RA/GAAP Unlimited: Rehabilitation Program for Degree Mill Addicts

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Guest, Nov 7, 2001.

  1. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    1) Peter originally calls the Ph.D. in religion/theology/ministry a "soft" degree, implying that one would only pursue such a degree because the rigor of any other would be unattainable.

    2) Peter is asked about the source of his own doctorate, replies with "what doctorate," which leaves one thinking that he has no doctorate.

    3) Then it is revealed that Peter has listed (in the past) doctorates, allegedly from American Coastline, Summit, etc., on various Internet sites, boards, forums, etc.

    4) Peter then laughs, jokes, and says the doctorates served their purpose, which seems to indicate that he does indeed have a doctorate(s).

    I am confused, Bruce. There seems to be a problem here with the definitions of "I do" and "I don't." Since you are trained in police science could you enlighten me somewhat? Does he or doesn't he? [​IMG]

  3. DaveHayden

    DaveHayden New Member

    Oh man Russell and I had just figured out the definition of "is".

  4. DaveHayden

    DaveHayden New Member

    The part I have difficulty with is if you can laugh at yourself why in the world would you lie and try to hide the degree mill docrates you apparently have? Why not just be up front or at least drop the discussion.

  5. DaveHayden

    DaveHayden New Member

    Of coarse that should be doctorates.
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Actually, you are correct Dave! A degree mill doctorate is not really a doctorate, so a "docrate" is as good of a designation as any. [​IMG]

  7. Peter French

    Peter French member

    Confused? Well maybe as someone has just written to me to point out, that this started off as a not serious topic, develpoed that way, then when I made my black humour contribution, a bunch of members changed the rules.

    Well, bad luck, I am still running by the old rules - if people want to get serious, leave me out of it.

  8. DaveHayden

    DaveHayden New Member


    Three comments
    1. Black humor if it doesn't come across as humor can be very insulting.
    2. Your direct answer to a direct question changed the attitude of the conversation.
    3. In the 2 years I Have been reading your posts I have never seen you play by anyone elses rules.

  9. PSalmon

    PSalmon New Member

    So the "French Inquisition," once thought to have petered out in the 14th Century, continues. Its purpose: to eliminate heretics, schismatics, and apostates.

    What would be appropriate punishment for the French apostate? The following (taken from http://biblia.com/christianity/medieval.htm ) for your consideration:

    • Abandoned to the secular Arm and burned: 42
    • Imprisoned: 307
    • Bones exhumed and burned: 69
    • Sentenced to pilgrimages, without wearing crosses: 9
    • Sentenced to pilgrimages wearing crosses: 143
    • Fugitives, declared excommunicate: 40
    • Sentenced to be exposed in the stocks or pillory: 2
    • Priests sentenced to be degraded: 2
    • Copies of the Talmud condemned and burned (2 cartloads): 1
      (Numbers refer to sentences handed down by Inquisitor Bernard Gui.)
  10. Peter French

    Peter French member

    Maybe I have got too close to the Americans and it has caught on :))

    I don't cause the chaos, people let it happen to them.
  11. Nosborne

    Nosborne New Member

    "Copies of the Talmud burned: 2"
    Sigh. Fortunately, the printing press was invented JUST IN TIME to save the Talmud from the Inquisition. SOmetimes I think that the Internet alone will protect human expression from "the authorities" in the future.
    Do Christian scholars ever study Talmud?
  12. strada

    strada New Member

    Tis I that need your help as a matter of urgency - i must confess ( in line with AA philosophy ) that im a Diploma Mill addict

    My problem lies in the desire to be better than everyone else withought making an effort - can u help!!

    Ps - im poor

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