MPH Programs

Discussion in 'Nursing and medical-related degrees' started by Randell1234, Dec 27, 2009.

  1. felderga

    felderga Active Member

    One more point....

    Many Certificate programs as I mentioned earlier are really mini-degree programs and require semi-rigid to rigid admission requirements. For example the Public Health Certificates at U of Minnesota all require applicants to submit transcripts, letters of recommendations,personal statements and in some cases GRE or GMAT scores. Also for Public Health most of the CEPH programs use the SOPHAS or SOPHAS Express common application web portals and charge any where from $50-$200 to apply so I wouldn't call any of these a "weekend easy certificate" program. So if you're earned a Certificate that's a true academic "Mini-degree" program then you have every right and privilege to be an alumnus of that school.
  2. felderga

    felderga Active Member

  3. warguns

    warguns Member

    alumni certificate

    This is obviously not the type of "certificate" I was refering to when I stated that it would be dishonest for certificate holders to identify themselves as alumni.

    As I stated, I have several NATO certificates from ETH Zurich,

    one of the great universities of the world, but I would not list myself as alumni. I also have certificates from Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins, Tulane, Minnesota, Yale-New Haven Hospital, Michigan and UWash among others. I'm not an alumni of any

    Unfortunately, the concept of "certificate" is not well defined. Certicates are awarded for one-day courses, for week-long courses, and for a series of courses that make up about half a degree. The certificates referred to in this graduation program are of the last type. I certainly did not intend to denegrate or insult someone who earned this kind of certificate.

  4. airtorn

    airtorn Moderator

    A.T. Still University is now CEPH accredited.

    ATSU’s MPH, MPH-D programs granted maximum accreditation » iconnect – A.T. Still University
  5. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  6. warguns

    warguns Member

  7. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    I understand your point but if they're brand new they can't be accredited yet, can they?
  8. warguns

    warguns Member

    CEPH is different than regional accreditors. They will accredit a brand-new program that meets their standards.
  9. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    OK, well, it's a pretty good school and since professional accreditation is kind of a no-brainer I'm guessing it will get done.
  10. cliccmade

    cliccmade New Member

    I'm looking into MPH programs. I've reached out to a few you guys have listed but also found one not listed.

    University of Nevada Reno. CEPH accredited and regionally accredited.

    Wish me luck!
  11. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    The CEPH website lists all the accredited, online programs.
  12. warguns

    warguns Member

    Let me remind readers once again; NOT ALL programs are CEPH accredited although they may be regionally or DETC accredited. MANY STATES will ONLY HIRE CEPH degree holders. CEPH lists many online programs

    Don't get a second-rate degree; you'll have it for the rest of your life!
  13. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    This is a great point and should not be discounted in any way. It reminds me of an old thread related to Masters programs in Library Science. We learned from members in that field that a MLS degree without professional accreditation is relatively worthless. In some fields professional accreditation is critical.
  14. warguns

    warguns Member

    Actually CEPH DOES accredit brand-new programs
  15. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  16. warguns

    warguns Member

  17. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    I think you're right. But, for anyone interested, there are a whole bunch of non-US schools/programs that are CEPH accredited.
  18. warguns

    warguns Member

    That was well-hidden on the CEPH page. Check "International" programs. BTW, this is the politically-correct but nonsensical use of the word international. What they mean is non-US or foreign.
  19. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  20. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

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