Must University

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by justwondering, Mar 3, 2010.

  1. cdhale

    cdhale Member

  2. undercoverclepman

    undercoverclepman New Member

    Well, here is the response. I'm a board regular, but to keep my anonymity, here is a recent conversation that I had with them. Enjoy.

    Glen Smith: Looking to enroll yourself today?

    Glen Smith: Hello

    Dave: Hello...

    Dave: yes...

    Glen Smith: How are you

    Dave: Great!

    Dave: I am looking at some online schools for my english b.s.

    Glen Smith: Which program are you intrested in sir?

    Dave: you guys are the cheapest

    Glen Smith: Okay

    Glen Smith: What is your highest level of education

    Dave: I have about 50 credits

    Glen Smith: Yes since we do have international students and compare to the Us currency its too much for them

    Glen Smith: So we have reduced cost for all students

    Glen Smith: 50 credits in Englisn

    Glen Smith: English*

    Glen Smith: or General

    Dave: mix of both

    Glen Smith: Okay

    Glen Smith: From which college?

    Dave: some community colleges in california

    Glen Smith: Okay

    Dave: hold on a sec...

    Glen Smith: Sure

    Dave: are you guys accredited?

    Glen Smith: Yes

    Glen Smith: Fully accredited

    Dave: would i be able to teach with your degree?

    Glen Smith: Yes

    Glen Smith:

    Dave: i am hoping to get into stanford after going here... they would accept this degree?

    Dave: for a masters

    Dave: or san francisco state

    Glen Smith: Yes

    Glen Smith: World wide its accepted

    Dave: okay

    Dave: how many credits do i need to graduate?

    Glen Smith: 14 courses you need to complete

    Glen Smith:

    Dave: in addition to the ones i have?

    Glen Smith: click this link

    Glen Smith: and all the way down the page you should see a list of courses

    Glen Smith: we will transfers the one you have

    Dave: where is the school located?

    Glen Smith: Usa-California

    Dave: can i go there to meet with administration before i pay?

    Glen Smith: Its a online school only

    Glen Smith: Admin office is for staff only

    Dave: Okay, cool

    Dave: And what about the staff?

    Dave: is there a list of faculty somewhere?

    Glen Smith: no as it does not require all that

    Glen Smith: its a 100% online school

    Glen Smith: all is automated

    Dave: does someone grade papers?

    Dave: and exams?

    Glen Smith: Yes

    Glen Smith: teachers,priniciples

    Glen Smith: All is done properly

    Dave: so is there a list of teachers?

    Glen Smith: No dear

    Dave: i just want to make sure that the teachers are good

    Glen Smith: its a online school

    Glen Smith: we dont list all that

    Glen Smith: lol

    Dave: oh, sorry

    Glen Smith: im sure they are

    Glen Smith: that is why they are hired

    Dave: that was funny

    Dave: oh! yes, of course.

    Glen Smith: you bet

    Dave: So, it looks like i'm leaning towards MUST

    Dave: i like what i hear

    Glen Smith: :)

    Glen Smith: $499 to enroll

    Glen Smith: 1st course free when you enroll

    Glen Smith: would you like to get started

    Dave: and the semesters... are they short?

    Glen Smith: its self paced

    Glen Smith: 1 course after another

    Dave: i'd like to finish this degree in three-four weeks

    Dave: is that possible?

    Glen Smith: im not sure about that

    Glen Smith: you can try

    Glen Smith: its upto you

    Glen Smith: how long you take for each course

    Dave: not sure

    Dave: didn't i see you can also get credit for working

    Dave: i would sure like to get some credit for that. it would definitely make me want to go to MUST. If not, I would want to go much lesser.

    Glen Smith: well we can apply a credit transfer once a student is enrolled

    Dave: okay, then i guess i will just sign up then

    Glen Smith: And it will complete and walk you thru all steps

    Glen Smith: Your full name

    Glen Smith: Email address

    Glen Smith: Phone number

    Dave: My full name is Stone Phillips

    Dave: did you get that?

    Glen Smith: yes

    Glen Smith: email address

    Glen Smith: and phone number please

    Dave: [email protected]

    Glen Smith: Phone

    Dave: I'm hard to reach on the phone... email works fine.

