Online GIS certifications / degrees

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by faero13, Nov 2, 2006.

  1. faero13

    faero13 Member

    Hello: I was wondering if anybody knew of other good/respected online GIS certification programs or degrees from schools other than Penn State? Penn State is the only one I come up with when I search. Right now, I am looking at getting a certificate, and then possibly going on to a Masters in GIS. Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. eric.brown

    eric.brown New Member

    University of Texas at Dallas has a GIS department but I didn't see a distance learning option. I only mention it because your profile shows you in Texas.

    Another option is to check this page out: Looks like USC, North Dakota and Northwest Missouri have DL GIS Programs.
  3. Mighty_Tiki

    Mighty_Tiki Member

    Not sure how much of this is online, but I do see that the University of North Alabama offers some stuff for GIS.

    UNA GIS Cert.
  4. faero13

    faero13 Member

    another question, same topic...

    Thanks for the info. I will take a look into these programs. Yes, I'm in Texas, but prefer an online format. Another question: These GIS certificate courses count towards courses for a GIS Masters program. An admissions test (i.e. GRE) is not required to enroll in the GIS certificate program. Let's say after I complete the certificate program & wanted to enroll in a Masters program, would I have to go back and take the GRE? I was thinking that they would waive this requirement because I had already taken graduate courses via the certificate program. Is this a correct assumption? I'm just trying to avoid taking the GRE at all costs.
  5. Jeff Walker

    Jeff Walker New Member

    Re: another question, same topic...

    You would almost certainly have to take the GRE. But if you had a history of doing well in their graduate program (a 3.5 GPA or higher, for example), they might admit you with a significantly lower GRE score than if you had no history with them.

    Of course different programs have different rules, so it may be worth asking before you enroll in any certificate program.
  6. edowave

    edowave Active Member

    I'm studying GIS at UF. Go here to find a ton of online GIS certificates from univeristies across the globe:

    Northwest Missouri State has a pretty good program:
    Their certificate program can be applied towards their master's degree. They do require the GRE, but only an 800. (Which anyone with a HS diploma can get by taking the exam cold.) They also mention that if you get below an 800, you can still be admitted as long you have a 3.00 or above in your first 9 credits.
  7. Daniel Luechtefeld

    Daniel Luechtefeld New Member

  8. Orson

    Orson New Member

    The NW Missouri program looks quite good. But is also pricey for out of state students. Its $16,000 price tag is a costly as a taught Masters at the University of London, and their external Masters are cheaper (although none in this particular subject).
  9. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

  10. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    American Sentinel University has an AS in Geographic Information Systems and a BS in Geographic Information Systems online.

    University of California Riverside Extension offers a GIS Certificate online.

    Eastern Michigan University offers a Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems online.

    Johns Hopkins University offers an Online Certificate in Geographic Information Systems

    University of North Dakota offers a Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems online.

    University of Southern California Geographic Information Science and Technology Certificate online.

    Montclair State University, Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technology, and Salisbury University were all rumored to have some type of online GIS programs (according to one of the online degree search websites) but I could find no evidence of such programs at their respective websites.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2009
  11. lawrenceq

    lawrenceq Member

  12. Orson

    Orson New Member

    for those venturing into GIS....

    There is now a "GIS for Dummies" book, out in February 2009

    From my look atr it at B&N, as a reviewer says, it isn't really for dummies - more like the novice student. There is lots of technical material.

    The text said it is geared for the non-expert to be abel to employ and interface with the expert in GIS intelligently.

    I should also think is well-serves the prospective GIS cert or degree student to familiarize themselves with the field.
  13. Orson

    Orson New Member

    FGIS from Lund University, Sweden-all distance! FREE tuition...

    I have been emailed by a lurker on the board - someone currently beginning a distance GIS program from Lund Unversity, Sweden (but yes, in English) - and FREE tuition.


    Hello, I have been lurking here for more than a year, but since I've been searching for GIS graduate level courses myself for some time now, I thought I could help.

    Lund University, Sweden, offers a Master's degree in GIS through distance learning. It is also possible to register for individual courses and then apply later for admission into the Master's program. I am currently enrolled for the GISA01 (GIS401) "GIS; an introduction" course starting October. Unfortunately I think it's too late to apply for this year. If you decide to apply for next year, higher education in Sweden is currently free, including international students. One somewhat confusing thing is that while the course I am taking is a part of requirements for a Master's degree, they classify it as "Basic Level" - I am not really sure what that means. Anyway, this is the link:

    Having a look, the only hitch I se is fairly small: "Only PC computers can be used in the courses."

  14. emmzee

    emmzee New Member

    Sounds like an interesting program, but for those considering a "free" Swedish masters, something to consider (from Lund's website):

    However, in June 2008 the Swedish government announced that non-EU students should pay fees from 2010. There is no detailed information yet and the law has not been passed - it will be voted on in the fall 2009. This means that the implementation will be postponed until 2011. It is therefore likely that the application period December 2009 - January 2010 will be the last opportunity to apply for 'free' education. No fees are currently being charged - as more information is made available we will provide it here.

    The site is unclear whether those who apply and are accepted now will have to pay fees once this new law comes into place or not ...
  15. edowave

    edowave Active Member

    I know they have been discussing fees for a while. Even if this law is passed, if I recall correctly, they were not going to be too high.

    This part I think was awesome:

    "Do I have to come to Sweden in order to study at LUMA-GIS?

    No, all LUMA-GIS courses are Internet-based. All you need is steady access to a PC and an internet connection.

    However, In order to get your degree you will have to defend your final thesis. This is either done at Lund University, where you'll be flown at the university's expense (cheapest available flight), or at a location closer to you. In the latter case staff from LUMA-GIS will be sent to the destination in order to set up an examination board. The examination procedure is decided on a case-to-case basis for each student."
  16. Refugee

    Refugee New Member

  17. fuja

    fuja New Member

    University of West Florida

    The University of West Florida offers a Geographic Information Science Certificate:
  18. tomball

    tomball New Member

    DL in the works maybe 2010 or 2011

    Try -
    The Master of Science in Geographic Information Systems Program is designed for professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge of analysis, management, and communication of geographic information. It combines the development of strong technical skills and in-depth understanding of geographic information science and theory.
  19. Daniel Luechtefeld

    Daniel Luechtefeld New Member

    University of Redlands is a strong choice; it is located near the world headquarters of ESRI, the market leader in proprietary GIS software (ArcGIS). Several adjuncts are ESRI employees. UR also has tenured faculty.

    Another option is the online GIS certificate program at University of California Riverside extension. Riverside and Redlands are only 20 miles apart, and the UCR program also employs ESRI folks as adjuncts.
  20. Daniel Luechtefeld

    Daniel Luechtefeld New Member

    New program at University of Washington - you get to study under actual tenured faculty. No separate "distance learning tier" of students (the program is administered through UW Outreach, however - separate from main campus administration).

    Plus, they have a site license for ESRI software - you won't have to buy it.

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