So what degree are you chasing?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by b4cz28, Jan 14, 2011.


    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    These degree I have been chasing!!!!!!!!!

  2. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I like this and was looking at Amberton's MA in Professional Development (same idea of a wide selection) because I realized that I have so many interests that a Liberal Arts degree would be most satisfying.
  3. jeff532003

    jeff532003 New Member

    I have to cousins in Masters programs at GWU. They both love it but also both often moan about the level of academic rigor so as Tekman said if your not good on test's I'm not sure it is a wise choice.

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    Well, depends what program you're talking about. My ex-girlfriend earned her Master of Arts in International Relations from GWU. She said the entire program courses requires some quiz and writing papers. I went to GWU for 1 semester for Master of Science in Computer Engineering, and the program requires lot of tests. The course required 30% midterm, 10% homeworks, and 60% final exam. I dropped out because I found out that I some foreign students in my class received full scholarship from the school. And I was veteran, but I have to pay full amount. Then I went back to Southern Methodist University to complete my Master.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2011
  5. AUTiger00

    AUTiger00 New Member

    I'm knocking out this Ed.M in higher education administration at HGSE (finish June '12), going to take one class for the MA in Applied Economics at JHU this summer when I have a break from classes here. If I decide to pursue that I'll finish up sometime in 2014. After that I should have enough years in higher ed to be competitve for the Ed.D program I want to do at UPenn. Getting in would be a longshot, backup plan includes the Ed.D programs at UF or UGA. THEN I might contemplate finishing up the degree I began at Harvard Extension. Even if i have moved on, the classes I have completed would meet the residency requirement so I can do the rest from anywhere. I should be done with all of that sometime early into the next decade!
  6. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    Sounds freaking great! I wish I had the money to it that hard to get into the Ed.D at UPenn with your back ground?
  7. AUTiger00

    AUTiger00 New Member

    I believe so. The Ed.D program at UPenn tends to require around 10+ years experience. Currently I have right at two, so by the time I'd be looking to apply to Ed.D programs I'll be at 6 years, possibly less if I decide the program at JHU isn't for me and bail on it. The big reason I was admitted into this current program is because I'm an employee, plain and simple.

    I don't really have the money to do it, if I was in another job I wouldn't be able to afford it. I have this tuition benefit and the MBA'r in me just tells me I can't leave that money on the table. The Ed.M is literally going to cost me around $4000 out of pocket. I could earn a degree at the extension school for $400 (employees pay $40/class. 10 classes to earn the ALM.)+ Books. Probably just over $1k in total. I'm going to have to pay out of pocket for about half of the JHU program, maybe a little less if I decide to do it. The Ed.D at UPenn would require me to take on a massive amount of student loans unless I can get my employer to sponsor me, which I have heard has happened in a few instances. At any rate, I would be completely content doing the degree at either UF or UGA, both are great programs.
  8. major56

    major56 Active Member

    Just curious … have you considered Teachers College, Columbia University (PhD) as well as the UPenn Ed.D program?
  9. AUTiger00

    AUTiger00 New Member

    Teacher's College is phenominal, I have a co-worker that went there, but the only Doctorate they offer via distance is in Adult Education, which isn't my primary interest. Beyond that, their attendance requirements are so strict that I would be scared to enroll. Miss one mandatory residency and you're out.

    I've always liked UPenn. I actually got rejected from a graduate program there, not sure why I'm drawn to the school because I'm not a fan of Philadelphia at all. Like I said, I know it's a long shot. If I got in that would be fantastic, but I wouldn't be crushed if my options were UF and UGA.
  10. major56

    major56 Active Member

    Understand … thanks for your response!
  11. peejcj8

    peejcj8 New Member

    Currently working on my MAS with ERAU and completing my first year in National Security and strategic studies with Naval War College.
  12. damooster

    damooster New Member

    I just enrolled in Ashford University's MBA program (Public Administration specialization) and should start the first week of April. That means I have a month to slouch before I have to hit the books :(
  13. apageor2

    apageor2 Member

    I have already found the one I wanted - Argosy University - Denver, Colorado campus. What I'm doing however is taking the blended option so it allows me to have options. In other words, I can either attend the campus or attend online so I get the best of both worlds in essence.