    Glen Smith: yes well i still need a number incase

    Dave: I will get back to you with a number... honestly I'm not really a US citizen right now... is that okay?

    Dave: I have no social security number

    Glen Smith: okay

    Dave: Can I still get a degree?

    Glen Smith: the enrollment fee

    Glen Smith: will you use a credit or debit card

    Dave: Honestly, Glen, I have a credit card but it isn't really mine and I don't have any identification.

    Dave: Can I still use it?

    Glen Smith: well has the person authorized this charge

    Glen Smith: did you steal the card?

    Dave: whoah... let's not jump to conclusions... of course not

    Dave: that would be stealing. that's wrong.

    Glen Smith: has the person authorize the charge

    Dave: the person has not said to not use it

    Dave: ???

    Dave: I really want this degree

    Glen Smith: why dont you make sure what that person and get back to me

    Glen Smith: if he is fine with it

    Dave: okay

    Glen Smith: thank you

    Dave: sounds good

    Dave: bye

    Glen Smith: right

    Glen Smith: you know something seems strange

    Glen Smith: anyways

    Glen Smith: you may also do more research

    Glen Smith: and get back to me

    Dave: okay

    Glen Smith: sounds like to me you are not very clear on what you want to do

    Dave: okay

    Glen Smith: or maybe my english is not understandable

    Glen Smith: Anyways

    Glen Smith: Thank you

    Glen Smith: oh and i like your email addresst

    Glen Smith: Address*

    Glen Smith: the way it sounds lol

    Glen Smith: take care buddy

    Glen Smith: and good luck

    Dave: thanks, same to you
  3. warguns

    warguns Member

    suggested degree in prison

    've suggested this previously, but my suggestion if you anticipate prison time, get a paralegal certificate.

    Virtually every inmate is pursuing either an appeal or a civil rights case against the prison. If you're a paralegal and can help other inmates, you'll be protected against all factions and you wouldn't have to become someone's "wife".

    A friend's son was convicted of Second Degree Murder In California for a third conviction of drunk driving in which he negligently killed two pedestrians. He was sentenced to 15 YEARS to LIFE and the policies of the last several governators is that NO PAROLE for murderers. After 17 years he's still in the can.

    My advice for him to take a mail-order paralegal course saved his ass (literally).

    I offer up this advice again for two reasons:

    1 it's extremely rare that anyone takes my advice

    2. should be an important source of information for the incarcerated on distance education. ​

    Of course, allowing prisoners access to the web opens up lots of potential problems so it must be strictly controlled. But most of the incarcerated will eventually be released and denying them access go training available through the web seems to be counterproductive.
  4. warguns

    warguns Member

  5. Glen Smith MUST be a machine. :) OK, I MUST stop now.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2010
  6. CalDog

    CalDog New Member

    Let's not overlook Missouri University of Science and Technology, which is a USN&WR "Top Tier" National University. They offer a number of well regarded distance master's programs. However, they seem to prefer "MS&T", rather than "MUST". They may still be best known under their old name of "University of Missouri - Rolla".

    The Mongolian University of Science and Techology, another MUST, is one of the largest and highest-ranked institutions in Mongolia.
  7. raristud

    raristud Member

  8. Wow, that YouTube video is lame! They MUST try to get some real video if they want to rip people off more effectively.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2010
  9. So there is a legit university called MUST? I suppose I should stop making fun of the name then.
  10. TEKMAN

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    I MUST think you would be okay; it is just an acronym. :D
  11. lawrenceq

    lawrenceq Member

    This school again? It pops up a lot in search engines. They Must really know how to market.
  12. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    MUST be a mill.
  13. Shawn Ambrose

    Shawn Ambrose New Member

  14. cdhale

    cdhale Member

    MUST we start this all over again. It MUST be tiring for some folks to read and yet they feel compelled - yea! They MUST read it.
  15. OK OK I MUST stop now.
  16. raristud

    raristud Member

    The following domain names are available:

    shoulduniversity (dot com)
    coulduniversity (dot com)
    maybeuniversity ( dot com )
    woulduniversity ( dot com )

    Sorry but no, do, ok, so, not, yes, and canuniversity ( dot com ) are unavailable. :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2010
  17. bmills072200

    bmills072200 New Member

    I could not resist... enjoy!

