The standard PhD program teaches you to research, not to teach. So what about those who get teaching-intensive jobs that are not at research universities?
Often I prefer people with graduate degrees and corporate training experience versus the traditional doctoral applicant. Even when someone is competent in a give subject matter, the ability to teach is an entirely different skill set that they may or may not possess. It’s also a skill set that I prioritize a significant amount of time and resources to improving across my departments.
As a lifelong professional trainer, I hold those skills to be valuable. I can't tell you the number of times I've seen--as a student and as a faculty member--where the instructor is handed a text and told to go create and conduct a class, without any formal training in how to do that. Needless to say, the results vary widely. On the other hand, I've been associated with three universities that are aggressive in their prep of faculty. One I taught for, another I earned a certification from, and a third was where I was the one doing the training of faculty members. I liked all of those.