I like what I have seen on the MIGS/CEU website as far as their Ph.D geriatric psychology specialization. Can anyone tell me has the University rebounded from all the previous controversies. I very much interested in pursuing such a gerontology related doctoral degree. Also, Mr. Douglas, Dr. Bear, or any MIGS doctoral candidates I Would particularly appreciate your expertise. Thank You!
Under the present circumstances, I could not in good conscience recommend MIGS. The American side had conducted itself absolutely disgracefully. Their marketing has been embarrasingly bad and sometimes deceptive. Some of the very few (less than 25 at last report) students have reported getting little to no feedback, which is not surprising, since the school apparently has no paid staff or administration. And Sheila Danzig and her husband Bill, although they claim that they are no longer on the board, still own a majority interest in the operation... and they are inetricably linked with all sorts of sleazy marketing, get-rich-quick business operations, and even run-ins with the postal service for fraudulent mail order scams. Not to mention the fact that, at last report, MIGS is not legally licensed to operate in their two claimed states of operation, Texas and Florida. Given all of this baggage, it is my opinion that even with the CEU degree, one will find his or her degree linked with the Danzig's long history of sleaze, and for this reason I can't recommend MIGS. On a completely different take, MIGS degrees are not, to my knowledge, APA accredited, so if you plan to do anything legitimate with your degree, it may be difficult or impossible. I *highly* recommend seeking a different program that has recognized regional accreditation in the US and, preferably, APA accreditation if you are seeking to practice psychology.
Excellent post Chip, may I suggest that your post be moved to the other larger MIGS thread and this thread be deleted? I assume that since this thread is a duplicate it was done by mistake.
I have to add that while MIGS degrees may be legitimate for now (meeting GAAP criteria), MIGS may either close down it US operation or loose its affiliation with CEU in the next couple of years giving the hurdles it has to jump and the baggage it has clear. Ike Okonkwo
Ike's concerns, while hypothetical, seem valid. The same could happen to any relationship like this, including my favorite comparative: Touro. And this isn't just limited to agreements between two entities. Dozens of accredited schools close their doors every year. Rich Douglas