Police chief admits degree is bogus

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Faxinator, Jun 9, 2006.

  1. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Why is it that people quote average salary when talking about teacher pay while quoting starting salary when talking about the pay of any other occupation?
  2. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    That looks good on the fender of a police car, but in reality, not many people really care about the police, until they need them. If a teacher wants to talk to a parent about their children, the parents are all ears. If we want to talk to them about their children, they usually go into full-blown defensive/rationalization mode, because nothing could ever be the fault of their little angels.

    At 3am?

    On Christmas morning?


    In the rain/snow?

    Fighting with a drunk/junkie?

    Compare the injury/death rates of police vs. teachers, and you'll realize how absurd that statement is.

    Ted, I have a lot of respect for teachers, but I really get tired of them trying to jump on our bandwagon. We're both employed by the city.....that's where the similarity ends. Every year, the teacher's union kills an early retirement bill that was designed SOLELY for police officers and firefighters, by getting some politician to tack them onto the appropriations bill, which, of course, kills it every time.

    If they really think they deserve an early retirement package, let them get it on their own merits, instead of trying to ride our coattails every year.
  3. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    What is the essence of this early retirement bill for police and firefighters and how does adding teachers kill it?
  4. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Naw, teachers only fight with junkies/drunks on regular school hours during the regular semester. It might be in the rain/snow sometimes. :D
  5. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Actually, I am not a teacher (nor do I play one on tv). My mother, however, was a schoolteacher for twenty years, during which time five of those years were spent as a district-paid tutor in a drug and alcohol recovery program. Of course, I am aware that the similarity between teachers and police for the most part ends with their both being local government employees (with the possible exception of some inner-city school districts). :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2006
  6. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    It's called "25/75", which means after 25 years service, you can retire at 75% pay, regardless of how old/young you are. It was designed for police/fire, because, unfortunately, we tend to not live long past the "normal" retirement age of 65.

    Right now, to hit max pension, a police officer has to do 32 years, and be at least 55 years old to collect 80%. The teachers kill 25/75 every year, because the lawmakers that introduce it know it's designed only for police & fire....the sheer numbers of the teachers would make it financially impossible, so after the teachers get themselves added on, it's soundly voted down every time, as it has been for almost 10 years now.
  7. WaltJustice

    WaltJustice New Member

    Sorry to hear that Bruce. California police/fire have something similar to "25/75" It is called 3% at 50 which means police/fire at 50 years old with 30 years on the job can max out at 90% of their salary. Other state workers including teachers have to work a little longer and can reach 75%. I agree their should be more weight given to police/fire for their years of service.

    MGKRILL New Member

    Why is it that people quote average salary when talking about teacher pay while quoting starting salary when talking about the pay of any other occupation?

    Ted if your looked at the links I posted in my previous threads it shows the Median income for teachers & police officers .. not the average...

    The only reason I quoted there avg salary was becuase the teachers unions web site quoted it .... and I posted the link
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2006

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