corporations) with low social pathology rates and great respect for education... it's that Confucian stuff!) so they might eventually turn into a source of political contributions and behind-the-scenes influence similar to the Jews. That will put more of them in a position to be nominated in future years.
  17. mcdirector

    mcdirector New Member

    Oh MY!

    Glad that smilie was there :wink:


    I like Bork too. I'd love to see him on the court -- even if there wasn't that righting a wrong thingy.
  18. mcdirector

    mcdirector New Member

    I'm a conservative woman and American Indian. I'd like the job. But not for life. I do 5-10 year stints much better. (OK, we don't have a huge voting pool, so I might not be the best choice.)

    I didn't know Bork was an atheist either.
  19. mcdirector

    mcdirector New Member

    DARN! my wink is still broken!
  20. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    I used to date a lovely young lady many years ago, who later served as a legislative intern in D.C. (she's now Director of PR for a university). She dumped me along the way and, when in Washington, started dating Bork's son. So, there's my two degrees of separation.

    When I later told her Judge Bork was one of my heroes, she--no bleeding heart herself by any measure--told me he seemed "kinda creepy" to her when she talked with him. She appreciated his brilliant mind, but didn't manage to connect with him as a person (perhaps judge Bork didn't think she was good enough for his kid). I think this was around the time of the hearings (my ex went to UG from 1985-1989 and served the internship at some point along the way), so perhaps the guy was just coming apart at the seams--I think I might have under the circumstances.

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