Milos says sex between boys and men "coming of age"

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Abner, Feb 20, 2017.

  1. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    With the same idea in mind I'd point out that Trump&Co were ok with Puzder as Labor Secretary despite the fact that he was a domestic violence perpetrator. Once it became general knowledge he flunked out of the position.
  2. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    I think Milo has been treated unfairly. I had an entirely different impression of what he was trying to say in the videos in question than has been characterized by his critics and he confirms exactly what I was thinking in his comments here:

    "I would like to restate my disgust at adults who sexually abuse minors." "I don't believe that sex with 13 year olds is ok."

    I disagree with about 90% of Milo's views on sex and sexuality, but not for a second would I try to make him out to be a monster just so that I can discredit him.

    Absolutely true. Pedophilia is attraction to pre-pubescent children, not young teens who have reached the biological (if not psychological or social) definition of sexual maturity. He wasn't saying this to justify sexual relationships with thirteen-year-olds, he was clarifying the definition.

    Of course, what's probably going to happen is that I'm going to be accused of supporting pedophilia, child abuse, or defending someone who supports such. Neither are true in the least. My irrational-emotive side wouldn't mind child rapists being castrated, executed, or both (it would certainly solve a lot of problems). I'm simply not convinced that the smear campaign against Milo is either based on an accurate impression of his actual views are or based upon genuine concern for the well-being of minors.

    Maybe part of that is that I do genuinely like Milo as a character. He deliberately says a lot of insane things to get attention for himself and spark debate, but when the debates actually occur, he is thoughtful, articulate and fair. When I think he's wrong, at the very least, I see that he's at least trying his best to be objective and accurate. My biggest gripe with him is not so much our disagreements but that he genuinely believes that he is doing a moral good when he says things to and about people that are just downright mean-spirited. He's not a hateful person, but he has a very screwed up understanding of what it means to exhibit tough love and a deep lack of awareness that the sensitivities of others are not inherent flaws that need to be rectified by his postulations of harsh realities.

    I think the context here is relevant, that while we have no reason to believe that Milo is a sexual abuser, himself, we do know that he was sexually abused. He's not a sexual predator. He's a victim that has a very complicated and often self-contradictory way of rationalizing what happened to him.
  3. jhp

    jhp Member

  4. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

  5. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

  6. TomE

    TomE New Member

    I don't care about left and right on this one; it seems as if there has been a crazy influx of this type of awful activity (mainly spoken, but terrible, nonetheless) in recent time (even if a lot of it has involved digging up older material). I question whether there is something societal that is normalizing or attempting to trivialize the severity of this type of activity.
  7. 03310151

    03310151 Active Member


    At least the witch hunts are getting fairer now. They fired some Muslim teacher because she said death to Jews on social media a few years ago.

    Hunt 'em all down, I say.

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