SCUPS going RA?

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by Lajazz947, Feb 20, 2003.

  1. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: SCUPS going RA?

    Nope. As a retired military officer, I think I have an informed viewpoint on this. I was just a teenager at the time, but I was relieved to see the war end. To this day I don't think we could have won Vietnam. We were fighting both sides, and also fighting the wrong kind of war. South Vietnam was far less interested in winning that conflict than we were.

    Kissinger is a war criminal for the illegal bombings of Cambodia and Laos, not to mention the attempts to destroy North Vietnam from the air.
  2. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: SCUPS going RA?

    I agree with you on ending the war. I just don't see Kissinger as a war criminal.

    North Vietnam was hardly an innocent bystander and they fought from bases in Cambodia and Laos.

    The theory that you can fight a war with limited objectives and operations got the US in trouble in Vietnam. Short of total victory, there was no possibility of any victory.

    When push came to shove, the South Vietnamese made the decision that a communist dictatorship was preferable to an American supported military dictatorship. They could have won had they chosen to fight.

    George Bush Sr. screwed up a dozen years ago with Iraq. The war should have ended with Saddam given a fair trial in Kuwait, found guilty of murder and executed.
  3. Lajazz947

    Lajazz947 New Member


    Where in the world did Vietnam come into this thread???

    Interesting topic, but since SCUPS is not accredited by nor is it applying for Vietnamese accreditation I fail to see the reason for inclusing the Vietnam war in this thread.

    That having been said and my biases aside, I suggest reading Robert McNamara's book on the Vietnam war. It really opened up my eyes to the incredible mistakes made during that whole campaign and era. Mistakes that we have yet to learn from.

  4. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Now if it were the uh, theology of the Vietnam war there'd be screaming after off-topic...or a separate foun- I mean forum, or sum'm. But hey... has the cutest little weird icons.
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Vietnam

    Nygein Tin Hoi has a Ph.D. from SCUPS and has been claiming--on a Vietnamese DL forum--it is not only equivalent, but superior, to a RA degree.
  6. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    Re: Vietnam

    Because other than a few posts it never was on topic????

    Looked up Ho Chi Minh's bio to see if he was a well educated revolutionary, as many were. Not.
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Now that Northcentral has received regional accreditation, who knows what lies in store for SCUPS.
  8. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: SCUPS going RA?

    We were always told in the Army that the whole point of armed conflict was to destroy the enemy......

  9. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: SCUPS going RA?

    Of course, there were no declared hostilities against Cambodia and Laos, and no war declared on North Vietnam.

    To call Dr. Kissinger a war criminal, you have to get in a long line....
  10. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: SCUPS going RA?

    We war mongering Canadians were in a undeclared war in Korea. When all the peace loving North Koreans and Chinese wanted to do was pick a few daisies south of the 38th parallel.

    I do believe that declaration of war has become an archaic term.
  11. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: SCUPS going RA?

    I think you're right. The U.S. has fought in Korea, Vietnam, Somalia, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Panama, and Grenada, all without declaring war. I blame it on Congress.

    For the record, Canada has been a brave and loyal ally of the U.S.; it has my undying respect.
  12. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    Re: Vietnam

    Gee whiz, I don't know. Maybe it's because we're on the verge of another war :rolleyes:
    Peel the onion a bit.
  13. Lajazz947

    Lajazz947 New Member



    A possible impending war may be why YOU think that this is a relevant topic here (and that is debatable at best) but the issue of Vietnam was raised in this thread due to:

    1- Someone poking fun at the absurdity of SCUPS being awarded RA and making an analogy to the poster being awarded a Nobel Peace prize.

    2- Someone's tying this in to a Nobel prize being awarded to Henry Kissinger, who someone classified as a war criminal due to his involvement in Vietnam.

    3- Then it became an issue of how and why the war ended

    4- Then someone talked about someone in Vietnam listing a SCUPS degree

    5- So on and so on.

    I'll peel back a few layers if you will peel back a few posts on this thread and comment accordingly.

    Maybe I'll just go to Robert Kennedy College. By the way, the fact that they are listed in Businessweek REALLY makes me wonder just who knows what about that school.


    BS Western state University, Fullerton, CA
    JD " " ( ABA )
    MBA Pepperdine, Malibu, CA
    MS Kansas State University, KS ( 2003 )
    PhD (looking)
  14. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    Listen Jazzy - I've got two pieces of advice for you...
    1) Don't ask questions when you already know the answers. People may get the impression that you're not as smart as you really are.
    2) If you don't understand that the reason VietNam came up is that we're about to go to war and that causes people to think about wars that we've waged in the past, and that people are worried about their loved ones getting killed, etc. and that it's a semi-conscious comparison sort of thing (it's on peoples minds even when they're not aware that it's on their minds), then you ought to go back and retake your Psych 101 course. With all the thousands of references that could have been put forth, we wound up with Kissinger, war crimes and Viet Nam. We could just have easily wound up at the circus or in a hardware store. Don't just read the words, you have to ask yourself why those paticular words were chosen. It's called "going for depth."
    See ya on the surface,

    BTW, the idea of SCUPS going RA is absurd.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2003
  15. Lajazz947

    Lajazz947 New Member



    This will be my last post on the subject and I'll go on to my DBA/PhD quest. I have no desire to obtain those credentials in a Psych area.

