Move to Canada

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Kizmet, Nov 6, 2016.

  1. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    Well he hasn't really done anything yet so yeah, I guess we'll see, but some of his choices for the cabinet, etc. would seem to contradict some of his campaign promises. Maybe even that is not anything new. Politicians always promise things they can't really deliver. But we typically use the promises as a kind of gauge to determine what the candidate believes and so it's one thing to make a promise that you can't keep and it's another thing to make a promise that's a lie from the start.
  2. jhp

    jhp Member

    I actually do not like either of them.

    So, the choice fell between one that comes across boorish, narcissistic, arrogant yet insecure and an identical one but also lies about it all.

    He might surprise us all.
  3. mehtaadvik

    mehtaadvik New Member

    That's us Canadians for you. We're like that upscale soup, vichyssoise. Cold, half-French and difficult to stir.
  4. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    Wasn't George Lopez moving to Mexico if Trump won? I don't see people moving out because politics, life goes on and the US will be fine with Trump. It is not one person that is going to make things worst or better, I don't anticipate great changes and believe most fear is because of media. Obama deported 2 million and Trump mentioned 3 million but in reality might be less, how is this so different from the Obama administration? The wall already exist in the Mexican border, Trump will just finish what was started and approved before so there is not much new there besides media propaganda.
  5. TomE

    TomE New Member

    Do you know who this was, exactly? And sure, the McMahons have given a lot of money to plenty of organizations over the years, but their business successes and tertiary exposure to federal politics qualifies them more than a large percentage of donors. I'm not getting as much of a pay-for-play vibe here.

    This on the other hand was a bit amusing. Trudeau channeling his inner Marcobot Rubio impression when pressed for answers.
  6. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    It's easily Googlable, but frankly I do not care who he was. It was a National Security-related advisory board, fairly high-level but unpaid and without actual authority. The person was a Foundation donor with background in finance; and he was dropped from that assignment ("resigned") at the first whiff of scandal. This has all the attributes of the typical Clinton scandal: reckless, but at closer examination relatively benign.

    Hahaha, of course you wouldn't.
    (and sure, Linda may well be one of the more level-headed and qualified-for-the-job among the Trump picks. Which does not answer my initial question: wouldn't Trumpeteers cry bloody murder if Hillary tried something of this nature? I believe I know the answer.)
    Haven't watched, don't care. Your description sounds like "BREAKING: a politician is caught acting like politician". Dog bites man. Besides, I actually voted NDP (because I dislike our local Liberal candidate, now MP).
    In Trump's news: Rick Perry for Energy. This HAS to be intentional; they're simply messing with us. (no offence to Perry, he's sort of a logical choice to get something; but, he's an oilman who is famous for forgetting Dept. of Energy exists in 2012 debates. It HAS to be an inspired piece of performance comedy on part of The Apprentice star). And I'm still filled with dread on account of his State pick. For one, the guy is outspoken and motivated (to the tune of billions to Exxon) opponent of the sanctions regime for Russia's aggression in Ukraine. I have no words fit to print to express my feelings.
    Finally, Newsweek reports that Turkey ARRESTED TRUMP'S BUSINESS PARTNER TO EXTRACT LEVERAGE ON THE PRESIDENT ELECT. Erdogan desperately wants to get Fethullah Gülen extradited; so far the administration resists on clear grounds that he's unlikely to get a fair trial. Now how in the world isn't this a bigger news story by now? Oh, right: Aleppo. But still.
  7. TomE

    TomE New Member

    It's a good video and worth a watch. I mean, it's no "Elbow-gate", but it's good. The point is is that Trudeau has some squeaky clean reputation for some reason but in reality, this kind of stuff is happening everywhere.

    I will admit, the Perry move does seem to be like a (more) massive troll job, although I'm in favor Tillerson. The bit about Erdogan isn't surprising and Turkey will likely need the aforementioned leverage when Trump starts talking NATO again...
  8. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    "This kind of stuff happens everywhere" is mental poison, and, again, incidentally, key element of Russian propaganda. Once you swallow this, you can swallow anything. "Yeah, my guy just leveled a city, and likely organized a bombing in his own capital, and just stole this oil company, and shot down this jet full of people... but this kind of stuff is happening everywhere, and at least our guy is making country great again - this is literally what Putinist "patriot" thinks. I have actual family members there, with this exact mentality. Except Russian cliche is "raise the country from her knees" instead of "make great again".
    Trudeau is relatively clean, but he's part of the Liberal machine (legacy, actually); it's an epitome of political establishment, with everything it entails (good ol' boys network, among other things). I would never support them if the other guys weren't ideologically abhorrent incompetents (and prone to start shenanigans right after being elected on "transparency" platform). Perils of the two-party system (even though we technically have 3 to 5 parties represented, depending on how the Greens and the BQ are doing).

    Oh sure. It's no big deal that the new Secretary of State (massively capable guy, no doubt) comes with an enormous bias in favour of Russia (and it's even assuming he's not a sociopath like Trump and will sell his $300M worth of Exxon stock). Foreign power (remember, Erdogan is an Islamist, albeit of a "moderate" variety) blackmailing the U. S. President is "not surprising". We. Are. All. Doomed.
  9. TomE

    TomE New Member

    I think you're missing my points and I certainly don't mean to be argumentative, especially on the Internet. My points are that Trudeau has his baggage just like everyone else. How is the "mental poison" of knowing that there is some kind of corruption in most, if not all governments, different than alluding to Trudeau being the cleanest dirty shirt in the hamper? "Relatively clean" implies some amount of "uncleanliness", right?

    And the words "Russia" and "Russian" come up A LOT in your post. To that, I believe you 100 percent on the power of Russian propaganda!
  10. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Well, if you try to imply Canada is no cleaner than America in politics, you're preaching to the choir. In fact, I believe that USA has stronger press and the judiciary and, as a result, Canada would have more petty corruption on average. Liberals, being the "natural governing party" with arrogance to match, are more prone to blunders than most; unfortunately, Cons have worse ideas and tend to make up the lost ground in misbehaviour spectacularly fast. It still does not mean that any politician is "just as" corrupt as any other politician. That what despots and wannabes want you to believe; it robs you of your ability to critically assess the particular dirtbag.

    You would not believe how bad that thing is.
  11. TomE

    TomE New Member

    I've watched the video and agree to an extent.

    However, I would think that the awareness of such tactics would have some impact on the public's ability to filter through this content in modern times. Obviously, things are going to slip through and I don't doubt that there are people, even people you wouldn't expect, who are influenced by this stuff.
  12. jhp

    jhp Member

  13. TomE

    TomE New Member

  14. jhp

    jhp Member

    Uhh.... no. This is weird. Totally irrelevant for this thread.

    Third time I am posting to a thread, but it goes shoes up in the wrong one.

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