    This is also for a Doctorate degree mind you. =) I completed my BS degree and my MBA degree both at National American University in Rapid City, South Dakota. I chose Rapid City because of the campus environment headquarters, it's beautiful and I was very impressed.

    Best of luck to you on your college choice. I have been helping a friend of mine make her own decision on finding the right college. By doing so, I sent her a link with helpful hints and such, if you would like it, let me know and I would be happy to provide.

    Kind regards,
  14. Hadashi no Gen

    Hadashi no Gen New Member

    After I finish my MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and get a job, I am thinking about going to nursing school. Later on, I plan to get a non-clinical PhD in Psychology so that I can (maybe) teach and have fun writing a dissertation. Cost has been a big scary issue for that one though... and since joining this site I've really enjoyed learning more about the research-based doctorates from SA universities.

    I'm considering University of Cape Town right now... simply because of their rank, but I am more drawn to the research interests Pretoria's Psychology faculty. I've read a lot about UP here in this forum, but not a much about UCT. Has anyone had experience with them?
  15. jaredplattformad

    jaredplattformad New Member

    MBA Program

    I am currently looking at MBA programs, I just don't know how to get started. I have the work experience and just need to find the right time to chase the degree.

    The online program I am currently looking at is at Grantham University
  16. Hadashi no Gen

    Hadashi no Gen New Member

    My school just put their MBA in Sustainability online. The classes are small, faculty are very good and very experienced, and the program material seems to be pretty unique and intense. It seems to have a good reputation locally around New England, and maybe nationally too. I am a psych major, so I really don't know a lot about business or MBA programs... but I did just meet someone yesterday who travels once a month from Oakland, CA for her weekend cohort.

    Anyway... here's more information if you're interested: Antioch University New England Launches Online MBA in Sustainability Degree - News & Events - Antioch University New England

    Check it out if it sounds interesting... and feel free to ask me any questions that you have about the school.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2011
  17. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    It's Official!

    Well, not officially official, but it is in my signature now :approve:

    My goal is now set in stone- I am pursuing a BA in Social Sciences from Thomas Edison State College. I have not yet enrolled, but will at the proper time. Simultaneously, I am working on filling the prerequisites for an MBA at ENMU. Also simultaneously, I am going to see if I can use all of these business credits to help me get an AS in Business Administration from Clovis Community College. A 3-in-one shot, here, and at the lowest possible prices that I can find :wink:
  18. commserver

    commserver New Member

    How do you resign? I thought that resigning means that you quit. Don't you mean a leave of absence?
  19. rmm0484

    rmm0484 Member

    Resigning is the new leave of absence, since NCU does not allow LOAs any longer. NCU even has re-entry coordinators, so I guess that this is fairly common.
  20. Beagle412

    Beagle412 New Member

    You guys all make me feel like a complete slacker. LOL. I have posted numerous times here in my analysis paralysis about MBA or tech-MBA, or MSIT or probably a plethora of other programs I have considered over the last year (and consequently have still not applied to). However, I am narrowing down my goals quite nicely with the assistance of an impending new job, relocation back to Hotlanta in a couple weeks, and my new employer's tuition reimbursement and educational assistance programs. I will no longer be travelling 100% so could actually consider some programs with limited residency requirements in the Southeast that I would never have previously been able to consider. Knowing how much exactly I can expect from my employer and my new job role has helped me narrow things down to this: I will be applying this fall for an AACSB MBA or EMBA program, probably either the Georgia WebMBA, Auburn University EMBA, Colorado State, Mississippi (Ole Miss), Mississippi State, or maybe TAMU-C. Or, if I can wait another year and maybe get a grad certificate in IT or MIS or something, I could shoot for a corporate sponsorship slot in either the IU Kelley EMBA or Georgia Tech EMBA down the road. At least I (kinda) have a better plan now!

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