Starting college at 40

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Scott Eason, May 28, 2020.

  1. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Doctor of Social Science, University of Leicester
    PhD, Union Institute and University
    MBA, National University
    BA, University of the State of New York (Regents College Degree Program)
    BS, University of the State of New York (Regents College Degree Program)
    AA, University of the State of New York (Regents College Degree Program)
    AAS, Community College of the Air Force
    Professional Certificate in Online Education (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
    Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR)
    Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD)
    Professional Certified Coach (PCC)
    Retired Captain, USAF
    Retired (soon) GS-15, Federal Government
    Assistant Professor (or equivalent): San Diego State University, Bellevue University, Virginia International University, University of Phoenix, and Webster University

    Yeah, I'm having a very good one. Good luck in your search and your journey. I hope you achieve what you wish for. It sounds like a wonderful goal.
  2. Scott Eason

    Scott Eason New Member

    Yeah, usually people who have to flaunt their credentials are the people in life who have a void to fill. That is a very impressive list of accomplishments, but in my short time of 20 years I have no college degrees to show, but I have 4 years in the Navy and I just built and sold my fourth business since I was 28. I had my first mil in the bank at 33. Everyone has there own idea of success! Mine will never have a list of degrees like this. What I see in this list is a very busy person who never has time for themselves. You probably see a ton of students come your way, and are jealous at how easily they can get their degree versus how hard it was for you. Hopefully, you will never be my teacher, but if you are then I guess I'm literally setting myself up for failure. LOLOLOL
  3. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    My students almost never fail.

    I didn't "flaunt" anything. I listed them. You did the rest.

    You make a lot of presumptions, almost all of them negative. It is unfortunate behavior for a newbie to any discussion board, especially one with 20 years of activity and content--and a few members who have been here for all of them.

    Why not lighten up and not be so defensive? There is much here for you to know and learn. I'm encouraging you to be inquisitive and not presumptuous. But that's your call.

    Oh, and here's another tip: Law schools have been known to admit people without an undergraduate degree but with a substantial amount of credit. If that's your ultimate goal, you could (again) inquire with law school admissions officials to see what accommodations they might be willing to make.

    In a similar vein, John Bear once asked 10 admissions officials of MBA programs if they would consider admitting a highly accomplished individual who lacked a bachelor's degree. IIRC, 9 said they would. Another reason to talk with law school admissions officials.

    Good luck and play nice!
  4. Acolyte

    Acolyte Well-Known Member

    Here is a BA in History program offered online at the almost unheard of rate of $135/Credit Hour:

    And they are regionally accredited.

    They also offer a BA in Criminal Justice, which might be a better fit for prepping for Law School.
  5. Scott Eason

    Scott Eason New Member

    thank you!
  6. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Because I do a lot of career coaching, I often hear clients who are approaching middle age say that it's too late to go get a degree--at whatever level. But I think if you have a clear idea on what your "Primary Aim" is, and you feel that getting a college degree can contribute to that, you should. It's not just about ROI. It's about you.
    Johann likes this.
  7. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    One of my friends earned his first college degree (BA) when he was 48 years young in a blended online and on-campus program. He was a successful entrepreneur and never felt a strong need for a degree.
    I guess it was something that his wife told him during an argument that got him enrolling in a college. He stated that some classes improved his critical thinking, others added to his knowledge, and expanded his abilities.
    He feels really good about it and the only regret is not doing it earlier in his life, something that would have made his parents happy. A class that he really enjoyed was an acting class, with him being the oldest guy there.
    I hear people earn degrees at age 80 and even older, so it's never late.
  8. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    "But I'd be 52 years old when I got that degree."
    "How old will you be then, if you don't get the degree?"
    SteveFoerster likes this.
  9. Filmmaker2Be

    Filmmaker2Be Active Member

    Law school alumna here. Unless this is just your favorite subject, you don't need a history degree (or political science) for law school. You don't need any specific major for law school, because none of them are going to help you when you get to law school. I went to law school with people who got degrees in political science, paralegal studies, criminal justice, and "pre-law" -- all the majors that are supposed to be "the best" for people wanting to go to law school. They struggled as much as the rest of us because no major can prepare you to think like a lawyer.

    You can only learn that in law school, and that's all they teach: how to think like a real estate lawyer, how to think like a torts lawyer, how to think like a contracts lawyer, and etc. What you need is any bachelors degree that will teach you how to think critically and write well, because you will do a lot of both in law school (and they are sticklers about using proper grammar and punctuation in writing assignments and exams). One last thing, when you do transfer to four year college, don't try to avoid the courses with a reputation for having a hard professor. You need to get used to a heavy work load. The first year of law school is like trying to drink from of a fire hose.
  10. ITJD

    ITJD Active Member

    The matter of starting college at a certain age isn't really the question you should be asking.
    Q: Can I start college at 40 and expect to get a degree? A: Yes.

    The question you should be asking is this.

    Q: If I start college at 40 and finish at 44 then have 20 years, perhaps 30 prior to retirement, will I be able to take on the cost of that education given all of the other things I may be responsible for and still have decent quality of life if something derails me financially?

    A: None of us can answer that for you. You need to do the math and weigh your desire against it. Sometimes you get a better return on your tuition by saving or investing the money and not spending it.

    Be well,
    Maniac Craniac likes this.

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