MUST University is SCAM. Don't waste your money.

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Aquarius, Jun 20, 2010.

  1. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    I still argue on the side of it being a real human being with horrible English skills. I asked it some questions and received some answers that an AI program would have no way of being able to address.
  2. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    The funny thing is that there are at least three legitimate MUST universities: Missouri University of Science and Technology; Mongolian University of Science and Technology; and some Arabic school named Mb.....University of Science and Technology.
  3. NMTTD

    NMTTD Active Member

    I so totally want to go on their live chat and mess with them. I think I will. Im not tired and I want to be a bit snarky ;)
  4. soupbone

    soupbone Active Member

    If you don't mind malware being installed on your comp, go right ahead. :smile:
  5. NMTTD

    NMTTD Active Member

    I have Norton. I went to their site, watched their demo, all was fine. HOWEVER, no one was available for their 24/7 live chat. I tried 3 times. BOOOOO!!!!!
  6. soupbone

    soupbone Active Member

    The website tries to install a phishing url. Your Norton is garbage if it didn't pick it up. :thumbsdown:
  7. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    A man with a mustache approached, riding a mustang. He told me that he was a Mustahfiz from Mustagh. I could see that the handle of his sword was made of mustaiba. From inside the saddlebag poked the head of a mustela. His appearance was that of a man who had just mustered out of the army. As I sat there, I thought to myself, "How can I work in the word 'mustard'?"

    A little help?
  8. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    One must work heartily and must not place tardily mustard on tart barley, the tested best part regardfully. :cool:
  9. tarekahf

    tarekahf New Member

    Hi All,

    I need your recommendation what to do as it seems that my wife was a victim of Must University scam!!!!

    After several communications with Must University rep. over the phone (he was calling every time and spending about 10-15 minutes every call over a few days), my wife was convinced and she paid them 5,150.00 US$ via Credit Card, to register in their program to aquire B.Ed. (in Education and Psycology). The rep. from the University provided my wife several links to confirm that they are authentic and they are accredited from offical sources, in addition to several reviews from several sources.

    Just today, after updating KasperSky with version 2012, when trying to open Must University links, we are getting warnings from KasperSky that the links are dangerous and are phishing links or has phishing contents.

    After searhing about this topic and found several posts about Must University that they are Scam. Finally, I landed here.

    We cantacted the bank and requested the cancellation of the Credit Card. Also, we requested to cancel the transactions made by Must University.

    Any other recommendations to help us recover the lost money other than what we have done with the bank?

    Appreciate your help.

  10. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Holy thread resurrection, Batman! A two year old thread!
  11. tarekahf

    tarekahf New Member

    After long research and after calling MUST University, Mr. Justin, they have been calling us at least twice per day, for the past 2 days. As a matter of fact, they convinced us that they are not SCAM, and as per this link:

    Fully Accredited Universities Accredited by IAO

    MUST Univerity are accredited by IAO.

    So why spreading false info about MUST University?

  12. airtorn

    airtorn Moderator

    You MUST be new to the accreditation world. IAO is a joke.
  13. Koolcypher

    Koolcypher Member

    You are kidding right? :icon16: please say so, Must university is a mill and a scam, and if your easily duped, well, that says a lot. :laugh2: What you do with our money is up to you, however, if you have extra money, I have an awesome opportunity for you. I'm a licensed realtor (licensed by the Jedi Federation of Realtors). I'm licensed to sell real estate in Naboo, Camino, The Outer Rims, and The Everglades here in Florida. I'm selling an acre of land for the low, lows price of $500.00 an acre. And not just any land, this is the Everglades we are talking about. If you want to get into this wonderful opportunity, please do not delay any longer, contact me at 1-800-easily Duped. :tongue1:
  14. SurfDoctor

    SurfDoctor Moderator

    IAO is a fraud. What you have fallen victim to is one of the typical tactics of a degree mill. They invent their own bogus accreditation body and they have it approve them. Familiarize yourself with the legitimate accreditation bodies so you will not be deceived by this again. Check this list when in question: Accreditors Look in this list to see if you find IAO, you will not.

    MUST is one of the biggest scams out there. Call your credit card company and tell them you are a victim of fraud. I'm not kidding. They lied to you and told you that they were legitimately accredited. That's fraud.

    The whole thing is run off of a server in San Fransisco and there is no school at all. It also could be running by proxy from somewhere else, no way to tell. The degrees are fake and they are stealing your money. When you finish MUST, you will get a nice looking diploma, but it will be absolutely worthless. You could make one on your computer that would have the same value.

    Sorry to be so harsh, but you are in a bad thing and need to know just how bad it is.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2012
  15. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    You MUST believe us.
  16. SurfDoctor

    SurfDoctor Moderator

    Kizmet obviously

    Must know the
    Unadulterated and

    (oh the fun we have had ripping on this name) Maniac Craniac, where are you? :smile:
  17. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    Great question. Now answer it. Why are you spreading false info about MUST University, claiming that MUST is accredited when you know that it isn't?

    I'm still a rather young guy, but I have already learned one particular important life lesson: playing dumb does not make you look smart. You come onto a website full of dedicated adult learners and expect anyone to believe that the way to tell if an organization is a scam or not is to ask the organization itself? Smart move. Then you expect us to believe that the only thing needed to be accredited is for a school to call itself accredited. Maybe I should start calling myself filthy rich and see how far I can take my shopping spree.

    Now, let me school you a bit. You picked the wrong site to scam. There is not a single person who replied to this thread that doesn't know that IAO is nothing but a website. It is not an accreditation agency. It is a website. A website created and maintained by MUST University, also known as Rise University, itself.
  18. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    Apparently, too busy putting together a reasoned reply. I don't know what has gotten into me today.
  19. Petedude

    Petedude New Member

    You MUST revise this jewel of a paragraph into a limerick.

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