    Glen Smith: Hi

    Glen Smith: can i help

    Ben: Hello

    Glen Smith: hi

    Ben: I am interested in getting a bachelor's degree so that I can go to grad school

    Glen Smith: in what major?

    Ben: business

    Glen Smith: Management

    Ben: yes

    Glen Smith: What is your highest level of education?

    Ben: 90 credits

    Glen Smith: in general or management

    Ben: management

    Glen Smith: from which college

    Ben: local school

    Glen Smith: name?

    Glen Smith: where it is located?

    Ben: US

    Ben: SC

    Ben: community college

    Glen Smith: Okay

    Glen Smith: That is fine

    Glen Smith: You can transfer your past credits

    Glen Smith: And complete the rest with Must to earn your Ba degree

    Ben: I am interested in MUST, but I am worried that my degree would not transfer to a big school like the University of South Carolina

    Ben: for a grad degree

    Glen Smith: So far there isnt a problem in all 50 states

    Glen Smith: Its accredited and recognized globally

    Ben: I do not see that you guys are accredited by a regional accrediting body, which is required in order to transfer a degree into most schools

    Glen Smith:

    Glen Smith: you may wish to verify with your school

    Glen Smith: and then come back to Must

    Ben: that is not a regional accreditor, it will not work for transfer credit to most schools... is that correct?

    Glen Smith: No

    Glen Smith: IAO covers regionally and nationally regions

    Glen Smith: That is how its accepted globally

    Glen Smith: otherwise i would not be here

    Glen Smith: And the school would not be able to provide the services!

    Glen Smith: When would you like to enroll

    Glen Smith: We have limited seats

    Ben: so, are you saying that a bachelor's degree from MUST would be accepted as an accredited degree in order to enroll in a graduate program at the University of South Carolina?

    Ben: if so, I am in

    Glen Smith: YES

    Glen Smith: 100%

    Glen Smith: All 50 states its accepted

    Glen Smith: UK and Canada

    Ben: WOW - That MUST be the best news that I have heard all day

    Ben: where is MUST located

    Ben: I could not find that anywhere

    Glen Smith: Usa-California

    Ben: city?

    Glen Smith: San francisco

    Glen Smith: Its a online school though

    Ben: cool

    Ben: So what are the costs

    Ben: ?

    Glen Smith: $6300

    Glen Smith: $499 to enroll

    Ben: that might be out of my budget... I think there are cheaper options available that would serve my purposes... I was thinking that it was less than that

    Glen Smith: Pay full upfront and get a 50% discount

    Glen Smith: $3150 + $499

    Ben: could we negotiate that down to around $2000 total?

    Glen Smith: Why dont you enroll first

    Glen Smith: by paying $499

    Ben: I need to know that final price before I committ

    Glen Smith: And we can discuss that further which i might have to discuss with the finance team

    Glen Smith: Well if you dont get the final price you wanted you may discontinue

    Glen Smith: no questions asked

    Glen Smith: First you enroll and let me confirm your discounts

    Ben: and I would get my $499 back?

    Ben: if I discontinue

    Glen Smith: There is no point keeping your money

    Glen Smith: If you dont want to continue

    Glen Smith: Its a special offer for today

    Glen Smith: So

    Ben: Do you enjoy making your living scamming people out of their hard-earned money by trying to pretend to be a real college? Couldn't you do something more productive with your life?

    Glen Smith: That is what i thought

    Glen Smith: You cannot even tell me your name of the school

    Glen Smith: You think i didnt knew you were not intrested

    Ben: I graduated from a REAL school

    Glen Smith: Actually this is a real college

    Ben: sad

    Ben: sad

    Glen Smith: Sad

    Glen Smith: Yeah

    Ben: there are real jobs available

    Ben: go get one

    Glen Smith: Ben

    Glen Smith: Thank you
  18. Oh that's a hoot. I've got to try it.


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