Presidential Rankings

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Guest, Jun 7, 2004.

  1. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    If that's true, what does that make Bill Clinton?

    I actually agree with you there. Neither will Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, or George H.W. Bush. Ronald Reagan was a unique man who arrived on the national political stage at the perfect time.
  2. Mr. Engineer

    Mr. Engineer member

    It makes Bill the same type of draft dodger as Cheney, Ashcroft, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, and the speaker of the House Hastert. But everyone always know these stories.

    Agreed on Reagan's legacy verses all other living President's. I doubt any other President else in my lifetime will win the same alcolades (sp?) as Reagan, even if you like or disliked the man.
  3. Tom57

    Tom57 Member

    Re: Im late

    I would just amend them slightly:

    1) Reagan - Optimist and vacuum between the ears
    2) Carter - Honest and too smart for the job. The best post-president in history (Nobel confirms this)
    3) Ford - Quiet and clumsy. Best at deflecting golf balls with his head.
    4) Bush 41 - Reserved and a good man
    5) Bush 43 - Committed and too stubborn to admit mistakes
    6) Nixon - Moody and just plain weird
    7) Clinton - Sleazy, yes a little, though with best combination of charisma and intelligence, since ???
    8) Johnson - Evil and powerful enough to act on it
  4. Jeff Hampton

    Jeff Hampton New Member

    As opposed to your hero, G.W., who imprisons his opponents:

    Hiding Protestors in "Free Speech Zone" is Cowardly and Un-American"

    (Please note: this is not from some far-left newspaper. It is from the Salt Lake City Tribune. Need I say more?)

    Yes, we should all be "polite" and not voice our opposition to the President. (And if you don't agree the storm troopers will come and take you away, you terrorist!)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2004
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    What's your point? That the President of the United States during a time of national crisis, is being protected from possible terrorists disguised as mere protesters?
  6. Jeff Hampton

    Jeff Hampton New Member

    Do you honestly believe that terrorists are stupid enough to carry an anti-Bush sign?

    Surely not.

    Obviously, terrorists who want to harm the President would carry a Pro-Bush sign, assuring that they could get as close to the President as possible.

    Surely, you are not naive enough to believe otherwise.

    So, why do you adovacte people not being able to speak out against the President?

    Well, I think that is very clear.
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Actually Jeff I was being sarcastic. Do you think this kind of behavior is germane to Bush or the GOP? Sadly, both parties and nearly all presidents in times of national emergencies, wars, battles, skirmishes, etc., have engaged in such.

    I have no problem speaking out against Bush. I don't Cheney or Ashcroft and think both should be replaced. The problem with many, not necessarily you, Bush bashers, is that they cannot be objective when it comes to the Dems or Kerry.

    I can be objective about the GOP (too far to the right, right now) and Bush (as just demonstrated).
  8. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Best EX-presidents?

    1. Taft
    2. J.Q. Adams
    3. Jefferson-Adams duet
    4. Grant (tie)
    4. Madison (tie)
    5. Washington
    6. A. Johnson
    7. Truman
    8. Nixon
    9. Carter (except for the pro-Castro crap)
    10. T. Roosevelt
    11. Eisenhower
    12. Bush
    13. Ford (tie)
    13. Clinton (tie)
    14. everybody else
    worst: Tyler

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