So what does everyone teach?

Discussion in 'Online & DL Teaching' started by 1virtualprof, Mar 19, 2008.

  1. 1virtualprof

    1virtualprof New Member

    Just curious if that's okay. I teach graduate MSED courses in Educational Technology, Communications, and Writing and also undergraduate Eng Comp, Business Communications, Professional Writing, and Criminal Justice.

    My schools are one community college, one online university, and two universities that have on ground campuses and online programs. I don't give out the names of my schools in online forums because I lost a teaching job a few years ago when I mentioned the name of the school on an online list for adjunct faculty and someone at the school found out (and it wasn't anything bad either, go figure). So I just don't do that anymore.

    I've been teaching online for a decade, the last five of those years full time after I gave up my "day job."

  2. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I teach computer apps classes and have taught a basic business / management class.
  3. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

  4. makana793

    makana793 New Member

    I'll be teaching my first online class at Florida Institute of Technology in the summer. I'll be teaching a course entitled correctional systems. I'm a little nervous since I've never taught before but looking forward to the experience.
  5. truckie270

    truckie270 New Member

    Public administration, public safety management, fire science, and emergency management.
  6. Tireman 44444

    Tireman 44444 Well-Known Member

    I teach History 1301 and History 1302 at my local community college.
  7. nobycane

    nobycane New Member

    I currently teach HS Earth & Environmental Sciences.

    I am teaching Weather & Climate and Intro to Geology beginning this summer at a local community college....I am also nervous for this is my first time teaching post-secondary courses, but am excited because the college is treating me so well about bringing me into their faculty & department, because they are hurting so bad in this field, that I am the only one they have found to teach these courses in two years with the right background!
  8. scaredrain

    scaredrain Member

    I teach computer, business, customer service, and job skills courses online and in traditional settings. I also taught in the public schools for about a year before I went back to the private sector.

    Currently I am teaching Excel in a traditional setting, Introduction to Bookkeeping, Introduction to Instructional Design, and a class called Career Choices and the Internet online. I have been a college adjunct instructor for almost 2 years.
  9. PhD2B

    PhD2B Dazed and Confused

    I teach math for two colleges. I am also qualified to teach management and information systems courses, but, for me, it seems that math courses are the only ones that colleges want to hire me for.
  10. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    I'm an online adjunct for criminal justice. Due to my full-time job as a cop, I don't want to teach more than one class at a time though. The important thing at this point is to have my foot in the door i.e. having experience as an online adjunct.
  11. makana793

    makana793 New Member

    Hey Me Again, how do you like teaching cj courses so far? I'm a corrections sergeant and I'll be teaching a corrections course in the summer.
  12. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    I'm not qualified to answer that question because I just got hired. :eek: About an hour after getting told that I'm hired, I made the post. I was so excited about getting the official word that I shared it here. LOL :D
  13. makana793

    makana793 New Member

    No problemo. I just got hired about a few weeks ago as well. Good luck to you.
  14. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    I've been teaching CJ online for about 3 years, and the students are in the same range as regular classroom courses; some treat it like a joke and usually end up dropping or flunking out, some put their all into it and strive for perfection, while most fall somewhere in the middle.

    You'll find that some students equate "online" with "easy", and nothing could be further from the truth. Those are the ones who find out the hard way.
  15. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    That is what I thought until some $ started rolling I am hooked! I spend my time working, working, working a bit more, writing papers for a PhD, and sleeping when i can fit it in my schedule.
  16. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Heeheeeheee, maybe I'll get hooked on the $$$ too? :D LOL

    With long hours for my full-time cop-job, teaching part-time synchronous classes is going to be more difficult, but teaching asynchronous courses would be practical. I got hired to teach a synchronous class where I have to be logged on at the same time as the students, one or two hours a week, probably on a weekend night because that's when a lot of working-students do most of their academic work. They work at their full-time jobs Monday through Friday and then cram on weekends.
  17. mbaonline

    mbaonline New Member

    I'm hooked on teaching...

    as much for the interaction and learning as for the $$$. My day job is a banker and it dovetails nicely with teaching business/economics classes. Currently I teach economics but I'd rather teach finance or general management at the undergrad level.
  18. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    I also gave up my full time job. I teach Computer Science and Information Systems at the University and College level. I teach half of my courses online and half of my courses on-ground. I manage to make a decent level, almost the same money before I got into teaching but I had to get some certifications and a doctorate in order to secure more work.
  19. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    I have the same problem, I finished an MBA in Finance but never got to use it. Once your resume is in one field, it is hard to move into something else.
  20. Anthony Pina

    Anthony Pina Active Member

    For one university: Undergraduate courses in instructional design and graduate courses in technology leadership and instructional design.

    For another university: Graduate courses in educational technology (foundations, applications, leadership & research).

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