Why are red states hiring so much faster than blue states? We ranked the 50 states by their hiring rates and were swiftly struck by a trend so clear that - if it holds up - should be front-page news: Republican-leaning states are hiring faster than blue states. Of the 17 fastest-hiring states, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 14 voted for GOP presidential candidate in 2020. The top two Dem-voting states, Georgia and Nevada, are probably best classified as purple (Biden-blue Delaware is the other). The 10 slowest-hiring states all went for Dem president. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/why-red-states-hiring-much-185822971.html
Faster. But that doesn't mean there are more jobs being created--because that's not happening. It's churn: more people are moving around in those states, so jobs are being opened and closed more frequently. More quitting created more hiring. Red states have higher worker turnover across the spectrum. This is due to lower wages in Red states. Lower income families see higher job turnover rates as people struggle to make a living. By the way, "Red" correlates strongly to "uneducated," and that's where the churn exists. Red states have fewer protections for workers, making them more vulnerable to issues (health, family, etc.) that cause them to quit temporarily. Jobs with higher wages and family/sick leave provisions make dealing with those situations--without leaving one's job--easier. Also, this trend goes back more than a decade. It's nothing new.
Just to be clear to everyone that didn't bother reading the full article that Learner linked, everything that Rich states agrees with what is concluded in the article.
Sadly, people aren't reading the article. They're just concluding that there is some sort of economic miracle happening in Red states, which clearly isn't the case.
I think people simply relocate, alot of people that can, leave high crime and very expensive cities or states, such as NY or NCal etc, and the $ can go further in some of those red states. Many of my relatives and friends found good jobs in TX and left NY, and CA. In some of the blue states one needs much higher pay to survive so lower paying jobs go unfilled, A good friend recently moved to Carlsbad CA because his wife got residency at a university overthere but his salary that was relatively good for small town in the state of VA, is barely anough for them to survive. He loves the area but
It was tangential, perhaps, but still on topic in the sense that the perception of lower cost of living does drive people to consider relocating across state lines.
I'm not sure but, this seems to be an attempt to counter Rich's perfectly stated summary of the conclusion of the article that you posted? Perchance you didn't even read the whole article and incorrectly thought that your opening post was a summary of the article? I find that possibility extremely likely and amusing. Out of curiosity, did you get the article off social media where it was also characterized improperly from a political point of view?
The article was on Yahoo among the first ones on home page. If they are using AI to fit the content to frequent visitors/users then its possibly they targeted me . I though it will be interesting article for discussion on our channel. In my second post I just voiced my opinion on the subject and to the some plausible explanations offered by the article I also added my own. Even if faster hiring doesn't indicate a more dynamic economy, its trend that is interesting to observe especially as 2024 getting closer.
Turnover is high in lower-paying industries, especially those that don't require a degree or license. Lower-paying industries are attracted to areas with lower levels of education. Job hopping is the easiest way to get higher pay. Red states also have fewer unions and worker protections.
You use Yahoo for getting news now, very nice! I just checked it out. I hadn't seen it before now. It looks like a reasonable source. This month I've been trying out Apple News. They charge me $10 a month but I'm guessing that a big share of that charge goes to other sites that require subscriptions. For example the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, has lots of articles on Apple News. I had a subscription to the Washington Post for years. I like them. Anyway, the Yahoo News page looks very similar to Apple News except without the monthly charge!
I view Yahoo News every day. It's free, and they get around the paywall issue by re-printing articles. (I'm sure in agreement with the original sources.) But there's a whole lot of "Boy Trapped in Refrigerator, Eats Own Foot" headlines and stories. I like Google New, too, but you hit a lot of paywalls using it. I subscribe to the Washington Post, one of two (or three or four) "newspapers of record."
People ARE leaving California though. The state's population is declining by hundreds of thousands. True, that's out of a gigantic 34 million but any decline is a "first". Some of it is the high cost of living includinghigh taxes. Some of it is employees following departing employers (itself a worrisome trend). Some of it, though, might be exasperation with the craziness. I've been an occasional visitor to the Golden State for six decades and more. California has always been "different" but for the most part the culture was tolerant. Not anymore. The state has shifted from center left liberalism to in places hard left ideology in government. If I lived there, I'd be chewing scrap iron in my fury. Texas, even TEXAS, might look pretty good in comparison. Brr.
Good for you, nosborne48. If you can still do that at 68, you'll likely do it forever. It has its nutritional benefits - I know. Your red corpuscles will thank you. Keep on munchin'.
I'm from California. It is, by far, the most beautiful state I've ever seen, and I've seen almost all of them. It is certainly the most diverse ecologically. But I can't imagine going back there to live in my retirement (which is fast approaching). You can be rich there and you can be poor there, but you cannot be middle- or upper-middle-class there. Well, you can if you live there and never leave, but it's really hard to break into. I blame 1978's Proposition 13, where homeowners--squeezed by rising taxes due to rising home values--revolted. Prop 13 leveled off your tax assessment (basically). So, if you bought a house in 1973 for $20K and it was worth $600K today, you'd be paying taxes on that $20K assessment. This crushed mobility in the state. No one wants to move and lose that. So, property gets sold when people die (and the heirs decide not to continue living in the house). With suppression on new development in a lot of the state, it really drives up prices for the homes that are available. The house my ex-wife and I purchased together in 1988 for $102K sold for $550K when she passed away in 2020. And it was NOTHING in terms of quality, size, or age. (Prop 13 caused the state and localities to raise taxes in many other ways, which makes it even more expensive to live there.) The problem when looking at retiring there is that those kinds of prices really cut into any savings/safety margin you'd like protecting you. I love my hometown. I was there two weeks ago and I'll be back next month. But live there? I'm afraid not.
Prop 13 had another horrible effect. Taxpayers are no longer taxed equally. The system discriminates in favor of those who have been there a long time which seems constitutionally dicey to me but the courts seem okay with it.
Good point. It also favors homeowners in a big way over renters. Renters pay prevailing market rates for housing, but long-term homeowners absolutely do not.