Not a thief!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by fnhayes, Mar 13, 2004.

  1. galanga

    galanga New Member


    The only way I can think of to "research" how you came to your own conclusions is to ask you, since my own conclusions differ substantially from yours. But rather than saying "Dr. A. your statements are fabrications without basis in fact " I thought I'd ask you about your methodology.

    You are not at all inclined to described the evidence which supports what you say. A best fit to all this is that your assertions are not true and that this is why you won't support them with facts.

  2. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    It's a Program Summary, not a "term paper".

    In any event, would anyone care besides you if someone stole your wallet? I know that I wouldn't care, but I'm sure that you would, since it's your property.

    Get it? :rolleyes:
  3. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    By term paper I meant dissertation, just an oversight.

    Copyright infringement of a work with no commercial value?? Wouldn't a court consider this to be a nuisance claim?? It's not exactly if the reader was profiting by it.
  4. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    A nuisance claim would be someone spilling coffee in their lap, and then filing a multi-million dollar suit against the restaurant because the coffee was hot......oh, wait a minute.....that was a legitimate claim. :rolleyes:

    The bottom line is the value that the victim puts on the item that was stolen. If Rich takes offense at his work being stolen, then no opinions to the contrary matter a bit.
  5. fnhayes

    fnhayes New Member

    Re: Re: Not a thief!

    Both Suhar & French have denied any involvement with your programme summary. There are no thieves in all this and the whole saga has been blown-up out of all proportion, by RC himself and his fanatical desire to secret-away his dissertation.
    As regards to no right to download the programme summary - this is nothing more than arrant nonsense again RC.
    Prison? That's exactly where you should be.
    Dr Anatidae (Knightsbridge)
  6. Gus Sainz

    Gus Sainz New Member

    Although stupidity of Brobdingnagian proportions and intentional obnoxiousness do not specifically violate the Terms of Service of this forum, I see no reason why any DegreeInfo member should habitually take advantage of this fact. :rolleyes:
  7. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Not a thief!

    Suhar and French can deny all they want. Suhar purchased it and downloaded it from a University of Phoenix server; he used his UoP e-mail address when purchasing it. French posted it on a.e.d using the same name he's used both there and here (Carlyle). Neither has offered up anything to refute this except French's lame denial.

    You didn't have a right to use the link you used. That you continue to argue the point (even to the extent that you'd start a thread on the subject) is amazing. Well, no, not really. :rolleyes:

    How many times do you have to be told about the dissertation and its inavailability? You purposely distort the truth to perpetrate your pettiness. It is all you are. Oh, and a holder of two fake degrees who has yet to see his own dissertation properly reviewed and challenged--by a university.

    This isn't--as people like Hayes often characterize--a case of "my school's better than yours." But when people like Hayes criticize a school while claiming degrees from fake ones, it is just stupid.

    And why do I belong in a prison, Neil? Or is this just another of your baseless insults? Your churlishness belies the obviously fake claim of being qualified academically. I have to hope you weren't foolish enough to pay sticker price (1,500 pounds) for that phony diploma. Please tell us you cut a deal, that you aren't really dumb enough to pay that much for a piece of paper from a diploma mill. (At least according to the ODA.)
  8. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    Some of the biggest companies in the world have not been able to stop teenagers from swapping billions of dollars of music files.

    Tell me that anyone would take an interest in a valueless school project.

    Sure copyrights exist and are enforceable but only a fool would hire a lawyer and start an international court case to prove a silly point. Remember that the burden of proof rests with the plaintiff. Good luck.
  9. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    Yes, you're right Hayes. My posting was tripe. And speaking of tripe, how much did you pay for that second worthless doctrate. By the way, it's good to see you finally admitting that the first doctorate you bought was worthless. Also, there was a recent thread on New Zealand DL programs. Sorry to see you didn't contribute. You've always said that you know a lot about DL, especially in NZ, but sorry, nothing from Hayes on this real and relevant topic. You have no interest in DL. No, you're only interested in promoting your phony degree. You're pathetic.
    P.S. Please upgrade your usual tired responses. They've become quite boring. Show some of that "PhD know-how." At least show some wit or some basic intelligence.
  10. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Not a thief!

    One false statement after another. Perhaps in your world of degree mills and academic fraud, it is up to the graduate whether or not the dissertation is made public, in the real world of academia, the dissertation must be published.

    BTW fnhayes, aren't you the person that started up this thread? You stole the document thinking that it was a dissertation when you illegally used that link. You stole a document. So what, especially if it was due to your misunderstanding? You are the one that keeps harping on your thievery. If you felt bad about it then apologize and drop it. You're the only one blowing it out of proportion.:rolleyes:
  11. fnhayes

    fnhayes New Member

    Jack, Suggest you re-read the NZ DL thread again. Then read some of my posts that are not related to RC or your pathetic self.
    You might learn something, although this is unlikely!
    Dr Anatidae (Knightsbridge)
  12. fnhayes

    fnhayes New Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Not a thief!

    Whilst you attempt to present a piece of factual information about Suhar & French it is simply not true.
    Your comments about 60+ people not having the right to download your summary is also untrue.
    Anyhow the real facts about your dissertation are beginning to emerge at CollegeHints and at Online-College. Such as, 150 pages double-spaced (around 30,000 words), the fact that your 'research' shows that State Approved and unaccredited non-traditional degrees are widely accepted in all spheres of industry, commerce, education, and so on, and have just as much utility as RA degrees - which is perhaps the main reason you have buried your masterpiece?
    As for your comments about Knightsbridge and the infamous ODA list! This shows how little you know about non-traditional DL education.
    Dr Anatidae (Knightsbridge)
  13. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Not a thief!

    In the US most schools require double spacing for thesis and dissertations.
    A search on UMI will show that 150 page dissertations are not uncommon.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2004
  14. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    I see one post of yours in that thread. You report that instruction is primarily by correspondence and there is no government subsidy for foreign students. Hardly "inside info." It's all readily available to any casual net surfer.
  15. fnhayes

    fnhayes New Member

    Yet more unbelievably naive garbage from the 'master', who has no qualifications and knows little about DL.
    Dr Anatidae (Knightsbridge)
  16. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

  17. Jeff Hampton

    Jeff Hampton New Member

    Thank you for yet another fine example of the ethics that are taught in CCU's DBA program.
  18. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    Ethics - do they teach it at CCU???

    I made a claim for $422 in tax court and got a lecture from the judge about everyone else having better things to do.

    To repeat - only a fool would hire a lawyer and start an international court case to prove a silly point. What the reality of this statement has to do with ethics escapes me.

    I did win the case and the judge awarded the client $500 in costs to boot.
  19. Jeff Hampton

    Jeff Hampton New Member


    You were justifying copyright violation by claiming:

    1) Some of the biggest companies in the world can't stop copyright violation of their property.

    2) No one would have interest in this project.

    3) The project has no value.

    4) Only a fool would try to enforce a coyright in this situation.

    But the problem, Dennis, is that none of these points justify violating copyright law, neither legally nor ethically. There are many, many crimes in which the victims are often called fools for pursuing the prosecution of the perpetrators.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2004
  20. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    The same is said about you. Yet, you persist.

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