    You are rambling and sound angry. I am sorry if you feel that I should pay more attention to you and " look deeper " into the meaning of the first posts regarding Vietnam, Kissinger etc. I am not here to do that. I merely call em as I see em and I don't see the relevance of this subject in a DL forum. I would state the same thing in an ESPN baseball forum if Vietnam were brought up by someone, stop wasting my time.

    2- I refuse to engage in a discussion over the merits or lack of merits, of the Vietnam war or any impending conflict on a DISTANCE LEARNING forum. Whether or not you agree with the current political stance of our president, degree info is not the forum you should use to discuss it. Go on another forum to voice your opinions and stop wasting the time of those of us that are here to discuss DL.

    3- Your reference to my handle was childish.

    Now that we have gotten THAT out of the way, if SCUPS going RA is absurd then so be it. ( By the way, that is merely YOUR opinion, which you are certainly entitled to)

    I merely asked for comments on something that SCUPS told me. I didn't say that they were or had been granted RA did I?

    Many thought that NCU going RA was absurd also but they surprised everyone.

  16. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    Re: Jack

    Thanks for the last word,
  17. great_turtle

    great_turtle New Member

    In Reply to the original note of this thread, and FWIW, I was also close to attending SCUPS recently. However, I heard something slightly different from what the original poster heard. The Admissions person I spoke with told me that SCUPS was considering DETC accredidation.

    I noticed she said "considering." Very well. I am considering building an orbital launch vehicle in my backyard then, too. With these two statements somewhat differing, I was bothered, especially when coupled with the fact they mispresented statements made by Dr. Bear.

    I spoke with Northcentral to see if they would accept SCUPS credits or even admit me into their gradutate program if I had a SCUPS BS. They would not. They were quite quick to answer that question. I asked if they had any connection still to SCUPS. Their representative appeared to be reading a script stating that SCUPS and NCU once had the same owners, but were now completely seperate. The catalogs are drastically different as well. Northcentral's is nicely printed, whereas SCUPS is composed of photocopied sheets bound by plastic comb. (I am really just nitpicking on that last part).

    In any case, to one person they say RA, and to another they say DETC. To me this seems a bit misleading, even if they are somehow planning on applying for accredidation by both WASC and DETC.

    To date only Western Governors has DETC AND RA accredidation.

    Now a student at Ashworth College.

    P.S. Apologise for spelling and grammar edits, but it is late and I am half-asleep.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 6, 2003
  18. Guest

    Guest Guest

    One possible solution to this ethical crisis is that on the day that Rafael spoke with SCUPS, they were thinking of pursuing RA. And on the day that great_turtle spoke to them they were considering DETC. Is it not possible that both are correct and that no one was intentionally misled?

    Perhaps SCUPS is having difficulty deciding which of the two they want to pursue!!!
  19. BillDayson

    BillDayson New Member

    I think that Rafael's question was what people call rhetorical, Jack. He was expressing his reaction to the fact that his thread had been hijacked and was no longer concerned with what he wanted to discuss.

    I disagree.

    This thread is about power.

    It's about Steve Levicoff being able to push Rich Douglas' buttons and (so Steve hopes) play Rich's emotions like a piano. It's about other people having the power to sieze dominance over the thread and to replace a topic of interest to Rafael with a topic of interest to them. It's about your own attempt to claim superiority over Rafael because he objected.

    And it's about me doing precisely the same thing to you.

    It's all ego, Jack.

    That's what lies at the center of the onion.
  20. BillDayson

    BillDayson New Member

    Hi Jon.

    Personally, I'd consider the idea of SCUPS pursuing DETC accreditation a bit more credible than it pursuing WASC accreditation. I just seems less of a stretch, more doable.

    The problem I see is SCUPS' doctoral programs. I believe that SCUPS is state-approved to offer a DBA, a Psy.D, an Sc.D in Engineering Mgmt., a Ph.D in Bus. Admin., a Ph.D in Engineering Mgmt. and a Ph.D in Psychology.

    I don't think that Ph.D.s fall under DETC's scope, and their accrediting professional doctorates is still just a pilot program.

    So either DETC has had its scope dramatically widened very recently, or else SCUPS will have to phase out some of its cash-cow doctoral programs. Unless there is some evidence of one of these alternatives, I don't give the possibility of SCUPS seeking DETC accreditation very much credence.

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